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The end of civilization as we know it

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  • #61
    Yes that would be fantastic. Then when War4's connection dropped late at night, I could load my war4 ghost and continue the game. If Civ was only as straight forward as a raceing game, these types of "Ghosts"would be possible. Too many decisions in Civ. But it would be fun to program the AI to focus on certain things that a particular player likes to do. (some say that's what they did when modding CTP II) but as soon as the AI hit a speedbump, so much for that. While everyone here seems to have a master plan for winning (or two or three or more), when you're not the only one doing it, it's not as easy. The good players will judge the situation and adapt, a computer program won't.

    In all actuality though, our play has influenced CIVIII, much to our dismay. Think about the corruption model, the programmers were so concerned about our abilities to steam roll the AI that they designed a system that was so harsh and boring that it (if you read all the whining) basically sucked all the fun out of the game for the less than average player. If you read the pre-release press, they hoped they had a game that couldn't be beat at deity level. They even bragged about it. But less than a month after release they know they failed. Imagine if they had made the game twice as hard. It's harder than you think, without sucking all the fun out it.

    But for MP, you don't have to worry about the AI, Let's help them focus on the things that will lead to a balance. (with a little luck thrown in)

    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #62
      MP may be the only saving grace this game(3) has.
      The ai is a bit of a joke.Why even bother to try and make it tough? order to get good ai..well...we're talking Deep Blue type stuff.
      Somehow I don't think I could afford it.

      yes the game can be hard..or harder..whats the word I seek?.But fun has been sacrificed big time.

      I dread loading up a civ3 save game.Thats not a good sign.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #63
        fun is in the eye of the beholder , to paraphrase someone.

        I am having much fun with civ 3 , the only negative so far is the slowness of the AI turns. With only 9 civs it is taking 10 minutes or more in the year 1700 on a large map.

        To win at deity i have seen many strats in the civ 3 forums but not one of them lets you actually enjoy the game and build a civ.

        I love civ because i can build a civ change governments becoem the largest and strongest democracy in the game.

        i unlike others use monarchy and enjoy the benifits of moving from despotism. yes you can win staying in despotism but it isnt as much fun IMHO.

        To get the most fun out of civ 2 or 3, i beleive you have to build the civ, build your citys, build your city improvements advance in tech and watch youre culture grow.

        My .01c worth ......
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #64
          Civ3 mp won't work for duels indeed.
          Even 5- mp games might suck.

          But I think 5 / 6+ will rock.
          Resources will work in games like that, you just trade with civs that aren't your neighbours, OR, like in diplo games, you trade with your allies.

          I hope Firaxis is indeed coming with fresh ideas for mp games to speed them up.

          I think that people who complain about the resource system didn't play civ3 enough so far. (now someone is going to tell me how often he played it and how it still sucks) but I'm very used to trade resources to my neighbours, even if I have the intention to kill them later. I just need the money / techs / resources I get in return.

          stacked movement would be important indeed, but be honest, we never got it in civ2 either and nobody complained.

          shift-a works perfectly.
          complaining about moving worker is not valid.

          UU would indeed work if every civ can 'chose' their own.
          But......... on the other hand, they're not that special.

          just like golden age, it's a nice thing, but not unbalancing or something, it's too tiny for that.

          EnigmaGod, if you're complaining about all maps being the same you really need some medication. That's so untrue.

          And about graphics.........
          is there really anybody that really cares ?

          Anyway, everytime I'm among grannies I open up all the windows. Some fresh air will do this place good.
          You guys are too used to civ2.

          It's strange, I'm very used to civ2 as well........... but I like civ3 more then civ2 in anything. Open your windows, your eyes and your heart. If you want civ3mp to suck (months before it's release) then you'll find arguments for it.

          (and visa versa of course )

          Just don't become a stereotype of 'old' 'mature' people that don't move on to the next version of a game. I thought the civ community wasn't like that. How wrong have I been
          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


          • #65
            Wow cybergeek, that post ranks right up there with your last topic about creating lists of players. If there was a point to that useless babbling you called a post, feel free to email me telling me what it was.


