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Another happy evening of multiplayer

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  • Another happy evening of multiplayer

    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): I will press enter when someone retracts the warmonger and cheat remark
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): AH and finbar yack HEADS off
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): retract
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): i retract them
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): Hydey you are the most honourable player I've played!
    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): enjoy the wait then **** brain
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): ur screwing us too
    To Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): I got a good deal on CTP II. My wife bought it before Christmas for 79.95. I got her to take it back today and then bought it from the same shop for 49.95
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): Hydey this is bad for your rep
    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): accepting been called a cheat is bad for my rep
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): very rude to enter a game and screw the players
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): this is how my wife wins arguments with me
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): Raz completely outwiited makeo once with these tactics - it's part of the game
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): lol
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): ahh yes i rember that one,, all out weear with makeo
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): so carry on hydey or oit shows weakness
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): it was just raz, what about the rest of us? we want you to play
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): raz calle dno one a cheat
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): i calle dhim a warmonger he launched a number of hids units to kill a settler
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): not directly but there was an implication
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): real diplomacy can go like this
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): raz did not call him a cheater anyway, just a warmonger
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): it's symbolic of the game, you have to carry on and fight another way
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): okay, I'll be the cheater okay? now let's play
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): and that was after hydeys attack on my poor, helpless settler
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): bring back eyes of night
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): hydey is you decide to go, could you give me your cities
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): now there was a guy who could cheat well
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): LOL!
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): *LOL*
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): oh well time to go browse more websites
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): I won't play with you Hydey if you keep this up
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): me neither
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): It well get plasted all over the forum
    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): RAZ SAID "Warmongers and cheats" this was aimed at me, I want him to retract this statement
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): hmm and some one mentioned reliablity before
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): he said warmongers then warmongers and cheats
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): retract it raz, before christ returns please
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): "the Right honourable Raz , repeats he never called anyone a cheat"
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): ok
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): let's go
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): close enough
    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): now you are calling Berzerker ad I a liar , thats nice
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): it is just a well known fact from the forums that cheats take longer to move as they are continually exploiting the the loopholes... i simply made a statement, but my preveious statement was that "HDEY is a warmnooger " stands
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): oh please, move or leave, so I can get back to downloading porn during my turns. Thanks
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): Raz is OK with what he said and has apoloigised for misunderstanding, now go!
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): warmongers , cheats and drinkers take long time to move
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): the there is me
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): also porn downloading can slow down connections
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): well, bye you guys, i wont be playing any games with hydey :-(
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): so Warmongers . cheats , drinkers and poirn addicts
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): deity takes forever!
    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): Only true cheats cannnot say sorry
    From King deity (1500 B.C.): wait a sec
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): thats me the true cheat, i cheat tocome last *LOL*
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, King deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): come on hydey, we're losing berz
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): thx hydey
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, Mr. deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): finish your turn and take this up separately!!!
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): take this up the ass like usual you mean
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, Mr. deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): now go and look at this and you'll feel better
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, Mr. deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): (edit)
    From Emperor Hydey (1500 B.C.): only you would know about taking it up the ARSE
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): hey nice website horse
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): i love it up the ass
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): or up the mule
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): or up the donkey
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): or up the horse
    From Anonymous (1500 B.C.): Are all you aussie such boring *****
    From Anonymous (1500 B.C.): I hate Aussies
    From Anonymous (1500 B.C.): Raz is a bastard
    From Anonymous (1500 B.C.): Lets gang up on Raz and kill him
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): Now horse want hit enter till we all promise to love and cherish him !!!!
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, Mr. deity, King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): don't need to - you already do
    From Anonymous (1500 B.C.): That will take forever
    From King Berzerker (1500 B.C.): now get that orange horse off my land please
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1500 B.C.): i never hit enter, it jsut automatically ends after moving my piecves
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, Mr. deity, King Berzerker (1450 B.C.): at last - I can get back to "spreading Diane"
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1450 B.C.): not HRH Dianne
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1450 B.C.): she was spread all over the dashboard
    To Imperatrix Lavina, Emperor Hydey, Mr. deity, King Berzerker (1450 B.C.): the very same, just a bag of bones these days
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1450 B.C.): ahhh love those sexyt shots
    From Imperatrix Lavina (1450 B.C.): oh did i mention barbarians take a long to move too
    To King Berzerker (1450 B.C.): its nightmare trying to get out of your civ berz
    From King Berzerker (1450 B.C.): hehe, its all blocked off

    Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.

