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A challenge for StrategicKingMi

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  • A challenge for StrategicKingMi

    Here's the challenge, I post one of my strategies I've written, then you post one of yours. First one to run out of strategies to post loses. And I mean real thought out strategies, not 1 paragraph stuff. Also it must be original, not something you copied off of someone else. I'll go first.


    As everyone knows, customizing a map will change the way the map looks. 3 billion will make the land less random, while 5 billion will put desert right next to arctic in many cases. So we will already know how the map is going to be generated just by these settings. Everyone also knows that if you click on a dark area or on a water mass or land mass, next to the coordinates will be a number designating it as such. This is all common knowledge. But the question is, how is it useful rather than just telling you if there is a water mass or land mass there? As we all know, exploration is key in the very beginning turns of the game, no matter what setting you play. The decision of whether or not to go left or to go right, to go up or to go down, can be the difference between finding your opponent early on, or allowing him those precious extra turns to gain more ground. Up might lead to a hutless alcove forcing you to turn around and go back over the exact same terrain you came over, while choosing to go down could lead to a nice river filled with huts and on the path to your opponent. In my opinion the decision making in the very first turns of the game are what set the good players apart from the bad players.
    So then, back to the basic question, how does that number tell us where to move, and when to move? Lets take a small map for demonstration. Lets say we start out on the map with land all around us. We build our first city and we now have a warrior to move, but which way? First, click on the land, usually it will be 1. If it is not 1, then your job is that much easier. 1 is the designation of the main land mass (in most cases), and 1 is also the designation of the main water mass (in 99.9% of the time). The land mass number we won't worry about because it is the same as the water mass. We want to know exactly where the main water mass is located. The reason for this is because it is impenatrable. There is no way around it and it determines whether you're on an island or a continent. Water masses designated as 2, 3, 11, etc. will always have a way through them or around them. 63 is always a lake or a really small water mass, maybe no more than 6 squares. This is key knowledge.

    Ex. 1
    You start the game with land all around you, but you are north of the equator. You have just 1 ocean square in your view to the left of you. The rest is land in every direction. Click on the ocean square. If it is 1, then you're going to explore to the east. Don't bother going up, and don't bother going straight down for right now. Leave it black. Those 2 areas are what I call claimed territory. They're areas where your opponent will not be and therefore there is no need to explore at this moment. If you go to the left you'll hit a solid wall of water. You may have just saved yourself 5, maybe 10 turns by going right first instead of exploring the other two areas. Go south east, and go straight east in exploring. But do not explore to the left of your city for now. Keep in mind this is only true on a small map where you'll know for sure they can't be. On a medium map you use the same principles, the difference is that you take into account the amount of space between you and the bottom or top of the map and that the main ocean mass may go for a long ways in both directions. In most cases though you'll be able to tell if there is sufficient land to harbor an opponent.
    This time we'll talk using a medium map. Medium maps are more complicated and require knowing the other land masses. First click on your own land mass. To make things easier we'll say it's land mass 2. That means you'll actually be able to tell where the coastline is. Your start position puts you next to a water mass designated 19. First click around and determine 3 things:
    1. How close is the next nearest land mass? How big is it?
    2. Click around a ways out, do you see 2 a long ways out into the unexplored area? HOw far out? Can you determine the coastline of your continent? HOw far does it extend in each direction, and what is your position with respect to the equator? North or south?
    3. How big is water mass 19?

    Now you've gone ahead and answered these questions. There is no land mass near you, 2 extends a long long ways around the world (good news for you, you're on the main land mass), you determine that the coastline is goes a ways to the east, but even further to the west. You are situated south of the equator and water mass 19 goes a long ways to the west. Now, the questions is, north, south, east, or west? Obviously not south because that territory is claimed. You know the land to the east hits water mass 1 which means that is possibly claimed territory as well. At this point you need to answer another question: How many players are in this game? If there are alot of players, you could very well have an opponent to your east, but more likely northeast. However you are assured there are opponents to your west, but how far out is water mass 19? The next thing you need to determine is:

    1. How much land is to the south of 19, and how much land is to the north of 19?
    2. Go ahead and begin determining its coastline.

    We'll say in this case you are very lucky. There is much more land south of 19 than there is north of 19. Now we know where to go. We're going to send the first horseman west, the second horseman is going to go north east to confirm the claimed terrirtory.

