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History of the World 2.2 - V (Cuz 2 just wasn't big enough)

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  • Editorial excerpt by the Senator from Beijing found in the Beijing Times:

    As war rages in the hot sands of Africa and limited battles scatter the northeast hills of North America the people of China find themselves experiencing peace, prosperity and fear. While fear is not a concern of some in the Chinese Democracy those who live by the borders of Mongolia certainly have there fears that the current leader, A.I. will launch a war of aggression against the walls of Canton and Beijing and the other cities in the area. However on the other side of the country those in the cities of Alliance, Tao and Bangkok look across the few miles of planes and hills and see the Israeli cities in North America and fear that soon the war will soon spill across their borders. And who can blame those with such fears in all of China’s history we have never been engaged in a shooting war. Are greatest casualties are from ancient barbarians who in our entire history have inflicted two horseman and a pikeman division causalities on us. And now in our country is greater than any time in history with the economy booming and population rising yet our military is in a pathetic state. We might be the most neutral country in the world but that also makes us a target, while the government will try to help those at war achieve peace, we must be able to defend our country against any foreign aggressor that would dare attack our great shores. I implore the readers to write my fellow Senators and Representatives to approve the increase in defense budget when it comes up in Congress this year.

    National Polls: (taken following the last Israeli offencive)

    1. Do you believe the Israeli were wrong to go as far as they have in their war?
    Yes: 57%
    No: 40%
    Don’t know: 3%

    2. Do you believe the Mali were justified too launch what they viewed as a pre-emptive strike against Waar?
    Yes: 39%
    No: 40%
    No but sympathetic to their position: 20%

    3. Should China get involved Militarily in the current war?
    Yes: 30%
    No: 70%

    4. Should China offer its diplomatic services to finding a solution?
    Yes: 35%
    No: 20%
    Only if requested: 45%

    5. Do you support expanding the CDF (Chinese Defense Force)?
    Yes: 65%
    No: 35%


    • War room, Zimbabwe

      "So General, how do you think the Israelis will react?" Lieutenant Ghazinak asked Shakeem.

      "It's tough to say In, the Israelis are a very proud people and they are very stubborn to boot. It makes for a very difficult situation. Besides that, they hate us because we seem to be the only one that ever calls them on anything. We would be good friends with them if we were willing to look away when they go off on one of their murdering sprees. But alas, we have morals." said Shakeem wily.

      "Well General, this is the time for them to finally prove their desire for peace. The demand we make is simple for them and as you stated, very reasonable. The threat once known as the Mali are all but wiped out. Even after they have their country back, they are not going to be a viable threat to anyone for decades, more likely centuries. Israel has succeeded in their mission: To disable the Mali threat. They say conquest was not the reason for the attacks and now they must prove it." said the Lieutenant.

      "You're right of course In. With the Mali military in shambles and cities lying in ruin, the Mali are no longer a threat. Shaka is dead and a new, more moderate leader will probably come to power. The Mali will be a changed nation." said the General confidently.

      "So General, what is the plan if the Israelis refuse our generous offer?" asked Lt. Ghazinak.

      Shakeem looked at the Lieutenant like he was stupid.

      "The West will be forever in the hell of warfare In! Cities will burn. People will die. There will never be peace. If Israel refuses to face the worlds opinions about their un-necessarily brutal attacks on the Mali, we will show them the err of their clouded ways. If no one is brave enough to stand with us, we will work alone. It all comes down to this In, when no one else has the balls to do the right thing, we will."

      Ghazinak nodded.
      I see the world through bloodshot eyes
      Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


      • ok I have no idea if this os OOC or not

        Originally posted by The Capo
        Berlin, Germany
        April 20th, 1570
        11:00 am GMT

        , howver one nation's call to the world was very startling to us in the wake of attempts at Western unity. The Mali in their transmission openly called out to Australia rather than its Western friends the Europeans. This decision on the part of the Mali proves once and for all that their intentions are not for any sort of peace in the west but the continued alienation of their Western neighbors.

        Therefore, Prime Minister Churchill condones the actions of the UAS/WAAR Coalition and condemns the Mali government.
        excuse me? I do not understand at all where the hell you got this from. Maybe because you weren't there for that (and I'm sneering now) "emergency world peace summit" but if I condemn the major world powers for doing nothing at all but smirking I do not personally construe that as a "call" to them to aid the Mali in any other way than to at least SAY something to their own allies

        but then any excuse will do, huh?
        condemn us all you want. I don't give aflying *$&#+*


        • OOC

          Since we're talking about aussies.....

