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History of the World 2.2 - V (Cuz 2 just wasn't big enough)

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  • By saying you'll go down and do what it trakes to help the Chinese win is absurd within the game story and within the game play of civ. You are picking a favourite out of player grudge. In the end if China or Australia win it's the same result for the Zulus.
    Not at all. I said I would help China if they stood with the Zulus against Australia. Makes perfect sense. If they, or any other country is willing to help the zulus take you down, we would sell our soul to them. Makes complete sense.

    Australia is NOT China. Not even half the nation China is. China is a peaceful beacon for the world and while the Zulus sometimes resented their isolationism, we were always on good, friendly terms. They are a just nation and have only attacked others who attacked them first. They do not pick on the smaller and weaker. They have decency. This alone sets them apart from Australia.

    All the Zulus have left is vengeance. Australias left the Zulus with nothing else.

    Now......what doesnt make sense is attacking a country on heresay and rumors. There was no organized alliance against Australia. None at all. Australias reasons for attacking are fairy tales. Nothing more.

    The Zulus will accept the return of South America in entirety, or we will build manhattans project and bring about Australias ultimate demise. If that means Australia taking Africa (which they were planning anyway), so be it.

    And don't make in character decisions based on - Get deity at whatever cost! You would then run a real risk of going beyond the boundaries of the game. Your decisions must relate to the Zulus and the Aussies.
    It isn't personal. I didn't take getting f*cked in the ass in game personal. Just as you shouldnt take getting some of your own medicine personal.

    Don't bring up diplo game ethics to me...its insulting.
    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


    • OOC - The Capo Intervenes...

      Diplo-ethics, Diplo-Schmethics!

      I have to side with Drake on that point at least, we founded this game upon the principle that this was an innovation upon the genre, which was lacking horribly, and which was being so misunderstood playing in one was almost a farce more than anything else. The game had become a parody of itself, and HOTW2 was to change this. (Well HOTW1 was to change it, but thanks to Nappy it never did... like an Elephant the Capo never forgets.)

      BUT - Drake - Buddy, you've got to put things into perspective. You have to understand that this is not totally out of question, this type of activity. Sure, Australia completely dominated you, one turn, for no reason they conquered half of your "empire, nation, state, kingdom, republic" whatever you want to call it. You wanna hear a whole bunch of f*cked up stories of equal or more importance? Let's do it...

      Great War - Adriatic League, Israel and Mali declare war on Pacific Pact. Result; Mali tucks tail and runs within the first turn, b*tches out to Australia and gets his peace. Israel TURNS ON the AL for promised land it never recieved and the AL was forced to fight the strongest alliance alone. Adriatic League is dominated to a point of no recovery. Reason for war; Deity pulled a political trick to take my land.

      Fascist/Communist War - Adriatic League and Israel join forces under the table to attack Mali. Result; Israel turns around WITH MALI and attacks the Adriatic League, conquers its capital and the balkans. This would happen FOUR MORE times. Reason for war; Israel wanted more land.

      Second World War - Mongolian and Israelite alliance attacks AL, takes capital again and most of Balkans, some of Caucuses and most of Russia. Reason for war; "AI Attacked" Israel.

      Third World War - Australia, which never should have been there, invades Turkey prompting a Mongolian invasion into Uralsky again. Israel joints the fun and takes Germany and all of Central Europe. Reason for war; a "DMZ" which should have been voided by the PAST FOUR ISRAELI invasions (the treaty was signed in Medieval times mind you), was broken by the AI. Mongolia's reason was pure conquer and racism and Australia's is totally unknown. Mali also invades Spain for seemingly no reason as well.

      Now, you want to talk about demanding reason? C'mon man, I've delt with far more than what you've just dealt with. What I'm saying is not that I deserve anything, or that you don't deserve a thing. What I'm saying is things are not always going to make sense to you. Take Hitler for example, he invades Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium and takes Austria over for NO REASON at all other than racism. He invades France for no rational reason either. If you ask all nations to be rational, nay YOUR type of rational, then you're going to run into trouble. There is always room for politics, always, there is always room.

      This game is far from over Drake, don't lose hope. Australia is not unstoppable, they are amazingly strong and dominant but they are not unstoppable.

      I guess I'm going to use a little line courtesy of everyone's favorite rockin communists, Rage Against the Machine...

      "Hope lies in the smoldering rubble of Empires."

      Think about it!
      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • EU Diplomatic Transmission...

        European Department of State
        260 Bonaparte Street
        Paris, France

        TO: The Union of Asian States, Western American and Asian Republics, People's Republic of China, the Mali Nation State, and the Zulu Federation.
        FROM: The honorable Rodrigo Borgia, Secretary of State.