    Keep the OT sticky thread free!!
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Alexander's Horse (edited December 29, 2000).]</font>
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Alexander's Horse (edited December 29, 2000).]</font>

  • #2
    damn i hate people calling other palyers cheats !!!!!
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • #3
      Nice porn link there AH, Better edit it out *LOL*
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #4
        Do you think Ming will find it?

        Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.

        Keep the OT sticky thread free!!


        • #5
          I hope Rasputin can prove his claims of me been a CHEAT, as he would not retract them.

          HYDEY has never cheated and never will but if you want to say it , prove it.

          I'm Australia's nuclear cop
          I am the real Troll
          A.H. is a nice guy
          The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

          Hydey the no-limits man.


          • #6
            Well Hydey, at least you got AH to finally make a post!
            He has broken his fast
            It's a shame we don't have Raz's actual quote in the first place. I 've lost it from my chatlog but I think it goes something like this (after Hydey atacked Berzerker's settler):
            "Hydey is a warmonger..... warmongers and cheats take a long time to move..."

            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            aka: half-assed dieticians
            icq# 8388924


            • #7
              Actually they were two separate chat lines, one said " HYDEy is a warmonger after sending a large army to attack a lonely settler ( and losing most of it)

              and then folowed up by stating that Warmongers and Cheats take ages to do their moves.....

              Hydey (due to it being that time of the month with his hormones all mixed up) took it thr wrong way and spat the dummy and wouldnt allow the game to continue by not pressing enter to end his turn ...

              I still wont retract my statement that warmongers AND cheats seem to take long turns.... that doesnt mean that warmongers are cheats, far from it, they are usually too busy fighting wars to find all the loopholes the game has to exploit them
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #8
                Rasputin is just a LIAR, he called me a cheat with no proof.

                LIAR, LIAR, pants on fire.

                I'm Australia's nuclear cop
                I am the real Troll
                A.H. is a nice guy
                The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                Hydey the no-limits man.


                • #9
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): Yo got several techs
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): no Ai civs?
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): 7 civs
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (4000 B.C.): I am here **** your techs
                  From The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): techs advantage opk by me
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): Will I kill one of my settlers?
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): k, I don't care about techs
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): nah don't kill your settlers
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): Or give you techs as I see you?
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): k
                  From The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): its jsut a game after all
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (4000 B.C.): kill both settlers
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): LOL
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): I don't care, let's let's play
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): OK turn based when WARRRING
                  From Emperor Cortez (4000 B.C.): yo
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): ALL here?
                  From The Great Raz (4000 B.C.): very slow
                  From Emperor deity (4000 B.C.): 56k
                  From The Great Raz (3950 B.C.): i thopught simul was fast
                  From Emperor deity (3950 B.C.): I just moved
                  From Emperor deity (3900 B.C.): when all press enter it moves on
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (3900 B.C.): hurry up
                  From The Great Raz (3850 B.C.): only if your game options are set that way
                  From The Great Raz (3850 B.C.): mine automatically ends after movement
                  From Emperor deity (3850 B.C.): good
                  From Emperor deity (3800 B.C.): working quitew well for 5 players 56k
                  From The Great Raz (3750 B.C.): still slow
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (3750 B.C.): ****ing slow
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (3750 B.C.): shut up raz
                  From Emperor deity (3550 B.C.): don't forget to press enter, easy to forget
                  From The Great Raz (3450 B.C.): very slow
                  From Emperor deity (3450 B.C.): well no cablers could host
                  From Emperor deity (3400 B.C.): quicker than normal
                  From The Great Raz (3400 B.C.): do you guys always paly on small worlds now
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (3350 B.C.): no
                  From The Great Raz (3300 B.C.): so why is this one so small
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (3300 B.C.): shut the **** up raz, or leave
                  From Emperor deity (3300 B.C.): normal map
                  From The Great Raz (3300 B.C.): oh ok im outta here bye
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (3300 B.C.): yes yes shut up
                  From Emperor deity (3300 B.C.): hang on
                  From Emperor deity (3250 B.C.): why everyone so serious?
                  From Emperor deity (3250 B.C.): have fun
                  From The Great Raz (3250 B.C.): if theres no chatting im outta here,, this game is no fun without chatter
                  From Emperor Cortez (3250 B.C.): we dont want you to go raz
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (3200 B.C.): whining is not chat
                  From Emperor deity (3200 B.C.): I like your chatter
                  To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor deity, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (3200 B.C.): constant ****ing whining
                  From Emperor deity (3150 B.C.): settle down, we all commit the same crime!
                  From Emperor deity (3150 B.C.): whining about wining
                  From Emperor Cortez (3100 B.C.): my bum hurts
                  From Emperor deity (3050 B.C.): barbs
                  From The Great Raz (2950 B.C.): 1000 years two citiys
                  From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (2950 B.C.): I assume its ok to hit bards out ofturn
                  From The Great Raz (2750 B.C.): so why is this world so small . ..
                  From Emperor Cortez (2700 B.C.): its a small world after after all?
                  From Emperor deity (2700 B.C.): normal size

                  Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.

