The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Help! I've voted and I can't get up!
You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
your head and **** down your neck!
Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.
Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.
Damn! U guys runneth at the fingers!
Nice posts & pic's.
Seems that U play Civ as an excuse to tell stories & create pic's.
Your screen shots have different unit icons than my game. Apparently U R using Mac's?
THat's why the graphics are so good?
<center>Paris Post Special Report
June 7th, 780
1 Gold</center>
Euro-Backed Rebels Liberate Petra, Spark Euro-Egyptian War!
Petra, Egypt - The Athribis Jihad, a Muslim Speratist movement in the city of Athribis, now Petra, stormed the Egyptian government's compound in the city forcing the Egyptian governor to flee to Cremona. Kermal Akhim-Ehud, leader of the movement said "We are pleased that the European Union, despite their majority Roman Catholic sect, decided to help our people, we were in peril, the Egyptian government of the Tyrannical Kiya was treating our people as garbage. Our decision to accept annexation by the European Union was based on their lax religious laws, freedom of religion is very important to our people." However, new evidence from Egypt says that freedom of Religion was part of their government, and in fact the revolution would not have occured where it not for European input.
<center> European and Athribis Jihad soldiers battle Egyptian forces outside of Petra. (EU Associated Press)</center>
"We demand our city back, if it is not returned we will consider this an act of war!" Said an adimate Consul Kiya, her reputation internationally called into question by her reluctance to declare war initially on Europe. Soon after the rebellion of Petra, soldiers under the command of Kermal Attaturk in northern Arabia attacked an Egyptian mounted unit, starting the Euro-Egyptian war. "This should not be considered a sneak attack, as the Egyptians believe it is, they quickly began defaming our nation soon after the Petran rebellion. They were telling other nations that we were aggressors and starting a war, that we had declared war, if the Egyptians thought we were at war they were sorely mistaken, our reason for the attack was to show Egypt what Europe does when we are at war!" said Consul Bonaparte. At this time peace does not seem very close.
Persian Land Agreement Signed with India.
Tehran, Persia - An agreement, who's particulars were not released by officials of the European Union or India, have ceded the entire territory of Persia to the Indian Republic in exchange for indisclosed military technology and a sea port in a far off land. The port city of Yalta was also handed over to the Indian Republic as part of the deal. "We simply should not have done this" said Senator Orange-Nassau of the Netherlands "Persia was a part of the EU, they should have been granted Provincial status as per the European Union Charter. This is an outrage, and a serious blow to the cause." However, there was more to this agreement than that, Senator Collins of Ireland replied to Orange "For him to say that is an outrage to me, we were well within our legal rights to seize public land, which was the Persian territories and hand it over to India in exchange for spoils that will help Europe in the future." The vote passed by a stunning majority, 42 to 21, as the Majority Hawk party was in favor of the legislation. The deeds were signed by Consul Napoleon Bonaparte and King Mohandas Gandhi of India in the city of Antioch.
Himalayan Road Completed!
Chittagong, India - A joint project between the governments of the now Indian Republic and the Holy Mongolian Empire was completed near Chittagong(?). The road was proposed centuries ago, and after years upon years of toil on both the Indian and Mongolian sides, the road was completed. "This road will greatly increase the trade of both nations" commented Jarik Singh, Indian Trade Advisor. At this time the EU doubts the road will help European trade, but believes it is a good indication that while Consul Bonaparte's proposed Infrastructure Accords were declined by India and Mongolia, it is a sign that the ideals behind the accords are still going strong.
High Priest Tsaatar Takes Control of Mongolia, Drake Dynasty Ends After Nearly 5,000 Years!
Karakorum, Mongolia - In a seemingly bloodless revolution, King Drake VII of Mongolia was deposed by Buddhist Extremists (can that even exist?). High Priest Tsaatar not only declined to comment, but did not permit our Lutheran Reporter Hans Meuller entrance into Karakorum. "The prime reason for this influx of Buddhism in Mongolia is indirectly due to the influx of Republicans in India. As the new ideal of Republicanism, and later Democracy took hold in India, the powerful Buddhist caste, including the Aristocracy, felt their grips upon India slipping. When Commandata Khalid took control, the Buddhists went north, bringing their wealth with them, thus ushering Tsaatar as the new High Priest of Mongolia." Said French historian Phillipe Aries. After Tsaatar began his extremist movement, which culminated with the construction of a massive statue, the Drake Dynasty attempted to please the masses with a chest of gold. This pathetic attempt failed, and Drake was banished to Siberia where he, and his family (one wife and two children) reportedly died.
