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History of the World 2.2 - V (Cuz 2 just wasn't big enough)

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  • #46
    National Socialist Party HQ

    "My fellow citizns, I have come to speak to you today as our former great Recih Chancellor Herman Georing has been sentenced to incarceration. The great vacuum he leaves behind must be filled and I Adolf Hitler , great grandson of the old Israeli leadr himself, stand now before you to offer my services. For too long we have born the brunt of the worlds blames for the wars in this region, for too long they have sent their sons and daughters to fight us. No more , we shall be known as the PEaceful FDP from now on. WE shall unite all our provinces past and present and form a truly strong presence in the western Hemispere. These coming elections give you the people of the FDP the chance to endure times of peace not war. A chance to grow strong without loss of life. But whilst saying that, we will not allow this growth period to be taken advantage of and allow other nations to dominate us as they have done in the past.

    My fellow country men and women, put the National Sociialist PArty 1st and Vote for me and my team.

    We shall become the Nation we always shoudl have been"
    Attached Files
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #47
      The Right Honourable Rabbi Rasputin

      The Israeli people is an enslaved people. We are just good enough that international capital allows us to fill its money sacks with interest payments. That and only that is the result of a centuries-long history of heroism. Have we deserved it? No, and no again! We have been enslaved by the Arabs amongst us.

      Therefore we demand that a struggle against this condition of shame and misery begin, and that the men in whose hands we put our fate must use every means to break the chains of slavery.

      Three million people lack work and sustenance. The officials, it is true, work to conceal the misery. They speak of measures and silver linings. Things are getting steadily better for them, and steadily worse for us. The illusion of freedom, peace and prosperity that we were promised when we wanted to take our fate in our own hands is vanishing. Only complete collapse of our people can follow from these irresponsible policies.

      Thus we demand the right of work and a decent living for every working Israeli .

      While the front soldier was fighting in the trenches to defend this Fatherland, some Eastern Arabs profiteer robbed him of hearth and home. The Arab lives in the palaces and the proletarian, the front soldier, lives in holes that do not deserve to be called "homes." That is neither necessary nor unavoidable, rather an injustice that cries out to the heavens. A government that stands by and does nothing is useless and must vanish, the sooner the better.

      Therefore we demand homes for our Israeli soldiers and workers. If there is not enough money to build them, drive the foreigners out so that Isrealis can live on Israeli soil.

      Our people is growing, others diminishing. It will mean the end of our history if a cowardly and lazy policy takes from us the posterity that will one day be called to fulfill our historical mission.

      Therefore we demand land on which to grow the grain that will feed our children.

      While we dreamed and chased strange and unreachable fantasies, others stole our property. Today some say this was an act of God. Not so. Money was transferred from the pockets of the poor to the pockets of the rich. That is cheating, shameless, vile cheating!

      A government presides over this misery that in the interests of peace and order one cannot really discuss. We leave it to others to judge whether it represents Israel's interests or those of our capitalist tormenters.

      We however demand a government of national labor, statesmen who are men and whose aim is the creation of an Israeli state.

      These days anyone has the right to speak in Israel--the Arab, the European, the Zulu, the Asians, the conscience of the world and the Devil knows who else. Everyone but the Israeli worker. He has to shut up and work. Every four years he elects a new set of torturers, and everything stays the same. That is unjust and treasonous. We need tolerate it no longer. We have the right to demand that only Israeliswho build this state may speak, those whose fate is bound to the fate of their Fatherland.

      Therefore we demand the annihilation of the system of exploitation! Up with the Israeli's worker's state!

      Israel for the Israelis!
      Attached Files
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #48
        Changes to the High Council of FDP

        This is Radio FDP.....

        I am reporting live tonight from the steps of the newly proclaimed Reichstag. This forms the basis of the new FDP government. Instead of each Province having one voice on the council, now each province will elect a certain number of members per population of that Province, this has been done as the lowly populated Arab states were easily outvoting the majority of citizens elsewhere.

        <img src="">

        Scenes in the REichstag were of jubilation and celebration. A each nominee from the provinces journeyed here to see the great building completed. After the forthcming elections the duly elected representatives will then elect a new Reich PResident and a new Reich Chancellor.
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #49
          FDP Engineering works

          26 May: Laying the cornerstone of the Israeli Car factory

          "It bears the name of the organization that has done the most to fill the broad masses with pleasure and therefore strength. It will be called the 'FDP-Wagon.'

          This factory will come from the strength of the whole Israeli people, and it will bring joy to the Israeli people!"

