A) Actual world map or map unknown to players?
Map unknown to players.
If map unknown should we go with a civilization random map or "hire" an official cartographer for this endevour?
Civilization random map. If you start in a crappy location, you'll have to go forth and find/conqueor better land.
Preset starting locations or random locations?
Random, see above.
Should there be rules regarding posts, ie mandatory posting?
I will accept mandatory posting of an AAR, however I am not going to submit voluminus amounts of prose every week. I am interested in play Civ, not participating in a weekly creative writing seminar.
Rules regarding bribing?
Unit bribing yes. City bribing yes, if city is rioting.
Change of tech rate?
Whatever the tech rate we did for Ultimate Dip was good let's stick with or slower tech rate.
Double or single production/movement?
Single, Single.
Don't care.
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
your head and **** down your neck!
Dog spelled backwards is still man's best friend
Map unknown to players.
If map unknown should we go with a civilization random map or "hire" an official cartographer for this endevour?
Civilization random map. If you start in a crappy location, you'll have to go forth and find/conqueor better land.
Preset starting locations or random locations?
Random, see above.
Should there be rules regarding posts, ie mandatory posting?
I will accept mandatory posting of an AAR, however I am not going to submit voluminus amounts of prose every week. I am interested in play Civ, not participating in a weekly creative writing seminar.

Rules regarding bribing?
Unit bribing yes. City bribing yes, if city is rioting.
Change of tech rate?
Whatever the tech rate we did for Ultimate Dip was good let's stick with or slower tech rate.
Double or single production/movement?
Single, Single.
Don't care.
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
your head and **** down your neck!
Dog spelled backwards is still man's best friend