seems drake was getting paranoid anyway. how do we know all the polls havent been affected. ANSWER we dont...
I will honeslty state I sent ICQ messages to all my list of civ 2 players and asked them to vote the way i wanted in your first election , is that cheating too or just good lobbying ??
i havent tried one of these poll things as it concerned me what if my way of palying wasnt selected.. it now appears that khan has one vote too many (deity DL) so simply remove one vote, dont throw out a candidate simply because of one bad vote..
in real life you would jsut count the real votes (as in last years US election) you dont remove the nominee jsut because it was illegally voted..
I would prefer to see the elction continue , but i know you have an in game plan and war with china doenst suit that....
I will honeslty state I sent ICQ messages to all my list of civ 2 players and asked them to vote the way i wanted in your first election , is that cheating too or just good lobbying ??
i havent tried one of these poll things as it concerned me what if my way of palying wasnt selected.. it now appears that khan has one vote too many (deity DL) so simply remove one vote, dont throw out a candidate simply because of one bad vote..
in real life you would jsut count the real votes (as in last years US election) you dont remove the nominee jsut because it was illegally voted..
I would prefer to see the elction continue , but i know you have an in game plan and war with china doenst suit that....