More Tax Money Alloted Towards Research!
Paris, France - "We were experiencing a high intake of tax dollars" said Senator Garza of Spain "Thus we decided that more should be given towards Research Institutions around the Union." As the tax has yielded more money due to the growth of Urban areas, more and more money is being given towards research. The increase would grant 10% more money towards Schools and Universities.
Petra Annexed Unanimously.
Paris, France - The EU Senate has voted unanimously (63 - 0) in favor of the annexation of Petra into the European Union. "While I was against the idea of war initially, we made a decision, and we must stick with it" said Senate Minority Leader William of Orange-Nassau. The city of Petra was then ceded into the Province of the Palestine, governor Solomon of Palestine said "We are pleased to bring in Petra, which is primarily Muslim, thus enriching the variety of religions in our Province greatly!"
By Voltaire
War has been declared on Egypt, I am wondering how this will effect the world politically. These past few years have been amazing, there have been changes everywhere, in India, in Mongolia, and in Egypt. Things are becomming differant, the old politics won't work anymore. Europe has shown that it has the ability as a powerful country to go to war, this is the biggest conflict in the known history of the world; Egypt v. Europe. If you analyze the rebellion in Petra, it becomes apparent that Europe had plans to fight a war against Egypt before the Rebellion. The strategic location of Petra is amazing, not only cutting Egypt off from its Middle Eastern holdings, but securing the Suez, and creating a wall of defense. Despite the fact that I believe Bonaparte is dismantling part of the Republican cause, I must say he is a very able general. Word now has it that he will indeed command European forces in Egypt, he is now in Jerusalem and I am very interested in seeing how his first campaign will go. This war will decide international actions for years to come, and has changed history forever.
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
High Priest Tsaatan sat atop a grand golden chair in the center of his throne room.........his personal scribe, Khasha read to him from a scroll recieved from Europe concerning worldly news.....
Khasha: "High Priest sir, they spelled your name incorrectly..."
Tsaatan: "Typical western idiocy, continue, continue...."
Khasha: "Takes Control of Mongolia, Drake Dynasty Ends After Nearly 5,000 Years!"
Tsaatan: (grinning)"and good riddance.......his attempts to fraternize with the white man and pigs of Egypt is disgusting. Continuing down the route that he was following would have surely led to the en-slavement of my people. All references to Drake shall be erased from the history books and any man holding allegiance to the king shall be sacrificed on the alter of the Statue of Power!"
Khasha: "Karakorum, Mongolia - In a seemingly bloodless revolution, King Drake VII of Mongolia was deposed by Buddhist Extremists (can that even exist?)."
Tsaatan: (Laughing)"Surely the pale faced fools of Europe don't think that Buddhism is the reason for this revolution do they? Perhaps this may work to our advantage though. We shall present this facade as long as we can...............GO ON MORON!"
Khasha: "Uh, yes uh.......High Priest Tsaatar not only declined to comment, but did not permit our Lutheran Reporter Hans Meuller entrance into Karakorum."
Tsaatan: "Would a dog intentionally allow a tick to infest it's hide?" "Would a farmer allow locusts to feed upon their crops?" "Why would I allow any man, of race other than that of our homeland, Asia, to desecrate the purity of our capital?" "This Napoleon is a fool........." Motions for Khasha to continue
Khasha: "The prime reason for this influx of Buddhism in Mongolia is indirectly due to the influx of Republicans in India. As the new ideal of Republicanism, and later Democracy took hold in India, the powerful Buddhist caste, including the Aristocracy, felt their grips upon India slipping."
Tsaatan: (Shaking his head)"This change has been coming for centuries. The Indians don't have anything to do with this......."
Khasha: "When Commandata Khalid took control, the Buddhists went north, bringing their wealth with them, thus ushering Tsaatar as the new High Priest of Mongolia." Said French historian Phillipe Aries."
Tsaatan: "Aries has kept his word I see.....he will be paid yearly as long as he keeps spreading this foolish information......Although totally in-accurate, I am sure the naive public of the European Union will buy into it."
Khasha: "After Tsaatar began his extremist movement, which culminated with the construction of a massive statue, the Drake Dynasty attempted to please the masses with a chest of gold. This pathetic attempt failed, and Drake was banished to Siberia where he, and his family (one wife and two children) reportedly died."
