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Tales from the Ultimate Diplomatic Front I

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  • Tales from the Ultimate Diplomatic Front I

    Okay, everyone that is involved in the UltraDip game make their posts on this thread, please refrain from using signatures if you can, thank you.

    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

  • #2

    Born into the harsh steppes of central Asia, the Mongolian genesis began. A founding city by name of Karakorum was founded immediately, erected by the original Mongolian nomads. A lone group of warriors was recruited by the township with one intention in mind: explore the world and harvest its riches. The Mongols would have the grandest maps in the world and establish themselves immediately as a power.

    The land was harsh and un-forgiving but the warriors set out on their journey in the spring of 3600 BC. The warriors soon discovered that the Mongols were not alone on their continent. Small tribes scattered the land and most genorously greeted them with gifts of money and science. After hearing the stories of the great Mongolian nation, some young archers and horsemen from these tribes decided to join our army. They were ordered to branch out and scour the continent. The army that had started so small had quickly grown into a formidable military. Like a snowball the empire grew and grew.

    As time went by, stories from the explorers returned to the homeland...from the south came stories of a vast desert which was dubbed The Gobi.....from the north came stories of a great lake, which would come to be known as Lake Baykal....from the west came tales of a harsh range of hills and mountains known as The Great Altay.....and to the east, fertile lush lands and an interesting grain found only scarcely in the homeland which was known as rice.

    More and more towns were added to the empire, peppered across the continent. And while the great Mongols had already established themselves as the most wide reaching empire, the exploration continued. Encounters with hostile barbarians resulted in some loss of life, but the barbarian leaders fetched a high price for their heads after being captured and seemed well worth the sacrifice.

    As DrakeI sat dying in his bed in Karakorum, he was overjoyed to hear the latest from his emissaries. The explorers had crossed the mountain range known as Ural and made contact with an oddly dressed group of horsemen who called themselves "europeans", who represented a great Emperor known as Charlemagne. The europeans were receptive and cordial and a peace treaty was signed. The Ural mountain range was agreed upon as a border between the two great powers and it was made clear that this would be strictly enforced by both sides. As the pale faced horsemen rode away, a wary smile overtook the Mongolian Emissary..."There will be peace....(under his breath)for now......"

    DrakeII promised the people that he will walk in his fathers footsteps and continue to explore. He also promised his people a gift.........Plans to build a great garden in Karakorum were nearing completion......

    To the south loomed an even more harsh range than the Altay or Ural. It is fate....DrakeII will also cross the range known to his people as The Himalayas..........
    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


    • #3
      Danyhier looked up at her mom, "mother, why must I study such a drool subject, its so BORING!"

      Ahhhh, the impetous of youth, her mother thought. Its not that Danyhier was a poor student, but it seemed that they all disliked history, very few indeed showed the apptitude to study it seriously. Nonetheless, it was important to know ones origins, and could sometimes be intresting. Perhaps the problem was how it was presented...

      "dear, come over her, bring the book too..." Danyhier's mother called...


      • #4
        (continued because im an incomptent fool who presses enter to much)

        At approximatly 3950 b.c the first settlers of the Indus region arrived in the upper valley. The first inhabitants quickly began to organize the surrounding nomadic tribes into a bonding of alliances...

        Boring indeed, for all the merits of the Indian school system, their passion for learning was tempered by an overwhelming sense of practicality...

        "no no, your right Danyhier, this will not do. Let me tell you of our people myself.

        Long before our time, 6000 thousands years before to be exact, our peoples arrived at the Indus River..."

        "thats by Delhi right mum?"

        "yes my dear, and thats where our nation begun. Fertile indeed, it was also safe. With a desert to the west, a jungle to the east, and mountains to the north, for the next 2000 years we prospered, but much of this was accomplished with the help of surrounding peoples like the pakistanes, the medians, the persians, all of which contributed many things, including our alphabet, our number system, our own language was influenced by these peoples..."

        "you mean we couldnt even write or add? we had to have others?"

        Indian self-reliance was indeed strong. Even though they had never been the strongest, the most advanced, or the largest, the nation had always prided its self on being self-reliant, effecient, and a nation of principle. Hard facts to learn it was the help of foriegners which built the nation...

        "Yes my dear. But those people would soon be as Indian as the original settlers.

        Soon a network of close knit villages had sprung up in the region from the mountains outside the Euphrates valley to the Mountains of Tibet. During this time an ever increasing pattern of roads and trade roads developed, and indeed a sense of secruity and pride swept over the Indian nation. While rumors of vast empires to the north in Europe and to the south in Africa had reached the trading nations ears, they seemed to pose no threat, and we were at peace. In fact, any contact so far had been with people who wanted to join the kingdom."

        "So we were the strongest then mommy?"

        "no no dear, not quite, but we were safe. It was a big world, a lot to fill up. There just was no need for any concern at this point"

        " tired"

        "alright dear" Danyhier's mom smiled. Perhaps history just wasnt for everyone, no matter how you tried to put it. Well no matter, it was danyhiers bedtime, and indeed her own. Maybe another day? Patience was supposedly a virtue in her people.


