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New Diplogame... who wants in?

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  • #76
    Hey capo i thought i had already filled in a pspot in the diplo game....


    • #77
      Alright here's the map we are using:
      <a href="">

      So you can check it out, PLEASE tell me ASAP where you want your start to be, on Sunday I am going to finish this Mod and if you didn't speak up you will be where your tribe is starting. If you want a better spot, say Israel wants to be on the Trigris and Euphrates, they will no longer be Israel but will be Iraq or Babylon so keep that in mind. I am not going to keep your tribe's name if you move your spot (too much).
      Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


      RIP Bradley James Nowell


      • #78
        ****, just click on all that blue stuff, then you'll get the map.
        Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


        RIP Bradley James Nowell


        • #79
          No offence taken, I would be happy to play wherever you would think that I would best attribute to the “balance of power” or if you decide not to let me play that is fine too.

          I agree with Curumbor Elendil that I would have to either be the Russians Indians or Vikings but each have their distinctive advantages and disadvantages so it does not really matter to me. I will let you guys decide where I would be most beneficial to game play.


          • #80
            Alright we have an issue now, apparently I had told Deity that he/she can play in this game. Sun Tzu was also supposed to be in this game as we ended a game with him in order to play and I had told him he would be in this game.

            Therefore we have a situation.....

            Sun Tzu

            There are nine people who are "down" for this game's Roster, but only seven spots we can fill. I'm not quite sure what we can do about this. On one hand I don't think its fair to the people that have been on this thread saying "Yeah, do this, no don't do that, I can't wait to play blah blah blah" for us/me to in essence kick them out.

            But on the other hand, I don't think its fair to people who have been assured a spot in the game to be thrown out simply because I didn't tell them to make posts instead of just ICQ/Mail me. So we have a situation on our hands.

            (offhand comment real quick; Damn, thanks for letting me know that Thursday was not Vday, I am a true idiot, can you imagine how stupid I would have looked? She woulda been like "You forgot you *******!" and like, god I don't even want to think about it....)

            So, what are YOUR suggestions, I mean should we find out who has the biggest desire to play? What can we possibly do in a situation like this?

            Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


            RIP Bradley James Nowell


            • #81
              Ah well I suppose the only fair way is to let those to whom you made the prior commitment to play. Given it will most likely end up being Sun Tzu, Deity or myself to fill Kent –jo’s place, I will withdraw myself as you most likely made commitments to Sun Tzu and Deity before I posted. Well back to Thursdays of drinking and making fun of Survivor.

              If you ever need a sub let me know. (ICQ#88942268.


              • #82
                Committments per se were not made, but there was a general understanding in those circumstances, which is why its tough to just arbitrarily say "You're out, you're in."

                I am not sure what exactly we are going to do in this situation. I think what we should do right now is get everyone to post what tribe they want to be, I put the map up, that way you can see where you want to start and pick a tribe. But, even before then we should decide whether or not we want North America to be empty for colonization?

                Deity has told me that he/she will play as the Australians, I am very sure I am playing as the Adriatic League (Venice).

                So that's two confirmed spots, I hope ALL NINE of you would post what tribe you want to be, because we haven't decided on the final seven yet. Thank you.
                Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


                RIP Bradley James Nowell


                • #83

                  I am a kind of a newbie so I would prefer the difficulty settings to be on king.

                  the world map is a good idea, altough some players may have an advantage.

                  I'm free whole weekend and mon to fri after 5 pm.

                  I'm always in for a civ game


                  • #84
                    Hey, I'll offer again to step down in favor of others. This looks like a great game, but I'm just not sure if I can make another weekly commitment like that; I'm thinking about setting up an "all-night game" - we had one of those a while back. Play from dusk till dawn, and hopefully the game will be over by then. If we didn't have enough players, I would keep playing this game since I committed to it, but since there are too many, I trust I won't be doing any harm by backing out.

                    Curumbor Elendil
                    ICQ 56126989
                    Curumbor Elendil
                    ICQ 56126989


                    • #85
                      In that case I will claim the Indians and suggest we just leave the Americas open for colonization.

                      Jochem11, sorry but the game already has 2 extra players.


                      • #86
                        My bid for a place in this game was AFTER Sun's, Elendil's and Prometheus's bids. I shouldn't jump ahead of them but can play if others fall out.

                        If I do play I don't think anyone should start in The Americas; in which case I'm happy to start in Australia

                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        aka: half-assed dieticians
                        icq# 8388924


                        • #87
                          I have the greatest ambition to play in your diplogame.
                          And I was the 3rd person to join the game =]
                          <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by SunTzu (edited February 11, 2001).]</font>


                          • #88
                            Alright, I finished the mod last night, which means that I have finally made the decision.

                            Before I tell you guys what I decided to go with, I just want everyone to understand that I had a real hard time making the decision, and it only came after long discussions with the players, as well as an overview of who everyone was and what situation they were in.

                            I am not going to say who I "dropped" but I am going to list those that are included in the final cut:

                            Capo - Adriatic
                            War - Mongolia
                            Sun - Chinese
                            Dimble - Israel
                            Chris - Mali
                            Drake - Zulu
                            Deity - Australia

                            To those who were left off, I am sorry but it was a tough decision to make, and a lot of factors were considered, it could have went either way and I hope nobody is pissed off about this list.

                            Okay well, now that this is all reluctantly cleared up, we have a few more issues to resolve before I finish the mod. When should certain wonders expire? How many more shields should be added? Etc...

                            Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


                            RIP Bradley James Nowell


                            • #89
                              If you need to move me so Eurasia isn't so crowded, I will be the Texans. Feel free to move me if you wish.

                              Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

                              You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
                              got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
                              cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
                              teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
                              had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
                              your head and **** down your neck!

                              Dog spelled backwards is still man's best friend
                              Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

                              Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


                              • #90
                                oh no dimbleby, you're not taking the americas to yourself again You're good in Isreal. We need someone to pressure Capo in Europe besides. The race for india should be interesting too.

                                looking forward to it.
                                I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                                Streets filled with blood from distant lies.