Tsaatan: "The attempt that Drake made to "fix" this problem, certainly was pathetic.......although we must have gold to fund our movement, there are some fundamental beliefs that everyone in Mongolia must share. And the "royal" family didn't see things the way the people did. As far as their fate is concerned, they are most certainly dead. The northern woods of Siberia are too harsh for any man to wander in....(laughing)...especially that decrepid old man and his pampered family. I delight particularly in thinking about Drake's young son freezing to death, and sealing the end to his fore-fathers pathetic dynasty........"
Tsaatan walked to the balcony in the palace and looked to the West..........a scowl crossed his face.......
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Drake Bonaparte, son of Napoleon sat upon his balcony at the family estate in Istanbul, gazing at the black sea. What a glorious day he thought, we are at the thresh-hold of power, our revolution will be achieved, thought the young man of 200 (around 14 in my perverted civ sense).
"Corporal Bonaparte" said a voice from within the house.
"Yes Hans?" asked the young officer.
"A most distressing thing has occured in Timanskij, please come quickly." The officer slowly turned and sighed, he was a handsome man, obviously of central asian stock, he knew he was adopted but loved his father, the Consul greatly.
He walked into a room with a man, unshaven and grizzly, looking frightened at an assembly of under-officers.
"Then they told me to leave, they called me a pig and made me watch them kill my children and rape my wife it was brutal!" the man said shaking.
"Who has done this? Was it the Egyptians!" demanded Drake.
"IT WAS YOU YOU BASTARD! Your sick people!" yelled the man as he stood up and ran at Drake.
"NO!" Yelled an officer as he punched the man in the face, "That is Drake Bonaparte, you know not what you do, you are sick and crazy!"
"I am not crazy, it is them, they have done this to me, they ruined my life!" yelled the man in his thick Russian accent.
"Who is this man" Demanded Bonaparte as the soldiers held the man down.
"Alexei Corbinoff, he is a Russian, well a Mongol technically." explained Hans.
"Mongol?" asked Bonaparte.
"Yes sir, he is from Bayanhongor (sp?), he was found in the woods of Timanskij ranting and raving, traders brought him here because he has family in Athens." said Hans.
"My god, who does he blame for this? Who would have done such a thing to this man?" asked Drake as he knelt down looking at the man struggling under the strength of the European soldiers.
"He says it was Tartars sir."
"Tartars?" said Drake as he stood up. "How could they have done this? Racism is such a disgusting philosophy." he shook his head.
"Tartar Soldiers sir." said Hans
"Soldiers? Of Tsataan? You must be kidding?" said Drake.
"That's what the man said, fully uniformed soldiers." said Hans as the soldiers carried the man out of the room. "Oh and yes, here is the report you requested from your father in Jerusalem, he is very happy."
"Put it on the table, please Hans leave me with my thoughts, I shall see you on the morrow." said Drake as he began walking towards the balcony.
"Aye sir."
"Oh yes and Hans, send for Cathrine, she is in Riga, I long for her touch." he said as he smiled. When Hans left Drake whispered "Soldiers?"
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>Damn! U guys runneth at the fingers!
Nice posts & pic's. Seems that U play Civ as an excuse to tell stories & create pic's.
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
Thanks! While it's the same game of civ that everyone else plays, having a storyline, like a movie, keeps things more interesting and purposeful. That's what multiplayers all about (if ya ask me). If there is no depth to a player and they have nothing interesting or exciting to say, they're really no more than a souped up AI- a little smarter, but still boring as cardboard. If you want to throw a historical spin on things, a civ game is great motivation to catch up on some history and learn a few's all about imagination
<center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
</font>Your screen shots have different unit icons than my game. Apparently U R using Mac's? THat's why the graphics are so good?
<img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>
No, no Macs in the bunch We are playing a scenario and the units/terrain were compiled for the Diplo Game, in a most aesthetically pleasing manner by The Capo.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
A Mongolian Propoganda poster which has been distributed to all cities in the province:
War has been declared against the evil and injust European Union!
It all started in the plains just south of the Ural mountains. A representative of the Mongolian army apporached a small band of Legionnaires who had set up camp and fortified a position parallel to the southern tip of the Urals.
Upon original agreements, signed centuries ago and honored up until this point, it was stated that the zone parallel to the south of the Urals would be a neutral zone between our two countries. All areas west of the Urals, European and to the East, Mongolian. The area in between was to serve as a buffer.
The Mongolian representative requested that the European soldiers fall back and abide by the stated agreement. After a heated discussion, Europes intentions were clearly that of the fire starter. They taunted the Mongol with insults and declared that Mongolia was no longer recognized as a proper nation.
