Yes that would be fantastic. Then when War4's connection dropped late at night, I could load my war4 ghost and continue the game. If Civ was only as straight forward as a raceing game, these types of "Ghosts"would be possible. Too many decisions in Civ. But it would be fun to program the AI to focus on certain things that a particular player likes to do. (some say that's what they did when modding CTP II) but as soon as the AI hit a speedbump, so much for that. While everyone here seems to have a master plan for winning (or two or three or more), when you're not the only one doing it, it's not as easy. The good players will judge the situation and adapt, a computer program won't.
In all actuality though, our play has influenced CIVIII, much to our dismay. Think about the corruption model, the programmers were so concerned about our abilities to steam roll the AI that they designed a system that was so harsh and boring that it (if you read all the whining) basically sucked all the fun out of the game for the less than average player. If you read the pre-release press, they hoped they had a game that couldn't be beat at deity level. They even bragged about it. But less than a month after release they know they failed. Imagine if they had made the game twice as hard. It's harder than you think, without sucking all the fun out it.
But for MP, you don't have to worry about the AI, Let's help them focus on the things that will lead to a balance. (with a little luck thrown in)
Yes that would be fantastic. Then when War4's connection dropped late at night, I could load my war4 ghost and continue the game. If Civ was only as straight forward as a raceing game, these types of "Ghosts"would be possible. Too many decisions in Civ. But it would be fun to program the AI to focus on certain things that a particular player likes to do. (some say that's what they did when modding CTP II) but as soon as the AI hit a speedbump, so much for that. While everyone here seems to have a master plan for winning (or two or three or more), when you're not the only one doing it, it's not as easy. The good players will judge the situation and adapt, a computer program won't.
In all actuality though, our play has influenced CIVIII, much to our dismay. Think about the corruption model, the programmers were so concerned about our abilities to steam roll the AI that they designed a system that was so harsh and boring that it (if you read all the whining) basically sucked all the fun out of the game for the less than average player. If you read the pre-release press, they hoped they had a game that couldn't be beat at deity level. They even bragged about it. But less than a month after release they know they failed. Imagine if they had made the game twice as hard. It's harder than you think, without sucking all the fun out it.
But for MP, you don't have to worry about the AI, Let's help them focus on the things that will lead to a balance. (with a little luck thrown in)