          <IMG SRC="">

          6 June: Commencment of the National Highway

          "No thought is more satisfying to me than that we begin here not only the building of the greatest highway system in the world, but that it is also a milestone in building the Israeli people. Before many years have passed this enormous project will be witness to our service, our industry, our ability and our decisiveness.

          Israeli workers, begin work!"
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Rasputin; August 31, 2001, 01:13.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #50

            Can we please make sure a save game is attached and posted here each week. Not only for ourselves, but also for any other itnerested parties...

            Come on guys post this weeks events I sure missed not being able to paly
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • #51
              you didnt miss anything

              Just another session of frustrating dis-connects and another capo disapperance. You know, the usual.

              Anyway, the main problem is that I was hosting and I really shouldnt have. My connection is not good enough to handle the game in the state its in. I could have hosted earlier in the game when there weren't so many variables, but at this point, the games too big for my resources.

              So bottom line is that we played a little over one full round (woohoo!). and little to nothing happened. If this trend continues, I think the game's in trouble.......

              Hey raz, you think you might be able to turn down the nazi **** a bit? A little is alright, but I usually look at this forum at work, and I don't need my co-workers looking in and seeing nazi crap all over my screen if you know what I mean, especially since my boss is jewish.

              Anyway, capo, please let everyone know what happened. Some think he got cut off and others think he left because and I quote him, "This game is a joke". We'll find out I guess......
              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


              • #52
                Does anyone have a save from before my turn mabye a Mali auto save or and Israeli even a Zulu auto save, because I would like to go back to one of those if we could...


                • #53
                  My Dearest Jacqueline,

                  How is life in Sydneyago? My bed here is cold and empty, I miss you terribly. I fear our sepperation during these last few months while I ruled the country has caused me undue stress. I fear the stress of our sepperation and the stress of running the nation may have triggered my illness yet again.

                  Many times I was prone to blackouts, sometimes lasting a month or more. Sometimes in fact when I returned to a normal state after the blackout I suffered massive deja-vu, it felt very much like I had gone back in time and had to redo many tasks that I did before the blackout. Very troubling.

                  I spoke with a doctor and a few trusted advisors about this, the doctor checked me out and told me I was absolutly fine. He seemed confident that my illness had not returned and that I was in prime mental and physical health. Some of my advisors passed along rumors that the leaders of many other nations were experiencing the same thing. This seems absurd to me, but perhaps it could explain things...

                  During my lucient moments I did the best I could for the FDP despite the limited time I was allowed to rule. Seeing the need for greater production in our nation I rapidly industrialized the fatherland as much as I could. At the same time I began assembling an engineering core to rival even that of the Mali. Long have our people languished in the harsh desert, after speaking to an advisor I learned it is possble to transform the very land we live on! The wonders of technology! I sent out FDP engineers to begin transforming our useless deserts into land more suitable to sustain life and a great nation. I only wish I had more time to see the project through.

                  Since we are currently at peace with the world I ordered our troops to stand down. Those who had been on active duty for too long I ordered to furlough and rest some. I hope this will improve the morale of the troops.

                  Internationally it was an interesting time. I attended the great Western conference but it was cut very short by another blackout. That which I was present for I recorded and will pass that on to the High Council.

                  If you haven't heard already, Reich Chancellor Georing has been found guilty and sentanced to 15 years in prison. Currently Rabbi Rasputin and Adolf Hitler III are both vieing for power. Things are so tense here in in the capitol I fear for my life. Our country has a long history of assasinations and no job is worth that. Although I very much enjoyed my position and would greatly enjoy the job once more for short stretches.

                  Soon I will return to you my precious Jacqueline. Despite the action that has gone on here I've found my thoughts have drifted often to simple pleasures of sipping pineapple juice with you on the beach, digging our toes in the sand. Running along the water, splashing each other playfully. Going back to our bungalo and ripping each others clothes off.... Soon I will return...

                  Reich Vice-Chancellor Ozzy, your teddy bear
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #54

                    I'll post the Israeli autosave. Though if we go back again this session will pretty much be entirely wiped out. I only got to play two turns, and if we use this save it'd only be one. arrgghh, what a waste.

                    ugh, it won't let me post it, the file it too big apparently.
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • #55
                      Diplomatic Courier

                      to: our beloved Leader Chaka
                      from: Akien Mwandu

                      As you may have heard, the Western Conference has been delayed; Mr. Pagnacci of the EU seems to have disappeared, the FDP has been represented by one Reich-Chancellor Ozzy, who has a limited authority (though it is rumored someone will be coming down to take his place) and even more ominously, there has been no sign at all of our old friend Jula Kamma.

