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Hellas PBEM

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  • #61
    Nothing much.

    I press ctrl-n at the end of my turn but it doesn't seem to work as my units do move or have a go-to command on. Any ideas?
    Attached Files
    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


    • #62
      Histiaea Taken

      After a successful campgain against the Greek Rebels in the Northern part of the Island, Histiaea was conquered.

      Heres the Save
      Attached Files
      "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


      • #63
        New Colony founded, and pirates village sacked...

        More comments next time, sorry...

        The save:
        Attached Files
        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
        Discworld Scenario:
        POMARJ Scenario:
        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


        • #64
          The first Theban ships were completed in Atalanti this year, and an expeditionary force was landed on the home island of Chalcis. These troops victoriously sacked a barbarian village. The warriors of another village were so impressed by the mighty armies of the Tyranny that they decided to join them.

          The Chalcidean tyrant is assured that the troops on his island are merely helping to pacify the area. These forces, having accomplished their mission, will be withdrawn next turn.
          Attached Files


          • #65
            Oh thanks for telling me and stop stealing my villages ***** they are my slaves!

            Next time i wont take it so kindly!
            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


            • #66
              Sparta has moved.
              Attached Files


              • #67
                Iron route between the two great poleis of Athens and Miletus has been established. It is the Tyrant's hope that this will encourage good will between Asia Minor and Hellas.

                Note to All: Nisaea and Sunium are under Athenian jurisdiction. Any attempt to take these will be met with swift and dealy force. If any forces land on Attica without the express permission of Athens, the polis involved will get a declaration of war!
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #68
                  Here's the save! Forgot it
                  Attached Files
                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • #69
                    British Governmet Supports the New Union of America

                    The British Government will support it with trade and money... but not with arms.

                    Also Montreal-Dalhousie Railway Finished
                    Attached Files
                    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                    • #70
                      Hmmm... wrong pbem???

                      Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                      Discworld Scenario:
                      POMARJ Scenario:
                      LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                      • #71
                        Scyros Taken!! Next Stop Pirate Stronghold! and Cryme!

                        Also Thebes better move its units out of Chalcidean Waters and island or they will be sunk and destroyed... Thank you

                        In other words go back the way ya came!

                        If you want my save its in American Empire PBEM... thanks again Cyrion

                        GOD DAMN!!
                        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                        • #72
                          Decree from Thebes

                          In response to the Chalcidean tyrant's inflammatory statements, Janus offered the following statement:

                          'While the chariots in the north of the island will be withdrawn immediately, the horsemen further south cannot be shipped off until the turn after that, when a new craft is completed in the Theban shipyards.

                          However, the strait along and around the northern end of the Chalcidean Island is the only route Theban ships have into the Aegan. Thus our ships will continue to use them. These waters are not Chalcidean property, or anyone elses. They are free for the use of all the Greeks.

                          If Chalcis denies us freedom to use these waters and attacks our ships, then we will fight them. And we will be confident of victory, as we are sure that the rest of the Greeks will not allow such an affront to their natural rights to go unanswered.'


                          • #73
                            "Ummmm... Well the Put ships in these straights and we will find out?....."

                            "League or no League, we agreed on the Position of Empire if you change them , Athen and I will act, and you will not feel so confident..."

                            Tyrant Xanthus
                            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                            • #74
                              A few mercenaries agreed to join the Corinthian Tyranny near our last Colony!!

                              Apart from that, not much to say, except that the Tyrant Cyrion is realizing that Corinth is falling behind in techs...

                              And the save:
                              Attached Files
                              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                              Discworld Scenario:
                              POMARJ Scenario:
                              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Soundwave
                                "Ummmm... Well the Put ships in these straights and we will find out?....."

                                "League or no League, we agreed on the Position of Empire if you change them , Athen and I will act, and you will not feel so confident..."

                                Tyrant Xanthus
                                A message from the Theban Polis and its allies, to the Chalcidean Tyrant:

                                Firstly, the Tanagran league has agreed to no general partition, other than the recognizing of Athens' rights to the people of Attica, Chalcis' rights to the island of Euboea, and Theban rights to surrounding Boetia.

                                And even if we had agreed to any grandoise division of Greece, proposed and fueled by Chalcidean over-ambition, we might add, this would not have included exclusive Chalcidean rights to the straits of Euboea. These waters are free for the use of all the polises.

                                Thus the Thebans will put as many ships as they desire in these waters. And if the Chalcideans treacherously attack, they might note that the terms of the Tanagran League make it a defensive organisation. So the Athenians would be obliged to declare war on Chalcis rather than aid you in bullying the Greeks of Boetia, as you so rashly assume they would like to do.

                                The Chalcidean Tyrant should think twice before wilfully provoking Thebes like this; our great polis was founded by a son of Zeus himself, and we shall always feel confident, for we know we have the king of the gods himself on our side.

