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Another Age of War PBEM

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  • Austria Questions Miltary Movements

    The President asked today about the movements of Miltary Units of French and Italian Forces on the Border with Austria, He hopes that this is a misunderstanding... if not... Austria, will build arms after her neutrality is broken!
    "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


    • The French ambassador has no idea what the Austrians are talking about. France has no troops anywhere near the new country.

      Such a new and fragile actor on the great stage of Europe would do well to begin its career quietly, instead of throwing about threats to the established great powers.


      • HUH?

        I have no idea what your talking about, i'm not threatening anyone... I wish all the great powers well and wants to add I agree with Britian, Russia and the Ottomans of Years of Industial and trade growth.

        Thank you
        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


        • The Times, Nov 1901

          Government collapses
          Unsettled by rioting in the newly acquired German provinces, Labour MPs ave joined with disgruntled Conservatives and a few maverick Liberals in a successful no-confidence vote against the government. The German riots, starting in Bremen, also sparked opportunistic rioting in the continental areas, as well as protests in northern England.
          PM Kirk, confident of continued support in the upcoming elections, but also aware of criticisms, deflected the blame to his predecessor, President Richards for not "vanquishing the fires of German discontent," and promised a decentralization of the government if the Libs are brought back into government. Kirk promised to give the German territories large amounts of autonomy in their domestic affairs, following their pacification,and made a suprise announcement that he'd seek to do the same for Ireland, Scotland, Wales, as well as the Norwegian, Danish and Low Lands territories.
          This policy of decentralisation will certainly fuel Kirk's reelection chances in Scotland and Ireland, and he can certainly count on support from the metropolitan areas, making the looming election a mere formality at best. Nevertheless, anarchists and socialists are expected to continue stirring up trouble until the full legitimacy of the government can be reestablished.

          Britain Takes Position on Austrian Issue
          Provisional PM Kirk announced today support for the Defence Clause of the Treaty of Berlin. While he noted that apparently the German translation had major differences from the versions of the Great Powers, he said that if each nation pledged defence to Austria it would prevent anyone from taking advantage of her, and thus preserve continental peace. While it hasn't taken any action yet, and awaits responces from the other powers, Britain wishes to join in on this agreement with the other nations, saying it will be a preventative measure against any hegemon on the continent.


          • and the file!!!
            Attached Files


            • La Republica

              King Reacts to Austrian Comments

              King Case today summoned the Austrian ambassador for a discussion of the Austrian government's recent statements, and the following comment in particular:

              The President asked today about the movements of Miltary Units of French and Italian Forces on the Border with Austria, He hopes that this is a misunderstanding... if not... Austria, will build arms after her neutrality is broken!
              During what was described by insiders as a 'civil but icy chat', the King explained to the ambassador that as a sovereign nation Italy has the right to defend her borders. The King stated that the troop movements which have alarmed the Austrian president are merely the Italian Army establishing border posts in order to stop smuggling.

              The King warned the Ambassador that Italy takes the conditions of the Austro-Italian peace treaty seriously, and will react with "sudden and overwhelming force" should the government ever suspect that Austria is building warships at Split.

              In addition the King informed the Ambassador that he had never made any commitment to guard Austrian neutrality against third party aggressors.

              New Military Arrangements Announced

              As part of the move to placate the Austrians, the Ministry of Defence has announced the arrangements for garrisoning the new Adriatic territories. They are as follows:

              *XI Mountain Corps, made up of elite troops supported by artillery,
              will defend Trieste and Trento.
              *IV Cavalry Corps will protect Firume
              *VIII Cavalry Corps will protect Tirane
              *The elite III Amphibious Corps will be based on the Italian West Coast, and will be maintained at maximum readiness.

              In addition, the 1st Fleet will maintain a squadron off Split at all times.
              Last edited by Case; March 6, 2002, 05:49.
              'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
              - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


              • The Austrian President, has said sorry to France and Italy for those stuipd comments and has arranged for the first gold shipment to begin soon to Italy.

                Case its no probs... i signed defensive pacts, no alliances, so i wont get attacked... so its ok.

                Austrian will not build warships but will build art and cav if trouble should break, austria should be ready, if no-one will portecte her.
                "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                • 300th Post

                  I'm a prince a prince i tells ya, worship me
                  "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                  • Moscow Courier

                    Victory in Rumania!!