                      This VC Ozzy for the FDP wasted no time coming to me to announce that his government had voted to end their alliance with us, though they still wanted peace, blah, blah, blah. I cannot help but be suspicious of the timing in this, Beloved Leader, especially in light of the fact that they have allied themselves to our olden enemy the Asians. However, the good news seems to be that peace has broken out all over the North, with the EU and the UAS settling their differences. This, at least, seems to fit in well with what you have hoped to accomplish here. If I am able to talk furthur with a representative of the FDP, I will attempt to find out if they intend to honor past agreements. You can imagine our difficulty in this as I read in the papers (and you must surely know by now, yr Omnipotence) that the former Chancellor Goering has been incarcerated for some time and they are preparing for an election.

                      I will reside here for some time more, in the hopes that something might actually HAPPEN with this so-called Conference; even though those who have invited here appear not to BE here. If nothing else, I may be able to find out more fully exactly what is happening with Ms. Kamma: it is rumored that a military coup is imminent and control of the country may fall into the hands of their generals. Perhaps, in light of these rumors and the defection of our ally, I might be more useful here to represent us to the Zulu than to pursue furthur contact with the FDP.

                      But of course, as always, I await your direction.

                      Akien Mwandu
                      Foriegn Policy Representative

                      (handwritten note folded in with official paper)>
                      Chaka --
                      I cannot help but be reminded of the analogy you used in our last meeting together. I believe, in that light, that we have been dumped for a younger, prettier model with a more charms to offer.


                      • #56

                        Does anyone have a save from before my turn mabye a Mali auto save or and Israeli even a Zulu auto save, because I would like to go back to one of those if we could...
                        Did you not remeber me sending you that file last night, or was that not far enough back? It was definetly before your turn, I know that.
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • #57

                          sorry. the only save I got is from the beginning of your turn, Pro, when the computer seized control (cause it was end of mine)so don't know if that would help you any! hope we don't have to start too far back as I had FINALLY just gotten out of anarchy after two weeks -- and this the first time in last month I had more than one turn

                          and guys, I agree with Drake -- what's this adolescent fascination with nazis? this is like the second or third time we've had them pop up. yeah, they had cool uniforms but gee whiz! though I do think it rather hilarious to have Hitler and Goering leading Israel I'm kinda hoping they get over it. Go commies! if it means I don't have to look at nazi pix anymore


                          • #58
                            Drake, the one you sent me my turn was still messed up, it says I have 67 units which was wrong not to mention all the screwy stuff that the A.I. did.

                            Ozzy could send your save to if you wouldn't mind.

                            If the best save we have is from my turn for next session I will play it. But I would like to go back to the Mali or Israeli if you guys, and lady dont mind.
                            Last edited by Prometheus; August 31, 2001, 15:40.


                            • #59
                              OOC - Nazis

                              I apologise if my choice of characters offend people, but I wont be changing. People have to realsie this is just a game. I understand Drakes dilemna and for his sake I wont post as many Nazi flags, but my characters will continue to develop as I feel. I hope you can understand that.

                              I didnt want a Fascist Regime I prefer the Fundamentalist Regimes, but as the best and worst Fascists I know were the nazis they are the character I choose now. Perhaps next time (HOTW3) we can leave the Fundamentalist government and then I can use Religous Fanatics to run my country !!!!

                              Ozzy -- Thankyou for running my country, without me actually contacting you, you fulfilled my exact wishes. More city improvments to increase production, more engineering works etc. Most of the Israeli Deserts were already being transformed and your continuance of this is appreciated. Your posting is brilliant too, I sure will call on you if I need to work on a Friday again, hopefully you will be avaialble! But more importantly I look forward to seeing you in HOTW3 . Again Thankyou
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • #60
                                Democratic Elections in FDP

                                This is Ben Kilowski reporting live from Georgia, the first Democratic Election in 120 years occurred in the FDP yesterday and whilst counting is still continuing in most provinces, the local Georgian results are now through and the Nationalists have won 75% of the vote, with 15% to the Democrats and 10 % to the Fedaralists.

                                This is a huge dissapointment for Rabbi Rasputin who as leader of the Democrats had hoped to gain a majority in all provinces. It appears that all the Northen Provinces are remaining loyal to the Nationalsits with the Southern Provinces going mainly to the Federalists under Governor Ahab Hakeem. The American Provinces are almsot certainly to be domianted by the Democrats which is no surprise as Rabbi Rasputin did most of his Electioneering over there away from the Arab dominated southern provinces.

                                Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nationalists is currently partying hard in Georgia with Governor Hans Shulz, we are hoping to get a comment from him soon.

                                More detailed reports to follow....
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