This of course angered the Mongol, but he was not there to start a war, he was there to uphold dignity and honor. Something that the Europeans had clearly forgotten about.
A most curious development had also occured in this meeting. A man, of Mongolian descent was of Corporal rank in the European Union army! He introduced himself as Drake Bonaparte. He seemed a most fair and just character but was dubbed a traitor and sellout by the loyalists of Tsaatan.
The end results of these meetings ended in a brutal slaying of an innocent messenger. Upon submitting a second request to the European soldiers to honor the contracts and move west, our messenger was murdered in cold blood. A lookout from the towers of Bayanhongor (directly to the east) could not make out what was being said in the brief meeting, but it was abruptly ended when one of the officers of the European army un-sheathed his musket and proceeded to shoot the messenger directly in his face. It was hard to make out, but from the lookouts vantage point, there was little left of the poor messengers head.
Trembling, the lookout called to his captain: "They have killed Khiqa! They f**king blew his head off!"
The warning bells of the city were rang and the people of the city ran around in a hysterical panick. Never before had they had to fear their neighbors, but times had changed.
It took little time for the word to reach Tsaatan in his palace. When it finally did, of course Tsaatan had no choice. This was a clear sign of aggression. Official papers were signed that formally made a declaration of war and were passed back to the front. And so, in the spring of 780AD, what the Mongols call "The Ural War" was began.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited December 21, 2000).]</font>
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Indian Times
Volume 1
National News
Today the rebels of Tibet have overthrown the Indian Monarchy, and proclaming their leader SunTzu II, President of the Democratic Idian Republic, or the DIR.Alleged links of SunTzu II heretige to the famous Drake III have strengthened the Peace between the allies of the Mongolian Empire and the Democratic Indian Republic.
President SunTzu II earlier today said, "The time for change is now. Ask not what your country can do for you. But what you can do for your Country!" With these words the estatic crowd of 4million souls cheered wildly.
Changes implemented in the new government are as followed: Higher Luxury taxes to keep the citizens happy and productive, and more trade routes to the mighty Egyptian Empire.
International News
Last week, the European Union invaded the Egyptian Middle Eastern Territory. Cutting off supplies and reinforcements to Baghdad, making the Baghdad residents suffer through days of hunger and bloody fighting. The European Union cut off Baghdad by capturing Petra just southeast of Jerusalem.
But today brought a sign of relief, the Egyptian Expenditionary Forces took back Petra and Jerusalem 15hours ago. They continued to push east and north and captured the European Union city of Kuwait, cutting off the European Union's access to the Indian Ocean.
1.30hours ago Peace talks between the European Union and the Egyptian Empire began in the Indian city of Tehran. 30 minutes ago a Peace agreement was reached between the two warring nations.
TOP STORY: EU and Egypt sign Cease-Fire!
Cairo, Egypt - Century long struggle between the European Union and the Federal States of Egypt has ended in Cairo last week. This despite Indian Democratic propoganda holding the peace talks in Tehran, and Indian city. The war hit a fevered pitch when EU soldiers completley surrounded the last few cities in the upper Tigris and Euphrates rivers, nearly crushing Egypt's holdings in the Middle East, however at just the right moment a Christian Extremist Faction known as the Defenders of the Trinity began a major rebellion against the European thus freeing the land from Europe and back into the sway of Consul Kiya. Strangely enough, just after this rebellion (which was funded by Kiya and the Egyptians) ended, the Democratic Faction in Egypt took control of the government and began peace talks with the EU.
<center> Napoleon Bonaparte addresses the assembly at Cairo.
(EU Associated Press)</center>
"It had been a long war, and its cause would have been lost if it were not for the new Democratic Regime, we are saddened that we shall forever be known as the losers, but we are pleased that with our loss, comes peace." said Consul Bonaparte of the European Union. Experts speculate that were it not for the Defenders of the Trinity and their Egypt-Funded Rebellion in key cities like Jerusalem, Petra and Kuwait, the EU could have defeated the Egyptians in the Middle East. However, the huge rebellion, which must have recieved considerable funds came in proper time to consolidate Egyptian interests in the area. "I am personally not finished with this situation." commented Senate Majority Leader Michael Collins "We got into the war to stop this oppression of Muslims in the area, now that the DT has taken control, it will occur more often than not, this is a defeat not only for Europe, but for humanity." As of press time there is no word on a final peace agreement.
Democratic Factions take control in Egypt, India!