          Where the hell is Deity and is he too good to ever grace these boards with his presence
          I see the world through bloodshot eyes
          Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


          • WAAR Refuses Zulu Peace Offer

            The WAAR High Council REjects all calls for them to hand over Provinces that have rightly been theirs sine time began. Any individual who studys history will see that Egypt was settled as part of the Israeli Nation , it was the second province founded, to turn over that part of our nation is sacramount to asking the Zulus to hand over their largest city. No this will not be done. The Mali started this war as they did the first Mali/Israeli war, we will not be pushed around. We will willingly return the captured Mali provinces as agreed in the Chinese peace plan, but ask that the EU as part of the Western Coalition, maintain control of the border provinces. Not one WAAR province will be surrendered to the aggressors.

            As to the EU claism that the Israelites started all wars, we fully understand that each of their democraticlly eleveted governments have forged great peace with the Israelites, but unfortunalty the Adriatic Idiots Party has taken over their country on three occasions , and on all occasions has attacked the Israelites unprovoked, as in the recent attack on Khurdistan. In the past the Israelites have reacted forcibly to this type of attack, but in the interests of western union and understanding know that the democratically elected leaders in EU will hand back the Province of Khurdistan.

            The WAAR High Council has in its hands a proposal to end all war in Africa and Asia. It suggests that the Asian Union of the Mongols hands back the two Provinces of EU it took in the wars. It suggests that the EU garrison the Mali border provinces south of WAAR territory to prevent any further viloence there.

            We beleive once this is instigated , true peace will reign. We send copies of our proposed world peace plan to all parties, The Mali, theZulu, The EU and the Mongols.

            The WAAR awaits the official response from all nations
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • OOC

              Umm folks slight crisis here, I have borrowed my Civ2 disk to a friend and he hasnt returned it yet... If he doesnt return it by Thursday I cant paly, unless any one knows where i cna get a no cd hack, dont post it here but please email me any info at thanks guys/ gal ,,,,,
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • Sure, there are such things. ANd it is not the 1st time a HOTWer need that. :-)


                • ooc

                  You've got two days raz, whats the problem?

                  Back to business:

                  Under recommendation of almost all nations, the Zulus will bend to the Israeli claim on Egypt. We were asking too much. But the rest of Africa is still rightly Mali homeland.

                  The Zulus have offered peace and been rejected. We have compromised and are taking Egypt out of the equation. We now send this new offer of peace to Israel. We find it very reasonable. Representatives of WAAR, you have the power to obtain the peace you've always wanted. If you want to show the Zulus you want peace, you must be willing to make sacrifices. You have caused great un-rest in Africa and all we're asking is for you to give the Mali people back their land. You have killed hundreds of thousands if not millions already. How much more have to die before you're convinced that the Mali are no longer a threat?

                  This is the end of the line Israel. Do the right thing.
                  I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                  Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                  • After reviewing the map of Africa

                    And weighing all options, we have decided that we have been pig headed and un-fair with our demands on Israel. Though we must look soft continuing to change our offer, we are compromising. We are listening to our allies and taking advice.

                    In our very final (this time for sure!), proposal for peace, we are willing to compromise the Israeli occupation of Libya as well. All other cities must be returned and strict guidelines to enforce border security for the Mali, Zulu and Isrealis will be set in place. We suggest that either the EU or China police this area of the world and keep order. The Zulus will build a fortress in which the police can maintain rail security north of Ghana. This is an attempt to come up with a solution that will protect both Africans and the Israelis.

                    We are even willing to provide a unit to the selected police force.

                    Though we hate to compromise to such a level, peace must be achieved in the west and the Zulus are trying desperately to find a fair and adequate solution.

                    We hope Israel will agree.
                    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                    • Berlin, Germany; EU Special Announcement...

                      Winston Churchill was seen on the moniter sitting in his desk, in front of the window showing the Berlin skyline. He was dressed in a suit with an EU and Eurkorps flag in the background...

