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A challenge for StrategicKingMi

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  • #16
    Well I can't wait for strate's reply:

    'Build barracks in cities you're building units in, because I've used this strat before and it has won me games, and that is true, IT'S DAMN TRUE'


    • #17
      Well, since I just posted 4. I am up by 3.
      SETTLER FACTORY- is a very monster strategy that most players dont do, I believe I have championed it for years now and quite elequently explained it in a paragraph. Nobody told me how to incorperate it or do it, that is me and me alone. I named it, thus its my strategy.
      PLANNED REVOLT CITYS- Again, nobodyelse i have seen does this. I have explained this in depth also.
      SHIP CHAINING- Another tactic I posted in depth.
      Now if you are looking for me to tell others how to incorperate them into play, I will.
      I did not say build barracks and temples. And if you think I did, your IQ is even lower then I thought it was.
      8 Time Game League Champion!
      Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


      • #18
        Three settlers built into a city instead of 3 different citys, is something I never, ever see anyoneelse do. If you want me to break down the math and endlessly go on about the numerous advantages of this. I will.
        8 Time Game League Champion!
        Oh, Its True, Its Dang True!


        • #19
          how can you call the settler factory have been playing the civ series since it came out if your board playing skills are what seperates us....then i bow down...most of the players i know use this strat as well....please show me something valuable...not some regurgetated drivel you read somewhere else
          Last edited by War4ever; May 18, 2002, 00:50.
          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


          • #20
            What's the point?

            You may as well look at the map if you want to play like this.

            I don't really enjoy it because black clicking makes me feel giddy and I suffer from vertigo/menieres. It spoils the fun and mystery and once again is not really a strategy but nerds playing the program code.

            I think a lot of you guys have lost site of 'civilisation' and what the game represents.

            Deriving information from tri-angulation and black clicking is not a deliberately intended part of the game.

            Some other 'features' are a bit less so - I guess we all form our own judgement on this but madly black clicking like I'm playing some hep RTS game is not for me.


            And also, I don't understand why the Rah/Ming/War clique keep sucking up to Eyes, yet come down hard on Strat, when they are both idiots. Am I missing some American humour here??
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • #21
              Originally posted by deity

              I don't really enjoy it because black clicking makes me feel giddy and I suffer from vertigo/menieres. It spoils the fun and mystery and once again is not really a strategy but nerds playing the program code.
              While I totaly agree with this, it has become inascapeble to use this and other game bugs. You know the other guy is using them and fighting a war with one hand behind your back is not my thing.

              Btw, if you're interested in a game without bug use sometimes give me a shout, must be very refreshing


              • #22
                I could never look at porn and do the black clicking thing so I guess I will stick to porn.
                The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                Hydey the no-limits man.


                • #23
                  Hehe, you shouldn't know exactly what the terrain looks like till you have explored it thoroughly eh Hydey?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by StrategicKingMi
                    Three settlers built into a city instead of 3 different citys, is something I never, ever see anyoneelse do. If you want me to break down the math and endlessly go on about the numerous advantages of this. I will.

                    You're saying add 3 settlers to a city to boost the city's population, rather than have 4 cities?
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                    • #25
                      Nah, when celebrating in rep, build new city's with 3 settlers so they start to celebrate right away.
                      Last edited by atawa; May 18, 2002, 11:10.


                      • #26
                        You better hope you're interpreting correctly, or strat and/or Eyes will have your ass.

                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                        • #27
                          yeah eddited a bit just to make sure


                          • #28
                            Do you guys enjoy playing the game anymore?

                            It seems like all you do is analyze it these days.
                            I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                            i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                            • #29
                              Speaking of games, I challenged you to a game a while back but you declined couse you rather spend time in forums.....

                              The challenge still stands btw


                              • #30
                                I'm sorry, but 2 setence tips aren't strategies. Not only that but ship chaining has been around before you even came online. And only a complete idiot would put 3 people into 1 city just so it can celebrate. If you're smart you build 50 cities and celebrate them all at once, but you're not smart as you just demonstrated.

                                Locating A Civ Using Demographics

                                This only works in 1 on 1 games. I'm not saying it doesn't work in larger games, but it's much harder to do and it's not really needed as much. Also this pertains more to duels on a small map. All resource values are assumed to be 2x. It's extremely difficult to do and you have to have a lot of knowledge of the values of resources and how the AI sets the map up, along with an active imagination to visualize how the map looks. Also I am assuming that the age of this map is 3 billion. On 5 billion or 4 billion the resources occur too sporadically to classify into zones. This can’t always be used, but a lot of times it can. Either way you can find out what’s in your opponent’s city view.

                                1. ZONES

                                First let us divide the map up into zones. Zone 1 is the artic region, 2 is the part between the artic region and the equator, 3 is the equator, then it goes 2 again and then 1. N1 is the northern artic zone, S1 is the southern artic zone just as N2 and S2 are north and south zones.

                                2. DESCRIPTION OF ZONE TERRAIN

                                Of course these descriptions are not set in stone, but can be used as basic guidelines for zone formation.