        Dear sirs;

        I speak on behalf of the newly appointed President Lazlo Medici, Doge of Venice and leader of the new European Union. Many things are in the way of peace and prosperity throughout the world, invasions have occured in almost all corners of the globe and the time has come for some sort of order to be restored at once.

        Therefore these are our messages to the various nations...

        To Mali - We demand that you leave Spain at once, if you do not your brigades will all be decimated. We are not joking, we have the means to do so and you will be sorry if you cross us again. We will turn your pathetic desert into glass if you do not leave at once.

        To WAAR - We are willing to offer you the city of Bosporus and 700 gold for the safe return of all other cities taken in Europe, we believe these include Berlin, Amsterdam, Vienna, Venice, Athens, Bucharesti and Caspiari. There may be others but at this point this is what we believe you are in posession of. To reiderate, the Holy City of Bosporus and 700 gold.

        To the UAS - We have no wishes for the return of Uralsky province, you have taken it and it is yours. We wish you good luck dealing with the mixed Khazak, Russian and Tartar populations who owe many allegiences to many nations.

        To the Zulu Federation - Our allies, our brethren, we offer our deepest sympathies for the invasion of the Australian pigs into South America. We promise to offer assistance in the way of money and soldiers at your request, we will make attempts to send a force in to the fray to help liberate your territory as well.

        To China - We would like to reiderate the Zulu point; you do stand as a beacon of peace and prosperity on Earth. However we must disagree with the Zulus on their other point, we beg of you not to leave this Earth on a space craft, do not leave your fellow humans behind. We ask you to join the effort to stop the Australian menace, why run from these cowards? We must unite, and we must stop them at once!

        To all nations - I hope that all of you would be interested in joining a conference, this is the conference for the Coalition that will stop Australia's land grab. We must, I repeat, must repel this vile Empire before it is to late. Do not run, do not build a ship to colonize a distant star just to avoid this menace. Yes, divided we may fall, but united we will be victorious. I await your response.

        Secretary of State,

        Rodrigo Borgia
        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • As I said capo...wars have a place...conquest does not.....had I known we were playing that type of game I would have attacked a lot of other nations....

          Dont bring about real world examples...this game isnt about reflecting history its about writing our own.

          Anyway, its over and done with and I am moving on....I will stop b1tching and moaning and just do my best.....thats all I can do.
          I see the world through bloodshot eyes
          Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


          • Mitchell Auldinsky pondered the letter from Europe. He knew that hidden behind the message was the threat of Nuclear war. Auldisnky knew all about the weopons that would be created once the Zulus completed their project, he knew of their devastation, he also knew that the EU would use them against any nation that threatened them, as he would himself.

            He sat and looked at the letter again, he had already made his decision re who to ally with based on a coin toss, perhaps he should do the same with this proposal.

            Little did he know that powers beyond his control were manipulating the coin tosses.....
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • The AI attacked us!

              Capo, "Mongolia's reason was pure conquer and racism and Australia's is totally unknown."

              Half your problems come from not showing up! No way would half those wars have occurred if it wasn't AI.
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • Dame de Notre writes to Prometheus.

                "So Prometheus, Paul's little buddy, I trusted you and we discussed tactics. Damn stupid Paul.
                You were worried about UAS invasion.
                I said I'd back you up.
                You suggested taking all of South Am was a safe thing to do and now you are plotting against me!
                Now you voted for the UAS candidate: Tserehuu Sharavdorj, sworn enemy of Australia
                Paul helped China like no one else with techs, trade and gold...
                A few years ago the Zulus were poking fun at you, now you lie down with them....
                You know I did not seek this war...."
                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                icq: 8388924


                • Originally posted by drake
                  Not at all. I said I would help China if they stood with the Zulus against Australia. Makes perfect sense. If they, or any other country is willing to help the zulus take you down, we would sell our soul to them. Makes complete sense.

                  Australia is NOT China. Not even half the nation China is. China is a peaceful beacon for the world and while the Zulus sometimes resented their isolationism, we were always on good, friendly terms. They are a just nation and have only attacked others who attacked them first. They do not pick on the smaller and weaker. They have decency. This alone sets them apart from Australia.

                  All the Zulus have left is vengeance. Australias left the Zulus with nothing else.

                  Now......what doesnt make sense is attacking a country on heresay and rumors. There was no organized alliance against Australia. None at all. Australias reasons for attacking are fairy tales. Nothing more.

                  The Zulus will accept the return of South America in entirety, or we will build manhattans project and bring about Australias ultimate demise. If that means Australia taking Africa (which they were planning anyway), so be it.

                  It isn't personal. I didn't take getting f*cked in the ass in game personal. Just as you shouldnt take getting some of your own medicine personal.

                  Don't bring up diplo game ethics to me...its insulting.