                      "People of the World, the recent developments in Africa are sickening. No matter which side you take in this issue, you must admit that the loss of life suffered by both sides has been horrible. The sovreign territory of both nations has been transgressed upon by the soldiers of both nations. Many innocent lives have been taken, and many glorious cities now lie in smoldering rubble. Words have been bandied about by both the Mongol-Judeo camp and the Mali-Zulu camp. Europe has been called upon by both in private to help mediate the situation, our attempts have been lacklustre to say the least. It is very difficult when dealing with allies to decide upon a stance to take, thus we have not taken a stance and will not do so. However we are the champions of Western culture, and will continue to remain so no matter how horrible the status of our nation becomes. We have been racked by military strikes from Israel, Mongolia, Mali and Australia throughout the years. Our colonial empire which was once the envy of many nations now sits under the flags of foreign nations. A good portion of Europe now lies under Mongolian occupation, the Balkans have yet to be fully restored. We have hardly anything, but even in this state we understand that our position remains, we are the fathers of Western culture and now the time has come to control our children. Eurokorps will be reinstated, these soldiers will be comissioned into the Sahara desert, we are demanding that a cease-fire be signed for the purposes of peace, we want a freeze of all military units in the area. Mali units musn't move, Israeli units already there may only move northward or westward, and Zulu troops in the area may only move due south towards Zulu territory. If any of these units are seen going in other directions without explaination they will be taken out without question. This is what we say, if these nations refuse to comply with this then we risk another war, Europe is sick and tired of these petty fights. During the cease-fire peace talks will resume and will be successful, when this occurs we will evacuate Africa and move on towards Western unification. I anxiously await responses from our friends the Zulu, Israeli, Mali and Mongol. We hope and pray that peace is achieved. Thank you, and God bless Europe."
                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.


                      • Zulu offer

                        Once again the Zulus ask that WAAR provinces be surrendered and that the WAAr is to be punished for a war we never wanted. Libya is not nor has ever been a WAAR province and we do not desire it. It may return to the control of the Africans. But the WAAR province of Sudan must be returned to the WAAR, thisisa WAAR republic fro mwell before this current war. WE are fully prepared to ask for no more territory in Africa than we originall controlled, not much of a demand realy. All we ask is that the boreder provinces of Central Africa be given over to the control of the EU, we do not accpet just fortresses being built. The Mali must be punished for starting the war, and whilst the WAAR should demand reprisals agaisnt the Mali we dont, we ask that our neutral friend to the north the EU who have surely suffered much at the hands of th previous Israeli governments (rightly or wrongly depending on whose side you are on) we feel that giving the EU these border territories will restablish the EU as a power and also punish the Mali for the war they started.

                        We shall not now nor ever accept Mali citizens living within shooting distance of our citizens.

                        The WAAR will make no gains from this agreement we propose other than security in the region.
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • OOC

                          There might be two days to go Drake but the guy who has my disk is in another state now, and cant return it till Sunday.!!!

                          I depseratly need that CD hack guys, any info please email me
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • Sudan instead of Libya

                            The Zulus feel that the Israelis are finally being genuine for their desire for peace and we are ready to give it to them. Trading the Sudan for Libya is certainly a reasonable request and we shall approve this compromise.

                            However, the Zulus are confused as to what "border provinces" entail. Is this one or two cities? If so, which ones? The neutral presence of the EU in one or two cities seems to be a reasonable compromise, but certainly no more than that. The threat Israel feels the Mali may pose is more imagination than anything. They have been decimated. Their wings are fully clipped. Even if they are in shooting range, they have nothing to shoot you with!

                            Once we discuss what the border provinces are in fact and we can come to a mutual agreement, than the Zulus are prepared to sign an immediate peace deal with Israel. The West shall be united after all, thank god!

                            Raz, you can't get the guy to overnight it? You guys mst have some overnight service down in aussieland right? Thats what I had to do one week. Not that much of a big deal.......

                            As far as the hack goes, I really have no information, sorry. Perhaps start a thread?
                            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                            • <b>CENTRAL ASIAN INQUIRER</B>
                              5 Togrog
                              April 4, 1570

                              DOMESTIC NEWS

                              <B>Ozzy Khan Wins In Landslide</B>

                              The results of last week's Presidential election are in with 97% of precincts counted the clear victor is Tibetan native Ozzy Khan. Voters have given Ozzy a majority in 31 of UAS' 37 provinces, sweeping over the incumbent President, Adangqan Injinashi.

                              Asian citizens were confused by actions taken recently by Injinashi toward the EU and Chinese. While UAS' long time ally, WAAR was being attacked by the African coalition Injinashi instead choose to attack UAS' currently peaceful neighbors to the West and threaten the long peaceful neighbors to the East.

                              Citizens demanded a more rational realignment of foreign policy to one that supports beleaguered allies and leaves peaceful nations alone.

                              Ozzy Khan had this to say on his victory, "I am very pleased the Asian citizens favored my leadership. I ran a good clean campaign and I will make good on my promises to bring rational foreign policy and domestic reforms to the UAS."

                              <b>City Name Rumors Confirmed</B>

                              There have long been laughs and rumors in the Union of Asian States over the fact that the nation's capitol is in fact spelled incorrectly. City leaders have long been too embarassed to acknowledge the misspelling by changing it so have kept from mentioning the issue in the press for many years.

                              President Elect Ozzy Khan promises that a more reasoned approach to naming cities will be undertaken. Any errors or foolish names will be changed. Many regions will be offered a referendum to vote on the new name of their region.