            • #66
              now you've gone and done it, i have to agree with eyes TWICE in one thread.
              Where I've been

              SAVE THE TREES...wipe your ass with an owl:)


              • #67
                what are you exactly up too ?
                You dislike the fact that there's no cheatmode in civ3 and for that reason you come up with silly arguments ?

                The problem with you is that you're too smart.
                You burry crappy arguments among good arguments ( you have some valid points) but stuff like "the map is always the same" is really one of the worst I 've seen.

                Besides that you won't / can/t handle any counter argument and if they come you come up with posts like the latter.

                I'm sure there will be a civ3 community one day.
                Pherhaps indeed with majority of the so called civ2mp vets.
                I'm happy that I'm enjoying the game. Pherhaps I'm an optimist, I rarely hate things. When Queen came with Greatest Hits III, I was one of the few fans that liked it. Now Dream Theater is coming with Six Degrees of inner Turbulence, and I'm one of the few that like it. Civ2 TOT, nobody liked it, but I did. Same with civ3. Pherhaps I'm an optimist, pherhaps I'm too easily satisfied.

                But for the matter of fact, I'm living a very happy live. I prefer to be happy with a crap thingy then to be negative about everything all the time. Civ3 has new loopholes and things you have to deal with. Deal with them, and otherwise you're getting too old for new civ games.

                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • #68
                  Well Cybergeek, you're not afraid to look like an idiot, I'll give you that much.

                  "stuff like "the map is always the same" is really one of the worst I 've seen."

                  Actually that's because you're an idiot. You need only load the map a few times with the different map settings to see that the map settings don't really make a difference. All the graphics blend together. Did you not notice the millions of mods that have come out to fix the graphics? Did you not notice that every game there are mass clumps of each terrain type? Or are you too ****ing stupid?

                  "Besides that you won't / can/t handle any counter argument and if they come you come up with posts like the latter."

                  No, I give posts like that when a lone moron comes along and posts something like what you posted. I guess you're just one of those fanboys that will argue how great the game his while the other 99.9% of us tell you how ****ing bad it is. Again, you're not afraid to come out and look like an idiot.

                  "I'm happy that I'm enjoying the game. Pherhaps I'm an optimist, I rarely hate things...Pherhaps I'm an optimist, pherhaps I'm too easily satisfied."

                  It's not so much that you're an optomist as it is that you are satisfied with taking it up the ass. Now the rest of us, we aren't going to settle for that.

                  "But for the matter of fact, I'm living a very happy live. I prefer to be happy with a crap thingy then to be negative about everything all the time."

                  You're such a mean nasty person eyes. I bet you're one of those guys who calls people fags? Well I've got news for you buddy, they're "homosexuals" and they are human beings like you and me. *Begins to cry* Why can't you just be nice? Why do you always have to be so mean and negative? I'm a good person!! A human being! Don't be so mean and nasty!!

                  Seriously cybergeek, go cry me a river somewhere else.


                  • #69
                    Well Cybergeek, you're not afraid to look like an idiot, I'll give you that much
                    translation: Well IWantToInsultYouAnyway, how dare you to counter my opinion with arguments. When I say something, everybody that disagrees is an idiot.

                    Actually that's because you're an idiot.
                    translation: everybody that disagrees with me is an idiot because I'm an all-powerful omniscient omnipotent omnipresent and omnibenevolent being. In fact I'm the missing link, the first cause and the creation of everything. Disagree with me and you're an unworthy puny idiot. I LOVE MYSELF SO MUCH

                    You need only load the map a few times with the different map settings to see that the map settings don't really make a difference.
                    translation: I tried it once, and it was the same ! Now you come and tell me you tried it 100 times and you observed something else ? Impossible.