                                A. Zone 1

                                Very bottom region of map. Glacier, Tundra, plains, and forest can be found here. Plains squares are usually sporadic and are fairly rare.

                                B. Zone 2

                                Most diverse terrain. Can have just about anything in it. Jungles, and swamps will occur here most, but will sometimes be in zone 3 too. Mountains, hills, grassland, with even the occasional desert square. Mostly grassland however. Usually has the best land on the map.

                                C. Zone 3

                                Mostly desert and plains. Forests will occur here but will be sporadic. Occasionally there will be some jungle and swamp in this region but it's usually in patches and not widespread. Mountains many times will occur in large ranges. Grassland will also be seen here, but not in large quantities.

                                3. RESOURCE ZONES

                                Most resources occur in these certain zones, but can however be found sometimes out of their normal zones. Water resources are not included. This table shows zones of the resources, and my rough estimates of how often they will occur in these zones. * indicates a zone where the resource will occur only in extremely rare circumstances.

                                Buffalo: 2-35% 3-65% 1*
                                Coal: Just about anywhere. Not used in tracking civ.
                                Desert Oil: 3-80% 2-20%
                                Arctic Oil: 1-100% 2*
                                Fruit: 3-30% 2-70%
                                Furs: 3-60% 2-40% (only very lower regions of Z2)
                                Game: Same as Furs.
                                Gems: 2-70% 3-30%
                                Gold: 3-55% 2-45%
                                Iron: Same as gold.
                                Ivory: 3-100% 2*
                                Oasis: 3-80% 2-20%
                                Peat: 2-70% 3-30%
                                Pheasant: ANYWHERE Not as common in 3,1&2 most likely.
                                Silk: Same as Pheasant.
                                Spice: 2-70% 3-30%
                                Wheat: 2-35% 3-65%
                                Wine: Just about anywhere. harder to use in tracking civ but can give idea and tell what's in view.
                                4. EXAMPLE SITUATIONS

                                There are many situations you can tell where a civ is using demographics. It's obviously not a pinpoint of where it is, but it will tell you the zone the player is in.

                                A. Lets say you start out on a grassland square, no resources around you except for a forest and a lake. It's the first turn of the game, you both have a city. Now lets say you put your resource on the forest and the demographics say you are first in MFG, 2nd in GNP, and 2nd in Food production (FP). Put your resource back on a grassland square. The new values are 2nd GNP, 2nd MFG, 2nd in FP. In this situation if it shows you are first in FP then it's most likely a whale in your opponents capital. If that's the case it's not of much use to you but it does tell you your opponent is near a water source. However, if you're second in FP still then you have to go down the list of possibilities. There aren't very many that can give this combination of high food and high production along with GNP. Of course there could be a double combination of resources where your opponent built on a resource and has another one in view, but that is more rare and far more complicated. We'll assume the simpler combinations for now. A forest is obviously in view. Silk won't give the food but pheasant will. Now in order to get the GNP your opponent has to be on a river. TO test this we put our resource on the lake. If you're now first in GNP then your opponent has a pheasant and a river in view. This doesn't give a clear distinction of what zone your opponent is in, however it does tell what to look for. If you're still second in GNP then there's two resources in play which is far more complicated and would take a lot of writing to explain how to figure out what exactly they're using. But I want to assert that it is definitely possible to figure out what they're using in most cases.

                                B. Lets take another situation. Same resources in your city as before. You put the resource on the forest just as before, but this time you're second in MFG still. However you're first in FP, second in GNP. It could be that you're tied for first in FP, so take all your resources off and put on an entertainer. Look at the demographics, if you're second for FP then the following could be true: You both have the same resources and are using a forest, a river could explain the higher GNP of the opponent. Your opponent is using a double resource equation to explain the higher GNP, MFG, and either 3 or 4 wheat surplus (the amount of food going into the granary). If you're 1st in FP then your opponent is almost definitely using a combination of iron/oil with a river. To make sure it's a river and not a double resource combination use the lake again. In this case it shows you as first in GNP showing your opponent is using a river. Now the probability that your opponent is using oil on the artic is very low so we'll rule out zone 1. That leaves zone 2 and 3. Now we know that mountains occur in the upper regions of 2 and all along 3 and that oil is primarily in 3. So our target is the equator. It could be very possible that your opponent is on a river with iron down towards the bottom of the map, but it's far more rare.

                                Obviously there is some room for error using this technique, but it gives you an idea of where your opponent could be and in some cases a very clear idea of where they are. In the examples I know it's a little confusing and I didn't go into all the combinations and possibilities. I basically gave the examples to give you an idea of what this does and how to do it. You can't always use this technique because sometimes there are just too many possibilities. Majority of the time though you can or at least get some sort of advantage from it. Also, there may be a few mistakes up there because it was very hard to explain how to do this and got a little confusing trying to explain all the possible combinations on paper. It takes a lot of experience and a lot of practice to master using this so if you can't get any results on the first few times don't give up on it.