    If you use these ideas on a small map, I guarantee you will claim half the map and be on your opponent with in the first 5-10 turns of the game or even sooner. If you use this on a medium map you will definitely have an edge over everyone else and be able to claim much more land than and huts.

  • #2
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #3
      1 point for Eyes. Reasonably thorough. Well explained.

      I think you'd be surprised how many people use something very very similar. I'll do this in general, but probably won't click as much. Use of the x,y coordinates is important as you noted. On a small map with large land masses clicking will usually result in a '1'. and will sometimes not reveal what you want and you have to rely on the x,y coordinates. Which is why I probably don't click as much as you recommend.
      Sometimes you get caught when on the, not as rare as you think occasions, the land map will wrap across the 0 axis. (granted it is more likely on what you refer to as "invalid maps")

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        Nice post eyes... beats the heck out of Startegicbore telling everybody to build barraks and temples

        Oh... and by the way... I just had to change the title of this thread. While "competitive mild flaming" is allowed inside threads, Titles of threads that mention specific posters, and are abusive, are not allowed. Even if everybody agrees with the title
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          Re: A challenge for strategicdick

          Originally posted by EyesOfNight

          Ex. 1
          You start the game with land all around you, but you are north of the equator. You have just 1 ocean square in your view to the left of you. The rest is land in every direction. Click on the ocean square. If it is 1, then you're going to explore to the east. Don't bother going up, and don't bother going straight down for right now. Leave it black. Those 2 areas are what I call claimed territory. They're areas where your opponent will not be and therefore there is no need to explore at this moment. If you go to the left you'll hit a solid wall of water. You may have just saved yourself 5, maybe 10 turns by going right first instead of exploring the other two areas. Go south east, and go straight east in exploring. But do not explore to the left of your city for now. Keep in mind this is only true on a small map where you'll know for sure they can't be. On a medium map you use the same principles, the difference is that you take into account the amount of space between you and the bottom or top of the map and that the main ocean mass may go for a long ways in both directions. In most cases though you'll be able to tell if there is sufficient land to harbor an opponent.
          This might be easyer:

          On a small 1 cont map (large landmass conts)
          The north west numbers (the first digit on your location) range from 0 to 78.
          The main watermass is ALWAYS around the 0 number.
          Figure out on witch part of the map you are and move towards the middle, you'll find your opponent in that direction.
          The only problem might be that you start in the middle, then move 2 units as eyes described in NE/SE and NW/SW, chances are that when you start in on the northern part, your oponent will start in the south.
          But when you dont start in the 34-44 range, ALWAYS go towards the center of the map.

          I thought this up myself but it must be around in some strategy thread somewhere.
          I cant be the first to come up with this, me being a newbie that sucks at civ and all


          • #6
            Gee, going towards the center of the map, what a novel idea. ISn't that what I just said except that I took it to a whole new level and actually explained it in full detail? Go post your junk on another thread rookie. I still await strategicdick's response to this.


            • #7
              You mean the whole new level where you write in such detail so you make a paragraph of something you can say in 6 words?

              And no in your post I cant find the part about the main watermass being around the 0 number, witch is the basic dont have to FIND the main watermass, you allready know from the start where it is.


              • #8
                God damn you're ****ing stupid. It's not always on the 0 axis you dumbass. Small maps it is but on small maps we all know it's 99.9% of the time number 1 so yes you are a stupid ****ing rookie.


                • #9
                  Ex. 1 blablablablabla
                  Then you follow up with:
                  Ex2. This time we'll talk using a medium map.
                  So in the first example you werent talking about a small map

                  I was under the impression you wrote this strat for 'rookies' to learn from, might as well put the basics in then


                  • #10
                    I'm sorry, next time I'll make the reading more your level so you can comprehend it.


                    • #11
                      Be succinct. Let people ask for more, so as to not overwhelm.
                      Just a suggestion, and no need to get all hot under the collar over it.
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
                      "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
                      He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


                      • #12
                        Think he's just angry he didnt put it in himself


                        • #13
                          zzzzzzzzzz At least Eyes contributes to these more ways than one!!!!
                          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                          • #14
                            I just tried to make a contribution to his strat, and judging from his reaction I probebly did.

                            Btw, what is your contribution to this thread besides raising your postcount?


                            • #15
                              I'm sorry, and I'm sure Eyes will have something kind to say to me after reading my opinion of his post but, is this "something original."

                              I think the concept of the challenge is great, I just don't think the first example is what I would call original.

                              <---- Deity Dude waiting to get flamed by Eyes for questioning the master.