                              INTERNATIONAL NEWS

                              <B>President Elect To Reverse Misdeeds By Predecesors</B>

                              President Elect Ozzy Khan pledges to honor all past agreements that were left unfufiled by his predesecors. After the European-Mongolian war a peace treaty was signed but thus far the terms of that deal have not been carried out. President Elect Khan also pledges to return territory captured by President Injinashi to smooth over relations with the Europe and China.

                              The President Elect said, "We will maintain a stance of armed vigilance. Those who are our friends will be regarded as such. Those who are neutral will be dealt with peacefully though carefully. Those who are our enemies must beware our wrath."

                              <B>Desert War Continues To Boil</B>

                              No end in sight for the decades long war in Nothern Africa. WAAR troops now occupy most of Mali possesions in Africa. Many peace agreements have been introduced by both sides, some realistic some vengeful, but nothing concrete has been agreed to yet.

                              With the involvement of the Zulu in the Israeli-Mali war there is much speculation that the UAS will support their long-time Israeli ally if needed against the African alliance assembled against them. Most Asians agree that the African nations were the agressors in this conflict and hope for a fair peace to settle the issue finally.

                              The Inquirer has taken a poll of the people regarding the war and what our response should be:

                              Who is to blame for starting the Israeli-Mali war?

                              Mali- 88%
                              Israel- 4%
                              Undecided- 7%
                              Other- 1%

                              Was the Israeli response justified?

                              Undecided- 34%

                              If peace cannot be made do you favor support for UAS' Israeli allies?

                              Yes- 43%
                              No- 23%

                              The President Elect stresses that all possible avenues for peace will be attempted before war is considered. "The world wants peace but threats masked as peace agreements will only create more hatred and war. Our nation calls for a fair peace, fair to all sides."
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • "Ahh Roberto have you seen the latest newspaper reports from the UAS?"

                                "Yes Madam Sarah, I have just finished reading them , it is good news that the people have chosen a new leader!"

                                "Yes but what do you make of all these polls they are running and the ones we swa in Chinese reports?"

                                "Well we all know polls are biased by the people taking the poll, they usually choose their demographics well. But it was pleasing to see that President Khan will be forging peace in Asia instead of war. I have many plans for a peaceful yet strong Asia. I beleive these wars over the past few centuries have shown that a disjointed Asia is weak and that a strong Asia can withstand the Africans."

                                "But after the latest Zulu memo we received it seems they are truly after peace as we are Roberto!"

                                "Yes it would seem that way Madam Sarah, but I have this gut feeling peace wont last. Whilst the leaders of both sides may know that we are all human under our skin no matter what colour, their are many within our nations on both sides that detest the other becuase of skin colour. Those are the people we have to worry about, the people who have the ear of the leaders."

                                "so where to fromm here Roberto? The Zulus seem to be agreeing to all our latest offers."

                                "Well they have stuck a few conditions on those agreements. They only want two Border provinces to be garrisoned by the EU, whilst we feel that 4-5 was probalby a safer number. I will have to consider this in much detail, I just wish that we could re-establiash communication with the frontlines so I can actually SEE for myslef what the situation is. Perhaps the Zulus might agree to find middle ground and agree to 3 provinces to be garissoned. I will have to await the MAPs and then let their leadership know."

                                "So we are finally going to get peace?"

                                "Yes, I think so Madam Sarah. I will right to President Khan to thank him for his offer of assistance but inform him that it shoudl not be necessary at this stage to allow other Asians to die in the fight ofr WAAR territiry"

                                "I wish they had made that offer when I was leading!!"

                                "Yes assistance from them back then would have assured the WAAR of complete security in the area. As it is we are still troubled by Zulu aggresion. But they at least are now offering a peace treaty for the first time in over 700 years."

                                "When will you speak to the people Roberto?"

                                "I will get a transmission set up for tongiht, the people of WAAR need saome good news. I shall proclaim to the people that the Chinese, our friends, have proposed a Peace Treaty that has been accepted by the Zulus. All we need now is the Mali agreement too, but as they are simply a puppet state of the Zulus, as they have always been, they will do as they are told."

                                "I wouldnt be too sure of that Roberto, they are a free minded people, they may choose a different path"

                                "If they do, they will be crushed, and this time I am sure the world wont sit back and encourage them"

                                "And if the Zulus rejoin the war?"

                                "If the Zulus break the peace treaty and join a still aggresive Mali, we would be force to initiate World War!! But let us hope it doesnt come to that."

                                "Amen to that"

                                "Well you must go now Madam Sarah, I have many memos to write and get out to the world leaders"
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

