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Another Age of War PBEM

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  • His Magnificence Abd ul-Hamid II was really pleased when his secretaries were able to confirm Him the good news: the Ottoman Empire is Europe's leader in at least one domain: Turkey is the cleanest country in the world!!!

    Grand Vizier Cyrion expressed his concern about the pollution issues! Turkey would be glad to share its experience on environmental subjects and to give counsel to its fellow european nations on how to keep one's country clean...
    Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
    Discworld Scenario:
    POMARJ Scenario:
    LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


    • With all due respect to the Grand Vizier, the French will look at other ways to combat the problem before trying out the rather drastic 'Turkish solution'


      • Big works on the way in Turkey and still no pollution...

        Some freigth delivered to Sicily

        And the save:
        Attached Files
        Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
        Discworld Scenario:
        POMARJ Scenario:
        LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


        • Russia would like to report that currently, pollution is not a major problem in the Empire.
          Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


          • Britain kindly asks Russia to take a look at her cities in Germany and then revise her previous statement.


            • The Times, Nov 1902

              Government Shocked at Polluted State of Manchester
              Ministers, MPs and common citizens were shocked at the government's announcement of extremely polluted sites near the city of Manchester. Kirk's government claimed today that this revelation was newly discovered by them too, and that apparently the former government of Mr Richards persued environmentally destructive policies and covered up the results of them. An independent investigation is underway.

              British Experts Propose Steps to Decrease Pollution
              The government unveiled it's report on the state of the environment in Europe today, with mixed reactions. The report urged all nations to research ways to end this environmental epidemic and said that the first nations to reach such milestones should share their findings with all others with no strings attached. Other than that, there was little mention of what to do in the short term aside from keeping engineering brigades ready to deal with new outbreaks of pollution.

              Joint Navy-Army Force Set to Take La Coruna Within 2 Months
              Battleships are patrolling the northwest coast of Spain and seamen are getting anxious for what is expected to be their final assualt on Spanish territory. A few of the men interviewed expressed some concern over what will become of the issue about Palma, but most expressed the opinion that it was all just sabre-rattling on the part of the government.

              Kirk Makes Statement on Continued Lack of Central Government
              Provisional PM Kirk today made the statement, "Come 1903, a new government there shall be." However, he didn't say at what point in 1903 this would occur. Some inside sources have leaked to the press that this whole thing has been a way to force the newly conquered areas to become accustomed to selfrule to get their acts together. But the rampant crime in these areas makes that an obvious excuse. There's still concern among many elites and academics that Kirk never intends to hold elections.


              • Russian Deficient Ended

                The Russian Empire with the help of a french loan and building of courthouses has managed to make money. Now rapid economic expansion is predicted.

                Zero Pollution!

                After inspection of the industries, no pollution was found in any city.

                OOC I checked demographics and it said I was first with 00 tons
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                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • So guys whats happening in the old AOW game, james told me about the pollution... buggar!
                  "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                  • I said look AROUND your cities, ANZAC, not in them, my demographics also say I'm in first with 0 pollution, but I still had some near Manchester. Here's the main spot I was talking about for you, it's the brown dirty looking stuff on the map:
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                    • La Republica

                      Italian economy booming

                      Following the opening of yet more light industries and trade routes, the Italian economy has gone into high gear. Unemployment is a thing of the past and the government is set to record a massive budget surplus.


                      Fritz, if you want those engineers I should be online tommorow at about 10 AM
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                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • OOC: So pollution on the ground can cause warming as well?
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • Originally posted by The ANZAC
                          OOC: So pollution on the ground can cause warming as well?
                          Pollution in the cities causes pollution on the ground, which in turn causes global warming
                          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                          • Le Monde

                            Cleanup Begins
                            The French government, with the help of engineers generously loaned by the Italians, has begun to clean up the polluted Rhineland provinces. Work is proceeding at a satisfactory rate, and the area should be completely clean within a few months. However, whether it will stay that way is a different matter. French ministers are currently looking at solutions to tackle the problem at the source.

                            Spanish provinces purchased from Italy
                            In another example of great the recent co-operation between the French and Italian governments, France has purchased Valencia and Cartagena and their environs from King Case. Both sides are reportedly most pleased with their acquisitions; France with its new province, and Italy with its new additions to the national treasury. La Palma too will be purchased from the Italians when they subdue the still-rebellious island, and event soon coming according to the Italian Army Command.
                            Attached Files


                            • Some freight delivered, work going on: the Ottoman infrastructure starting to look a little bit better!!!

                              And no pollution yet...

                              Here is the save:
                              Attached Files
                              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                              Discworld Scenario:
                              POMARJ Scenario:
                              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                              • The Times, Jan 1903

                                Democracy Returns to Britain, Celebrations Planned

                                Prime Minister Kirk has dropped the "provisional" from his title, as he announced Britain's return to democracy on New Year's Day, keeping good to his word. Elections were held later in the month, and Kirk's Lib-Lab coalition won handily. However, Kirk's numbers were suprisingly low in the European territories, were the SDP-Zentrum banner fared poorly in relation to extremist parties such as the SDP splinter Communists, and several far-right nationalist parties. Kirk brushed off critics who said Europeans were given the vote too soon, saying Britain just had to work harder to give the Danes, Dutch and Germans a stake in the system. Outside of Portugal and Gibraltar, Spainish cities were unable to vote. In many parts of Britain, people were heard to be planning for celebrations in honor of Kirk which will take place in March.

                                New Mission of Trade Urged

                                With the formation of a functioning government, Britain has embarked on a mission to greatly expand international trade. A horde of freighters are being produced rapidly to send to foreign lands. The government expressed optimism that this will in turn lead to more trade coming our way as well.

                                Britain Embarks on Mission to Rely on Munitions Plants

                                Conscious of the need to produce goods in more efficient and eco-friendly methods, a public-private initiative has been announced that wherever possible, Munitions Plants will be built in place of Steel Mills. There is also talk of replacing Steel Mills that already exist with Munitions Plants as well. Other nations have been urged to make the same changes to their policies and thus prevent environmental catastrophe. Wherever necessary, Britain has made the pledge to provide the technology for this improvement. In other news, the pollution around Manchester has been properly cleaned.

                                Govt Pleased with Resolution of Spanish Issue, Critics Criticise on Palma

                                British troops finally made it into La Coruna, following another round of shelling the city from battleships. Around Iberia, garrisons were said to be euphoric, although some wondered if there wasn't more to do while General AI still has safe refuges. Downing Street issued a statement saying it was pleased with the resolution of this conflict, and at hearing Italy's pledge to properly occupy the anarchist haven of La Palma before selling it. Critics however, made much of the report that a British troop vessal was in range of the defenseless island and refused to seize it. Kirk dismissed these critics as "Buffoons, without the knowledge of the slightest matter of political concern."
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