                  Keep the OT sticky thread free!!


                  • #10
                    See we are much friendliar tonight.

                    I'm Australia's nuclear cop
                    I am the real Troll
                    A.H. is a nice guy
                    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                    Hydey the no-limits man.


                    • #11
                      I think that was quite possibly the most ill tempered session of civ I have ever played I really wanted to get the game on, really looked forward to it.

                      Add a dollop of Raz, a pinch of Hydey and an impatient horse and watch the sparks fly

                      Chaos, panic and disorder - My work here is done.

                      Keep the OT sticky thread free!!


                      • #12
                        errr, AH, I think you meant to post this chatlog ROTFLMAO!!

                        deity's chatlog, with minor editing for clarity - still hosting at 56k....

                        From Emperor Cortez [aka Lowang] (2000 B.C.): i want my mapmaking!
                        From The Great Raz [Rasputin] (1950 B.C.): give it to who, i only met the damn purple ai so far, apart from deity
                        From The Great Raz (1900 B.C.): you can send troops through to explore west, as long as you kill the damn purples there
                        From The Great Raz (1850 B.C.): wow only 72 turns per discovery great
                        From Emperor Cortez (1850 B.C.): im down to 19 haha
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1850 B.C.): bragging again 88 turns here
                        From The Great Raz (1850 B.C.): one more attack i think i wont be here
                        From Emperor Cortez (1850 B.C.): thats harsh
                        From The Great Raz (1800 B.C.): yep they finaly got my defender now unprotected
                        From Emperor Cortez (1800 B.C.): hope you can pay em off
                        From The Great Raz (1800 B.C.): they didint offer last time
                        From Emperor Cortez (1800 B.C.): ****
                        From Emperor Cortez (1650 B.C.): not on diety level they dont
                        From Emperor Cortez (1650 B.C.): ask for payment
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR [aka Hydey] (1650 B.C.): Hang on horse got booted
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz, Emperor Horsie [from deity] (1650 B.C.): hold it guys AH booted
                        From The Great Raz (1650 B.C.): oh ok
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1600 B.C.): bet this f***s up , I hope you have a save
                        From The Great Raz (1600 B.C.): be right back.,, drinks time
                        >> Raz never returns
                        From Emperor Cortez (1600 B.C.): AH back in?
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1600 B.C.): Horse says he can't get back in
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (1600 B.C.): need to restart but I running out of time... may stop now
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (1600 B.C.): everyone out
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1600 B.C.): what do we do now Deity
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, The Great Raz (1600 B.C.): I might have 40 mins
                        From Emperor Cortez (1600 B.C.): we out?
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez (1600 B.C.): quit out

                        Alex Horse insists on going back 2 turns and he starts to host on cable (but he forgets about this later on) LOL
                        And BTW Raz has had to go now....

                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR [aka Hydey] (1550 B.C.): ok this time sooky boy
                        From Emperor Horsie [aka Alexanders Horse ] (1550 B.C.): f**k this is the wrong save
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie [from deity] (1550 B.C.): ok
                        From Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): back out
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): oh come on AH
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): just a game
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1550 B.C.): the wrestling starts at 11
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): I NOT starting again
                        From Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): deity, if you had a city in the worng place I KNOW how you would behave, but play on, next time make the f*****g saves when you should as host
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): I let HEAPS go thru to the keeper mate
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1550 B.C.): When should he save as host so we all know?
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): I NEVER complain
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1550 B.C.): are you going to post this chat at apolyton?
                        From Emperor Cortez (1550 B.C.): haha....lets do it
                        From Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): I'm sorry but you wouldn't beleive how badly f*****d up my civ is, and you just want to play on
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): A Legion screwed me
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): 100 times
                        From Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): good
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): was nice
                        From Emperor Cortez [aka Lowang] (1550 B.C.): frisky little legion
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1550 B.C.): Has anyone got a save further back than this? or is it just because I got a good start, maybe we can start again so I get a **** start to make you happy
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): play on and we give AH a city later
                        From Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): I have to move that city, its going to cost heaps
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): we help you sweetheart
                        From Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): and I've got f*****g barbs
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1550 B.C.): come on
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1550 B.C.): why not take raz's civ it looks well looked after he he he
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.): Give Hydey a go!
                        From Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.): which I didn't have before, lost contact with a civ I met, lost a unit, I mean, how much more f*****d up could you get?
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.): You pretty f*****d up AH
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1500 B.C.):
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1500 B.C.): this is great I just built 2 settlers in the one city at the same time.

