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Playtest; IMPERIALISM 1870

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  • sorry Gary, I accidently took the frigat along on the trip to Europe and realized I didn't need him. I was going to send him back but your ship was in the way and I forgot to ask you about that. So I left him there and completely forgot about it! don't worry, he should already be out of the way come your turn.
    Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
    -The Artist Within-


    • Civil War Again Engulfs Mexico
      Reactionary Army officers and land owners have staged a coup in Mexico. They immediately suspended the constitution, and arrested President Benito Juarez, who later managed to escape to the US. This is the latest chapter in the longstanding, violent tug of war between Mexico's liberals and conservatives. Once again, a foreign element is suspected in aiding the conservatives now in control. The US suspect Spanish involvment in funding and organizing the coup. US-Spanish relations have been tense since Spain refused to honor US loans to it. A steam frigate near the Floridian coast flying the Spanish flag hasn't helped matters. Reports from Portugal this month suggested that a freight of uniforms destined for Spanish rebels are to arrive in Madrid soon, and that rifles for them may be on the way. Southerners in Congress are pushing for war, with Spain, or Mexico, or whomever. Many Northerners are also seen as supportive of a possible war should a cassus belli arrive, as they seek to heal the wounds of the War Between the States.

      In Other News....
      Freighters will soon be reaching their destinations in Europe and the Far East, this will inaugurated a new era of international cooperation, and the surpluses will give the US to diversify it's taxation priorities.

      OOC: Grothgar has been sent his turn.


        Plus, doesnt pay toll

        Britain warned the Russian empire that if any russian ships crossed the channel then there would be a toll of 300 gold for each ship and that if this warning was ignored then britain would declare a trade embargo and would stop russian trade around the world. But once again russia seems to ignore all territorial boundries in their insane lust for world hegemony.

        So this month when patrolling off the irish coast a british ship of the line spotted a russian steamer making its merry way to america. Using the logic that this russian ship couldnt have made it out there without crossing the english channel, and due to the fact that the straits of gibralter were still blockaded at the time the ship of the line caught up with the russian ship and asked to board it.

        The russians were very contemptuous and didnt allow the british contigent to board their vessel so the british steam ship retreated to minimum gun range and shelled the steamer until it went under. And as the british empire said we will stop all trade and all attempts to enforce trade.

        Also after this, and the decleration of war on russia by britain a russian ship was spotted coming down the suez canal and was sunk with complete loss of life on board. Also what is assumed to be 2 units of freight was also sunk.

        In a daring move two british ships of the line crossed the german controlled sund and entered the baltic sea. Here they found an ironclad which was blocking the sea and, surprising it, they sunk it without difficulty.

        Britain always has been, and always is, serious about the remarks it makes, and due to the russian attitude of ignoring almost everyone they decided to teach the russians a lesson. From this moment on a state of war will last between russia and the empire of great britain.

        In other news the trade units from across the empire are nearing their goals and the british government asks the US governement for permission to station 3 warships in american waters for the duration it takes them to unload their cargo.

        Oh and the straits of Malacca and Gibralter are now navigable for anyone.
        Attached Files
        Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

        "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


        • And the map, seeing as i forgot to include frances african possesions.
          Attached Files
          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


          • This is nonsensical. Russia never had a chance to move out of British sea zones after the warning.


            • I hope all of you did read the czar's speech?

              This is mere newbie bashing. Britain even ignored Russia's attempts to keep up peace between the powers. This war was not wanted by the Czar, and the way Britain ignored any attempts to prevent it speaks for itself.

              Now Russia hopes that the other powers' ties to Christian values are stronger, and that neither of them would act in such a childish way on such a geopolitical level.

              We seek to find a peaceful solution to this, as proposed by the United States earlier on.


              • Its not newbie bashing my friend. I did after all warn you that any russian ships going through the english channel would be subject to a 300 gold surcharge. You flatly denied to pay this despite my warnings, and when i make warnings im not kidding.

