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History PBEM

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  • The austrian empire seems to be in a state of trouble. The Germans and French are on the verge of conquests. The rest of the world is fighting for survival. Britain seems to be fighting a war of the seas. Russia has collapsed from the mightly German armies. Italy is rebuilding from the crushing French occupations and the Ottoman empire seems to be too distanct from the scene.

    The Austrian people in these times of trouble continue turning to their emperor. Emperor Civfan sends out the usual cheers and urges its allies to continue the fighting.

    News from the Austrian armies office is:
    New recruits are continuing as planned.
    Defenses are continuing to be developed.
    Austrian offence PLAN Trouba is in place.


    Austrian offence PLAN Trouba went as planned.

    Cities captured:

    End of Transcript:
    Attached Files
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


    • Well there goes my ENTIRE offensive army!!! How the hell did you take Berlin?


      • Sorry

        Sorry about the delay (the skiing was just too good... ) , I'll play tonight!
        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
        Discworld Scenario:
        POMARJ Scenario:
        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


        • Milan retaken!

          Viterbo retaken, and a french battleship was sunk in the harbour!

          Algiers taken!

          To our allies:

          Austria-Hungary: well done!

          Russia: keep on fighting!

          Ottoman Empire: to make joint operations easier (no more ZOC), I signed an alliance with you; I had to give you 50 gold, which I wouldn't mind you to give back...
          And I left Bologna for you to take and heal a unit (even if it would have make things easier for me by taking it myself!)

          And Great-Britain: there is a damaged french cruiser on 50,106 which you might like to sink...

          And the save:
          Attached Files
          Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
          Discworld Scenario:
          POMARJ Scenario:
          LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


          • Nothing special more skirmishes
            Attached Files
            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


            • With the surprising revival of the Italian Military, Operation “secure Italy” was canceled. However operation “Liberate the Orthodox” is now underway, Turkish troops landed in Black Sea port of Krasnodar this year and proceeded to liberate the cities of Rostov, Tsaritsyn, saratov, Tambov, Penza, Samara and Riazan in Eastern Russia.

              To Italy: We are glad we signed an alliance; we have repaid your 50 and have given you two techs for your future development. Also a defensive army has taken its place in your country in case France attempts to invade again.

              To Austria: We have opened a second front; hopefully this will give you some relief. Keep up the good work.

              To Russia: Please hold on or if you wish your general A.I. to play, please gift me your units so that I may make use of them.

              Cheers to a free Italy.
              Attached Files


              • Gee, once again, way to take EMPTY cities.


                • I like to be the first to propose a deal to my allies on how we should divide up our spoils from the Bordem alliance. I will be the first to declare the city of Berlin as a part of the Austrian empire.

                  We should make some form of an agreement as we all know that Germany and France will eventually be crushed by are united troops. Since I think Germany will be the first victium, we should arrange for which cities to take under our empires. The British, Ottomans, Italians and to the defeated Russia, lets propose the deal soon because we all know once these two countries are in ruins, we might begin fighting with ourselfs!
                  Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                  • I don't think its time to rush the spoils yet
                    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                    • Its not over yet, We still have a long struggle ahead of us.

                      And here I was thinking it was time to negotiate peace with the French at least.


                      • Originally posted by Prometheus
                        And here I was thinking it was time to negotiate peace with the French at least.
                        Negociate peace with the french? Hell no!!

                        Italy is in ruins, all my infrastructure is gone, many cities have been razed and the others have seen most of their citizens die, and we should negociate peace with France??

                        I agree to accept unconditional surrender, but anything less seems a bit overly generous to the treacherous b@stards who attacked the peaceful nation of Italy without warning!

                        PS: no hard feelings SAS, this is fun!!
                        Last edited by Cyrion; January 23, 2003, 05:28.
                        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                        Discworld Scenario:
                        POMARJ Scenario:
                        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                        • Yeah it IS fun! At least we're fighting boredom

                          Btw, is Russia still playing? He didnt play the last time he was up.
                          If you want to discuss topics on History, with an emphasis on the military aspect.


                          • I sent him a PM last night, we should wait and see if he is just going to let his turn go to the A.I. or not.


                            • I guess we should just continue, its been two days, go ahead and play your turn Sas


                              • Or I could just play his turn, allied forces and all… hate to let the A.I. take over a country.