                    All the graphics blend together
                    translation: Like in real world mountains should pop up everywhere and not blend together ! And that counts for the rest of the terrain as well

                    Did you not notice the millions of mods that have come out to fix the graphics?
                    translation: neither did I because there aren't that much and I didn't spend much time on the game since I'm an oldfashioned civ2 cheater and I won't like civ3 anyway since I won't be able to win a game.

                    Did you not notice that every game there are mass clumps of each terrain type? Or are you too ****ing stupid?
                    translation: You must be really stupid to think it's normal that with about 8 different tyles and 10000 tyles per game the terrain would clumb, besides that, like I said before, every normal person knows that terrain doesn't clumb together in real world ! You must be stupid to think otherwise.

                    No, I give posts like that when a lone moron comes along and posts something like what you posted.
                    translation: I don't know how to come up with counter arguments thus I call everybody that disagrees with me a moron.

                    I guess you're just one of those fanboys that will argue how great the game his while the other 99.9% of us tell you how ****ing bad it is.
                    translation: You like the game, thus you must be a fanboy that has a personal opinion without going with the mass !

                    Again, you're not afraid to come out and look like an idiot.
                    translation: you would look oh so much more inteligent if you would react like me, insulting, swearing and avoiding every smart argument.

                    It's not so much that you're an optomist as it is that you are satisfied with taking it up the ass.
                    translation: Since I'm a paranoid frustrated teenage boy I want to put some sex-related stuff in here. That would be cool.

                    Now the rest of us, we aren't going to settle for that.
                    translation: I just prefer to talk about things like that, for sure if I can swear much and insult as much as possible people !

                    I bet you're one of those guys who calls people fags? Well I've got news for you buddy, they're "homosexuals" and they are human beings like you and me

                    translation: Now I've sweared, insulted and I talked about sex I need to talk about homosexuals as well, eventhough it has nothing to do with the topic.

                    *Begins to cry* Why can't you just be nice? Why do you always have to be so mean and negative? I'm a good person!! A human being! Don't be so mean and nasty!!
                    translation: before CyberShy comes with a smart reaction I will impersonate him a little bit so people will think he's the idiot and not me.

                    oh well, eyes.................
                    have fun creating a new reply !
                    I'm sure it must be a challenge to you to top this one !
                    and in fact, I love it to hear teenage boys voice their opinion this way ! rock on, you're the man
                    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                    • #70
                      Top this one? What's there to top? All you did was make "translations" of my quotes....which amounted to? You're telling me one thing and then doing it yourself. This last post had absolutely nothing in it. I rest my case. Next!


                      • #71
                        and as always without eyes on the forums our threads would be short and boring......

                        Keep up the good work Sean !!!!
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • #72
                          Enigmaticgod, nothing to worry about.
                          I just noticed that it was impossible to have an inteligent conversation with you thus I decided to make some fun about you (not that you made it difficult for me to do btw)

                          and yeah, you're right. The translation of your post didn't add much to this thread
                          I must say that I'm slightly dissapointed that you didn't put some frustrated teenage stuff in it like you did so very well in your last post. Don't tell me you're growing up. Next post some more insults and gay-related talk plz ! That's exactly what we love so much about you !

                          Keep up the good work !
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • #73
                            So in other words you have nothing else to come back with and you're using this as an excuse to back out of the argument. The teenage thing is getting old too.


                            • #74
                              c'mon, there are about 2 pherhaps 3 lines that hold some kind of an argument. the rest of it is nothing more then some blatant insulting and stuff. And since even those lines (about the worldmap) don't give any new arguments on what I said (It's just repeating of what you said before) you can't expect me to reply too serious on that.

                              and about the teenage thing getting old...........
                              I hope so do you, one day.
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                              • #75
                                have they confirmed a release of civ3 mp yet....or are we still speculating that it will even happen? i had heard the designers talk about it but not confirm any date yet....

                                somehow i don't think spring 2002 looks hopefull
                                Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!