                  OK, so you are the expert on diplos and I can't say anything?

                  You know it's no fairy tale about attacking me...

                  How will we be in demise if we also take Africa?

                  Zimbabwe is building Manhattens. It will be rush bought next year. BUT the Aussie forces move next and every effort will be made to kill it before it is constructed. The homeland of the Zulus will receive the MAXIMIMUM attack possible during the next 5 year period.

                  Your proposals are a joke.

                  IF you switch all your cities to peaceful construction and give me all your gold I will consider NOT attacking.

                  The UAS will only receive minimal losses in this period.

                  IF you are unlucky enough to build Manhattens you will receive a blast of nukes from South America before you can even build them.
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • You can suck our ***censored*** australia.

                    Australia is the filth of the world. Someones gotta protect the small from bullies like you. It amuses the Zulus that you think threat of death is intimidating. Bring it on you <b>spineless</b> pussies. Australia is only skilled at beating on a smaller and much less equipped opponent. They could never topple an equally equipped nation. Goddam amateurs.

                    IF you switch all your cities to peaceful construction and give me all your gold I will consider NOT attacking.
                    How about you suck on Jerokams left nut.

                    Zimbabwe is building Manhattens. It will be rush bought next year. BUT the Aussie forces move next and every effort will be made to kill it before it is constructed. The homeland of the Zulus will receive the MAXIMIMUM attack possible during the next 5 year period.
                    I suggest every nation checks the Zulus build order. It is not the Manhattan Project but the UN. So go ahead australia, destroy the construction of the foundations of the UN. The UN after all is just the opposite of what you want to see. Australia doesn't want nations to be equal to them, they want nations to be on their knees for them. Those standing up will be destroyed. If a UN was built, a terrorist organization like Australia would never be given a seat anyway.

                    The UAS will only receive minimal losses in this period.
                    I hope Mongolia hears this. Australia is going to be nice guy and take only 15 of your cities. Drop your silly tyrade against China and face the worlds true enemy.

                    "So Prometheus, Paul's little buddy, I trusted you and we discussed tactics. Damn stupid Paul.
                    You were worried about UAS invasion.
                    I said I'd back you up.
                    You suggested taking all of South Am was a safe thing to do and now you are plotting against me!
                    Now you voted for the UAS candidate: Tserehuu Sharavdorj, sworn enemy of Australia
                    Paul helped China like no one else with techs, trade and gold...
                    A few years ago the Zulus were poking fun at you, now you lie down with them....
                    You know I did not seek this war...."
                    And here we have an example of Australia belittling China. Heaven forbid the Chinese try and think for themselves. Prometheus, does it feel to be treated like Australias lap dog? You may have been the student of Australia, but now you are their master. Come out of your shell and defend the rights of mankind.

                    Mali, EU, Israel, I hope you heed the call to defend mankind as well. Either we unite now, or we all fall together to the women raping, baby killing hordes of the barbaric Australian army.

                    OOC- No hard feelings Deity......might as well try and make this fun

                    edited out some harsh language.....probably was in-appropriate.
                    Last edited by drake; October 30, 2001, 09:43.
                    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                    • Prometheus has announced his retirement…
                      A special election is being held… between General Xin from the Isolationist party and General Tao from the Interventionist party.

                      General Xin (Isolationist Party)- General Xin, the leader and coordinator of the Japan, New Oz city and Laos attacks is leading the new popular Isolationist party. Believing in the good old days of old when China was isolationist and its economy was booming. The basic party platform includes not getting involved with world affairs and building a space ship under the guidelines that Prometheus proposed.

                      General Tao (Interventionist Party)- A mixture of the old Republican and C.G.P. General Tao the hero of Nanking is leading a drive to transform China into the worlds peace keeper, this includes pressuring the Aussies, stopping any form of aggressive attack by any nation including the so called Israeli demands of Mongolia, restoring the E.U.’s land and stopping any nation that attempts or that builds the Manhattan project.

                      Both parties say that an end to the war with Mongolia is first on their list of things to do though most expect that General Xin will be more lenient than General Tao…



                      • Aussies tamporing with Mongolia election?

                        Behind the scenes ballot stuffing have surfaced in Zulu intelligence. It is not 100% confirmed, but the Zulus have some fairly convincing evidence. It appears the Aussies have stuffed the ballot in hopes of electing Khann.....the leader that aims to take China down.....

                        Zulu intelligence aren't the smartest people in the world, but they are smart enough to figure out what this implies......

                        China could be all that stands in the way of world domination from Australia....if weakened enough in a war with Mongolia, China could then be vulnerable to Australian attacks.