                    Just today, the Russian army under the command of T.I. Anzakov, the son of the Tsar, marched into Bucharest and liberated the King from the Communist rebels. All were very thankful and finally peace has been restored to the Balkans.

                    A New Germany from the Ashes

                    Russian officials have finally now been to see the newly annexed areas of Prussia. However, there is mass disorder and civil unrest. Under closer inspection, it was seen that all churches and cathedrals had been destroyed, against what was unanimously agreed at Berlin Troops are in place to keep order
                    Attached Files
                    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                    • La Republica

                      Austria Pays Reperations

                      In a meeting held today at Trieste, the Austrian government has formally transfered reperations money to Italy. The Italian government thanks the Austrians for their prompt and efficant payment.

                      Industrialisation Continues

                      The industrial development of Italy continues to gain pace. In the last month no fewer then two steel worked have been opened. This frantic pace seems likely to continue, with the government announcing that the Austrian reperation money will be invested in new industrial works.

                      Defence Minister's Comments Cause a Stir

                      Speaking at a victory dinner in Turin, the Defence Minister has made comments which have caused debate throughout Italy. After thanking the citizens of Turin for providing such stout soldiers as the city's own 4th Mountain Division, the Minister said "while their conquest of Trieste was a great achievement, it is a tragedy that they were denied the oportunity to crush the Prussian's degenerate Austrian lap dogs".

                      When asked for his views on the minister's comments, King Case said that they were "ill considered and rude, but reflect a viewpoint which many Italians share".
                      It is uncertain wether the King has asked the Defence Minister to apologise.

                      Red Faces in the Navy as Ship Runs Aground

                      The Italian 1st Fleet has had to issue an apology to the Austrian Government. During a training cruise the Battleship Sicilia ran aground near Split. It is believed that the ship was being piloted by a trainee sailor at the time. The Sicilia is currently being assisted by the armoured cruiser Guiseppe Garibaldi
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Case; March 7, 2002, 18:43.
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • Austrains not fooled

                        As the President is not stipud he can see this as an attack and is readying defenses and will not put up with this nonsense anymore and has called among support from the Ottomans


                        BTW- I want start another one of these, maybe. Coz i would love to try something different... but i'll look somewhere esle because you guys aren't interested except maybe Cyrion coz I dont know whos the bigger kid me or him??
                        "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                        • Future darkening...

                          The strenghtening rumors of War in Austria are beginning to worry the Sultan!

                          His Magnificence Abd el-Hamid II would like to know what was agreed upon in the Berlin Treaty, regarding the Austrian armies, navy, and about the guarantees about it's security!!

                          The Ottoman Foreign Secretary assured Grand Vizier Cyrion that if Austria was not allowed to ally with anybody, it was made up for it by the fact that all the ex-Entente powers had agreed to turn upon the one who would be attacking them.

                          But, somehow, this information seems rather doubtful now, so the Secretary has been impaled and the Sultan is now asking His fellow Rulers what the situation really is...

                          OOC: Soundwave, I must be the bigger kid, because I had much more time to practice

                          what is your idea, btw??
                          Last edited by Cyrion; March 8, 2002, 13:22.
                          Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                          Discworld Scenario:
                          POMARJ Scenario:
                          LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                          • Start another AOW? OR another PBEM?
                            "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave


                            • Le Monde

                              Breakthrough in Spain
                              Exciting new developments have taken place during the Spanish winter. After extensive preperation, the French Second Army, based from Barcelona, drove into the interior on newly completed railroads. The garrison of Zaragoza was overwhelmed by the attack, and the city capitulated to the French peacekeepers after only a day of fighting. The next stop, according to General Leclerc of the Second Army, is Madrid, the heart of General AI's corrupt regime.

                              Mistake in Lorraine
                              As the Third Republic took possession of the lands allotted to them by the Berlin Treaties, a German conscript division, apparently left behind by the chaotic retreat of the Second Reich's armies, was discovered in Lorraine, midway between Stuttgart and Mulhouse.

                              This division refuses to budge, saying it will only answer to the Austrian authorities. The French government demands that said authorities disband the unit immediately, as it is causing large amounts of congestion and consternation in Lorraine.
                              Attached Files


                              • Austrian Turn

                                Attached Files
                                "Whoever wants peace, be prepared for war"- Soundwave

