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Another IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • PM me Kobra. I downloaded the saved game and it has no password, so I will soon continue on I guess.


    • Could someone post a pretty map for EmuGod, and all the rest of us, in fact?


      • That would be very helpful. I have almost finished the turn.


        • Bump! Finished yet?
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          Find my civ2 scenarios here

          Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


          • President Ceteram Impeached!
            Today, after months of struggle within the United States, the system of checks and balances has shed new light on high treasonous acitvites conducted by President Ceteram. Impeached by Congress, his trial will start shortly to determine whether or not he will be convicted of these high crimes. This marks the second time within five years that a president has been impeached, following President Andrew Johnson. The charges include the taking of illecit funds, bribery of supreme court officials, and the leakage of information to a foreign power that was not supposed to have been released. The vice president, Don Riggins (named him after a friend of mine), took over today and has given his inaugural address as former Preisdent Ceteram claims he will fight this trial and will survive it.

            New President Sworn In - The New USA
            President Riggins was sworn in today, and made his inaurugal address. Several very important shifts in American policy were announced.

            1) The United States hereby forbids any European power to enter the Americas for imperialistic purposes. These are under the American sphere of influence, and the United States does not need to occupy these areas in order to have control of them. Anyone who wishes to challenge this will be met with force. The same goes for Hawaii. Trade and merchant shipping will of course be allowed.

            2) In accordance with this new shift in policy, the United States has taken control of Panama and her canal. President Riggins made a stern demand that Britain cede this territory to the United States, something which Britain hastily complied to do, obviously in fear of American military and industrial might. The United States would like to perhaps create a small feee for the use of hte Panama Canal, this can be worked out with the leaders of the European and Pacific powers.

            Spanish-American War Begins!
            The United States has engaged in the Spanish-American War! American forces lanuched a full scale attack on Cuba, steaming into Havana Harbor and capturing it. The Spanish defences have crumbled and it is expected that American forces will easily defeat Spain in this war.
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            • * Beirut captured
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              Find my civ2 scenarios here

              Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


              • Bump!§
                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                • How long do I have to bump?
                  Find my civ2 scenarios here

                  Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                  • Izvestia, Apr 1871

                    Spaniards Take Panama from Americans

                    Russian Forces Take Control of Salonika
                    Our Slavic brothers in Salonika can breathe free now that they are a part of the Russian Republic. President Kurkov promised free elections within weeks in the city, and offered thanks to our German allies for their bombardment of the garrison there.

                    Samarkand Taken, Turkmen Fall Back, Cossacks Push Ahead

                    Irkutsk-Urga Raillink Completed, Trans-Siberian Railway Nearly Complete, Kurkov Says

                    OOC: Sorry, real life got in the way this week
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                    • Sapporo > London (Coal) 1978 gold + 15 trade
                      Tokyo > London (Textiles) 1978 gold + 18 trade

                      Meiji Japan industrialising at great rates!
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                      • Wow nine minutes!


                        • It's all part of making Japan an efficient industrial nation.


                          • Attached Files
                            "This Nation has earned the right to Live." - Carl Gustav von Mannerheim

                            Comrade Patiskov Figiskovsky serving as Commander of the 2nd Ukranian Front and Member of the Stavka in RF DG!
                            Current Medals: Valiant Labour Medal and Order of Glory and IRC medal


                            • Darius, don't forget about our little trade


                              • Bump Germany!
                                Find my civ2 scenarios here

                                Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