                And it wasnt the fact that you didnt have a chance to move out of britains sea zones it was the fact that you used the channel, without paying, to get to where you were. So after ive destroyed your navy ill be satisfied

                If you had just payed the toll then this wouldnt have happened. Oh and by the way i read the czars speech. Very inspired and good work but you still didnt pay the toll. I may be devious most of the time but when i make things plain i expect people to take heed.

                Afetr all this is what happened in real life, britain was by far the most powerful nation on the planet and when nations didnt want a war with britain, which very few did at the time, they listened to what britain says. SO im just recreating history, up to a point
                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                • 300 gold is an obscene amount, you know that.

                  And after all you didn't make others pay, just me because I had that faux-pas aved le Suez thing.

                  But don't worry. Today, lots of young Russian men had to die. Tomorrow, we'll turn the page.

                  No. The day after tomorrow. Because tomorrow (April) is the Orthodox Easter celebration. We will have our weapons rest and mourn our dead.


                  • Hey! I only just noticed... I'm a Prince


                    • Yes i know that 300 gold is rather obscene for just trespassing in british waters, but hey it was either that or war, and seeing as the war has already costed about 3 freight units for you which would probably have netted you a few thousand gold in trade so it wasnt that bad was it.

                      And as for not making the other nations pay, the channel is frances national water as well so they have equal right to it, and seeing as france and germany are allies i wouldnt want to upset one of them
                      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                      • allies?

                        *nuclear weapons programm spending doubled*


                        • Let me try to calm some waters here.


                          First rule for jumping in a PBEM is to find out where everyone else is first before doing stuff. I was laughing to myself when you were mentioning Germany attacking me. I learned that lesson early in my PBEMing.


                          I'm not sure your attack was completely justified. You did say that a toll had to be paid for crossing the English channel, BUT you never specified the amount untill AFTER Ecthelion's turn. Since we were talking so much and the game didn't progress very far, it seemed like he did violate your 300gold/ship toll, but that amount was never in place when he DID go through. I think you two should, like gentlemen, sit down and talk over what is a fair way to settle this.

                          Just my two pence.
                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • Well here is how i see it. Russia didnt actually use the channel before the toll was introduced because we are all playing the same month, it was just russias unfortunate circumstances which meant he goes first.

                            Also he quite specifically said he would not pay any toll, no matter what the amount. So he would have continued to shove his units through the english channel without any toll being payed. So i just cut off the supply before he could defy me again. I did say i was serious

                            Oh and JMarks this sitting down and talking like two gentlemen gig, it wouldnt be because your scared of britain getting too powerful
                            Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                            "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                            • Gary,

                              Well, though technicly its in the same month, he still moved BEFORE you gave the demand. He couldn't go back and move his pieces around, and he didn't have to pay for those ships since they were already moved. Therefore, do to this technicality, I must side with Russia on the arguement. If you had warned him before he moved, then you would be in the right. However, the arguements about not paying are moot since he had already moved through. I don't think those demands should be retro-active game play wise.

                              Moreover, since you yourself said that the English channel is partly French waters, what authority do you have to toll other's ships with out my consent? Or for that matter without giving me part of the profits? They're my waters too. And, untill further notice, my side of the channel will be open to all nationalities that desire to use it.

                              Oh, and yes, I am terrified of you, but hey, a technicality is a technicality. Will you back down this time, like on the Suez, or not?

                              President Joane d' Loquate
                              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                              -The Artist Within-


                              • Well, sorry for the delay, but Russia is not willing to move until there has been an investigation on the incident. Until British reply to the French questions and accusations has been given, which are backed by Russia (that has actually brought up the point of the Brits being more than quick with action), no savegame will be submitted

                                That's because Russia has to fear another threat. Such as the Brits saying "Oh, BTW, now that it's Japan's turn, we demand you to send us a gift of 400 golöd or we nuke your cities" and then start off when it's their turn. Exaggerated. But to the point. Brits are evil in this game.