Thebes, Egypt - The Nations of India and Egypt experienced major political upheavals this past week, when both of their respective Democratic Factions defeated their formally oppressive governments. The movements both come at decisive times in world history, as the Mongolian bohemoth of asia becomes more and more secluded, the nations of the world continue to unite under one common ideal; freedom.
Tension between the Holy Mongolian Empire and the EU mount!
Bayanhongor, Mongolia - The passing of S.R. 203 marked the beginning of a cold war that would soon prove scalding, the bill outlined specifically that the European Union would no longer consider the current government in Mongolia a legitimate government. "It is quite clear" explained German Senator Otto Von Bismark "Their government is exploitive, it hinders civil rights, and it is a racist regime. This qualities should not belong to a proper government of any nation, atrocities worse than the regime of Charles Martel have been reported by Mongols and Europens alike, a flux of refugees of both races is a pretty good sign that this new regime only cares for control." There have been many words exchanged on an international level, including the breaking of a treaty signed between Charlemagne and Drake I of Mongolia. "According to the Mongols" says English Senator Cromwell "the treaty outlines a neutral zone, well I am hard pressed to find it within the document myself, and their insistance that it exists is ridiculous, they are using any excuse they can find for war, and if they wish for war, then they shall have it!" The European Union has further denied allegations that a European Officer had in fact shot dead a Mongolian Messenger. As of this time Tsaatan has declined any and all European attempts at peace talks, and will not speak with the EU Associated Press.
(I apologize for this short post, but I have hardly any time, and will make another ASAP, sorreh!)
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
Sen. Collins: Yes, the war with Mongolia, here is the report my people have compiled sir. (Hands folder to Napoleon).
Naploeon: This is general information, I want some specifics here, Drake, what happened.
Drake: It was unavoidable father, err Sir...
Napoleon: Uh huh, go on...
Drake: The Mongols told us to leave, they said that we are violating the Neutral Zone. I have studied European treaties extensivley, nowhere in the treaty we signed with Mongolia does it ever mention any type of Neutral Zone. The Mongols did mention within the papers, a "No Man's Land" but this is understood to be a mere description of the terrain rather than any sort of official terminology.
Sen. Collins: What about the Mongol, the dead one?
Drake: What about him?
Sen. Collins: Well, what happened there?
Drake: Well, he was shot, we killed him.
Sen. Collins: Jesus, what the fu-
Drake: But we got rid of the body, there is no evidence.
Napoleon: Perfect, keep the soldiers out there, we do not want this information getting to the press. Keep them at their posts, they will either die or at least will stay out there away from civilization. So that is an easy fix-
Drake: Sir, there is one issue however. It was an officer, Captain Hitler, from Vienna who killed the messenger.
Napoleon: And?
Drake: Well he was relieved of his post sir, he is well, we don't know where he is actually. He left, he was angered.
Napoleon: Hopefully he doesn't take this to the press, we made an official release assuring the public that we did not draw first blood, now this?
Drake: I am sorry father...
Sen. Collins: It doesn't matter sir, we have ways of making sure this guy doesn't talk....
Napoleon: Mick, no, none of that! We are not rebel rabble anymore, we are a nation. I am being tested now, after the surrender at Cairo I don't believe our Union can stand another defeat...
Sen. Collins: Don't worry General, we will be victorious. We must, if we lose the world is at risk.
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
Tsaatan spat a wad of flem upon the floor and moaned. He was dying of pneumonia. He motioned for his son, Batu to come closer.
(Hacking and coughing)"Listen to me is your destiny to bring Mongolia to glory....(coughing miserably).....The infidels of the western world must be brought to their I have taught you, they are the scum of the earth and if you let them, they will take us all over, raping our women and killing our children.....(with hate in his eyes)....I also want you to capture the commander who started this war and carry his head upon a spear for all the people of the country to see...........(spits again)....I also want you to burn the city of Jerusalem to the ground. It is the nest of all evil that resides in Europe.......Do this, and I will rest peacefully in my grave.........
Batu nods his head and bows to his father...."Your wish is my command father..."
He starts for the door with fire in his eyes...
"Yes father?"
"Take this with you.........." he reaches under his bed and withdraws a golden dagger with encrusted jewels and hands it to Batu. "Use this sacrificial dagger and make an offering to the altar at the Statue of Power......take that white explorer we found wandering in the Ural mountains with you......(with a glint in his eyes)....he will make a perfect sacrifice....."
Batu nods with a wry grin on his face and exits the room.......
Soon after his son departs, Tsaatan realizes that he is starting to cough up blood......he dies before the day is over.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited January 05, 2001).]</font>
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.