                        If China finds this evidence to be conclusive......hopefully they will take appropriate actions.
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • MBC News Special Report

                          BALLOT STUFFING CONFIRMED

                          “What for several days appeared to be a rumor circulated by some ethnic Zulu minorities and conspiracy theorists has been confirmed. The crucial special election to determine the new UAS President has been terribly tampered with by Australian operatives working to disrupt our nation. Authorities have discovered and arrested a ring of Australian spies who have generated thousands of false ballots for Asian Unity Party candidate Kublai Khan. Information is still sketchy but MBC News is told these operatives report to the highest Australian office.

                          “In 1645 the UAS election was side tracked by the Ming Dynasty monarchist faction, that election resulted in the election of Asian Unity Party candidate Genghis Khan. With yet another election being tampered with to support the AUP candidate there is much speculation as to the parties’ involvement with Australia and the Ming Dynasty. The AUP is currently under investigation and many are speculating that Khan may be disqualified from the race. MBC News will get you details on this scandal when they are made available.

                          “With us in the studio today is Western Mongolia University international relations professor, Xion Chau, who will analyze how this scandal affects power plays and relations on the world stage, welcome Xion.”

                          “Thank you Connie, this is truly a desperate move by the Australian government. Fearing possible competition from China it seems the Australians have attempted to rig the UAS election in order to keep China and the UAS locked in war. With the blatant conquering of Zulu land in South America it seems Australia will stop at nothing to make the international chess board favorable for their conquest of the world.

                          “The Zulus are attempting to build a world coalition to defend against Australian aggression but there are many key pieces that are still up in the air. One of these pieces is the strong Chinese nation which Australia is now attempting to force into perpetual war with the UAS to prevent China from stopping Australian conquest. This is indeed troubling news. Two powerful nations, WAAR and China are still undecided as to their involvement in this last great war of modern history. It is a fascinating struggle to watch, will Zulu diplomacy or Australia’s Machiavellian string pulling win out? It is anyone’s guess.”
                          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                          • Mongolian Times Book Review

                            Today we are reviewing a quality work of fiction, <U>Ostriches Under Fire</U>, that has recently been published. The author, American born Edward R Murrow has created a compelling world much like our own but a fictionalized account of nations, wars, people and politics. The book follows the life of a British Diplomat attempting to court the great powers of this planet to stop a power mad German dictator. Murrow paints an involved picture for the reader, (he even makes it convincing that the world is made up of dozens and dozens of tiny soveriegn nations), any lover of war, politics and intrigue will love this book.

                            Central to the plot are the leaders of the nation of "USSR", a Communist nation that expands from eastern europe all across the top of Asia to the Pacific, Joseph Stalin, and the leader of the "United States of America" a democratic nation which occupies the midportion of North America from coast to coast, Franklin Roosevelt. The story begins as the leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler, begins to take land in Europe, occupying the nations of Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Poland. Other nations attempt to appease Germany and stay out of its way, some like the USSR even work with Germany for its own gain.

                            The main character, Winston Templehill, working for the British government is deathly afraid of Hitler's true ambitions in Europe and around the world, thus Templehill sets off to travel to the USSR and USA to convince these two superpowers of the impending war and crisis. Here is where the plot thickens, USSR and USA are very distrustful of each other and despise each other's policies. Templehill flounders initially as each leader feels content that they are safe within their borders and are more skeptical of assisting past enemies. Eventually as the book continues Hitler's Germany begins to attack its neighbors and before long the USSR as well! By this point all major world powers realize that they must put aside their differences to face a common enemy bent on world domination.

                            This is a delightful tale woven in what the author calls a "parallel universe" Murrow in his insight draws comparisions to the real world and real situation in the world today but keeps his tale in his fictional world of Gaia. Look for <U>Ostriches Under Fire</U> at your local bookstore.
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • Re: MBC News Special Report

                              Originally posted by OzzyKP
                              BALLOT STUFFING CONFIRMED
                              do you have proof of this, or is it jsut because you have decided to go agaisnt your own poll and wish to through out the candidqte that is winning ??? Would be interested to see the proof ...

                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • OOC

                                Rasputin and the rest:

                                It is very much true. Ask Drake or Chris for proof. Chris as a moderator for CivFanatics confirms that Deity did a double login to vote.

                                I am highly ticked off about this but I will handle it in game. I really put my neck on the line trusting all the players in this game by starting these polls, hoping that they would be conducted fairly and Deity has proven that he will stop at nothing to get his way in this game. I would consider this tantamount to cheating but others have cautioned me to cool down and handle it in game. I will do that Deity but I am very dissapointed with you and I will question whether to play future Diplogames with you.

                                Rasputin it is absolutly true, ask Chris for proof. As I indicated in character, watch out, Deity will stop at nothing to sabatoge the rest of us and take home an exclusive HOTW2 crown.
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