                        AH persevered and things improve..... He's still hosting

                        From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): had some luck, I'm feeling better now
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): there ya go mate
                        From Emperor Horsie (1400 B.C.): you should play on later deity, to pacify me. I can play late tonight.
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1350 B.C.): wrestling starts at 11
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, Emperor Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): Gotta go soon but you guys continue
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1350 B.C.): thats why he has to go
                        From Emperor Horsie (1350 B.C.): why?
                        From Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): you can't drop out if your Hosting
                        From King Cortez (1250 B.C.): so high you can call me your highness
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1250 B.C.): Mrs D is on heat tonight
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): last night
                        From Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): I've been really ill tempered tonight
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): yes
                        From Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): Its Raz, he really ****s me
                        From Emperor Raz is a LIAR (1250 B.C.): and me
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1250 B.C.): he he
                        From Emperor Horsie (1200 B.C.): Raz gets on my nerves big time
                        To Emperor Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1200 B.C.): You guys show a weakness to psycho warfare
                        From Emperor Horsie (1100 B.C.): well I'm sorry if I've been a tad over sensitive but I was really looking forwrad to tonight
                        To Mr. Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1100 B.C.): no worries we still luv ya
                        To Mr. Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (1100 B.C.): I like Raz though
                        From Mr. Raz is a LIAR (1100 B.C.): HYDEY the gardener
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (975 B.C.): how is your kingdom going Horse
                        From Emperor Horsie (950 B.C.): could be worse
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (875 B.C.): Hey philo boy when are you finishing now
                        To Shogun Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (875 B.C.): 11:*
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (875 B.C.): 11:* ok
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (850 B.C.): :* = 59 ok
                        From Emperor Horsie (850 B.C.): f**k, to cap it off I'm building mapmaking
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (850 B.C.): I just got that on my Island
                        From King Cortez (850 B.C.): where's my mapmaking?
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (850 B.C.): Get it from Deity he has 20 tech lead
                        From King Cortez (800 B.C.): what's this **** about job security laws for casual workers?
                        From Emperor Horsie (800 B.C.): my cities are in a big boomerang shape
                        To Shogun Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (775 B.C.): gotta go - sorry
                        To Shogun Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (775 B.C.): after this turn
                        From King Cortez (775 B.C.): boo
                        From King Cortez (775 B.C.): boo
                        From Emperor Horsie (775 B.C.): I left my wife in Canberra so I could play late tonight
                        From King Cortez (750 B.C.): hehe
                        From King Cortez (750 B.C.): how late?
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (750 B.C.): I am playing from your house so I can fix up your wife
                        From Emperor Horsie (750 B.C.): late
                        From Emperor Horsie (750 B.C.): I already fixed her up remember?
                        From Shogun Raz is a LIAR (750 B.C.): check the DNA on the sheets
                        From King Cortez (750 B.C.): oh dear
                        To Shogun Raz is a LIAR, King Cortez, Emperor Horsie (750 B.C.): ciao!!
                        From King Cortez (750 B.C.): doing the swab test lol

                        Thus endith this session for deity, but the 3 remaining tryhards, sorry diehards, continued into the night without me or Raz....
                        The host even stayed with AH when I retired

                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        aka: half-assed dieticians
                        icq# 8388924


                        • #13
                          actually I did return after my drinks forray , but when I returned AH had booted out, and deity requested we quit, which I did, then I hot joined back, but then deity told me via ICQ to leave again. Then he said he had had enough, but then changed his mind to say he would play another 30 minutes, When I asked what you can do in 30 minutes he replied a "few Ficks" (replace I with U) I deceided 30 minutes not oong enough to pl;ay so i said goodnioght... Little did i know he would play on longer....

                          Its obvious my diatribe is unwelcome in your games so i will return to Civ Retirement . thanks for the memories ....
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #14
                            I like your stuff Raz!
                            Never seen AH and Hydey get so worked up
                            DON'T RETIRE
                            Your aim is to get on everyone's nerves, well, there are still a few of us left to conquer
                            WE playing New Years Eve? LOL

                            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                            aka: half-assed dieticians
                            icq# 8388924


                            • #15
                              Its New Years Eve and I'm F***ing sober so lets play .

                              Otherwise I will have to go out and pick up some 20 year old and then its divorse and or it would just stuff my whole life up so we better play civ

                              I'm Australia's nuclear cop
                              I am the real Troll
                              A.H. is a nice guy
                              The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                              Hydey the no-limits man.

