By saying you'll go down and do what it trakes to help the Chinese win is absurd within the game story and within the game play of civ. You are picking a favourite out of player grudge. In the end if China or Australia win it's the same result for the Zulus.
Australia is NOT China. Not even half the nation China is. China is a peaceful beacon for the world and while the Zulus sometimes resented their isolationism, we were always on good, friendly terms. They are a just nation and have only attacked others who attacked them first. They do not pick on the smaller and weaker. They have decency. This alone sets them apart from Australia.
All the Zulus have left is vengeance. Australias left the Zulus with nothing else.
Now......what doesnt make sense is attacking a country on heresay and rumors. There was no organized alliance against Australia. None at all. Australias reasons for attacking are fairy tales. Nothing more.
The Zulus will accept the return of South America in entirety, or we will build manhattans project and bring about Australias ultimate demise. If that means Australia taking Africa (which they were planning anyway), so be it.
And don't make in character decisions based on - Get deity at whatever cost! You would then run a real risk of going beyond the boundaries of the game. Your decisions must relate to the Zulus and the Aussies.
Don't bring up diplo game ethics to me...its insulting.