        • #5
          You calling my story boring??
          I see the world through bloodshot eyes
          Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


          • #6
            <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
            </font>"So we were the strongest then mommy?"

            "no no dear, not quite, but we were safe. It was a big world, a lot to fill up. There just was no need for any concern at this point"

            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

            I love your implication here
            <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by drake (edited October 26, 2000).]</font>
            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


            • #7
              ---The Egyptian---

              1450B.C./ 264 Gold/ 670,000Egyptians

              Egypt Growing Mightily:

              Our country is growing and we have spread throughout the lands. Villages far and near have joined our nation and have shared their knowledge with us. Some have been recruited into our growing army. Our mighty Emperor has sent expeditions to map and settle the unknown lands. Scientists have been working hard to develop plans for our country's growth and future.

              Barbaric rebels Attack!:

              Barbarians have invaded and captured the city of Suez and its canal. Families were slaughtered and governors hanged. The citizens of the near by cities of Cairo and Thebes are in full alert. Emperor Easthaven X has built a small army to liberate the canal and hopefully drive the barbarians out of our nation. General Ramesses will be leading the operation. The operation will take place in a year.

              The Middle East Pact signed:

              Explorers have met another civilization northwest of Baghdad, known as the Europeans. Their leader is the great Charlemange. The Emperor met with Charlemange to discuss the lands of the Middle East and they came up with an agreement. The land pact they signed stated that the Europeans would have control of Turkey. In return, the Middle East would belong to Egypt and neither would settle in each other's territory.

              9 of 10 cities establish _Egyptian_ as their official language:

              The cities of Cairo, Thebes, Addis Ababa, Djbouti, Tunis, Tripoli, Baghdad, Bamako, and Kananga has established Egyptian as their official language. Kuwait has still refused to accept Egyptian as their official language instead they keep the Kuwaitis language as their own. The Emperor has stated that if they do not turn to the Egyptian language and culture he will have to force the city into doing so by cutting their food supplies. And if necessary he will use the military.


              • #8
                It was another dreary day in Paris. Charlemagne, king of the European Union was waiting upon his dignitary to return from Helsinki, the news he would bring back to the European capital was of utmost concern to Charlemagne, for he had learned that a new race of people were found to the west.

                "This should be interesting" Said Charles Martel, Charlemagne's eldedst son "I have heard, my lord, that these people have the faces of dogs, and eat their own horses when in want of nourishment."

                Charlemagne could not understand how quickly his people, his own son, could become like this. Certaintly the Europeans had the faces of humans, and did not delight in the consumption of horses, but it should be made clear to Europe that their race is descendant of numerous hordes upon hordes of barbarian tribes. United under Charlemagne thousands of years ago....

                "My Lord, I have arrived" said Sven, he was a Finn, of small stature, and seemed to be winded.

                "What news have you from the east, please sit." Charlemagne motioned for a chair to be pulled.

                "Bless you sire, very astounding news from the Ural mountain ranges sir, I am sure you have heard the story before."

                "No please, I wish to hear it straight from the source" Charlemagne interjected.

                "Well sire, as you know I was accompanying a unit of horsemen on an expeditionary march east. We happened upon a band of charioteers, festooned in marvelous regalia, beads, gems, and feathers. Quite exotic indeed, their skin was darker than that of the Egyptians sire, they seemed almost unhuman in their facial features. I met with their dignitary, who told me quite bluntly that this empire, known to us originaly as the Tartars, however, they assured us they wished to be known as the Mongols, or Moguls, or something to that effect, would wish to one day have the largest maps, the strongest cities, and never-ending coffers. They asked us to let their men rest, as I am sure our troops would have loved to comingle with these foreign beings, then a strange request was made. Their general informed us that their soldiers have been travelling for days, I had assumed they had lost their course during a battle for their men were terribly wounded and tired, and that they had not laid eyes on a female for those days and months away from home, and then requested that I send them a brothel of whores sire!" There was a prolonged silence.

                "Whores? What kind of people are these?!?!?!" exclaimed Charles angrily.

                "Charles please, please, Sven, continue" implored Charlemagne.

                "Well sire, I quickly drew a treaty with these men, and we have signed it, agreeing that the Ural Mountain range shall serve as our border-" Sven was interrupted yet again.

                "Are you mad!?!?! Father, you cannot accept such a meaningless treaty with these heathens, sire this is an outrage, an utter and complete outrage." Martel lifted his hammer in the air, the very weapon that gave him his nickname 'The Hammer', "I vow never to allow the greatness of Europe to be compramised by some dirty Barbarians! This hammer shall deliver the deathblow to every leader that crosses my path."

                "Charles, you are young and arrogant, this is a good treaty Sven, do not let my son's childish words offend you in any way, think of it this way Charles: Were it not for this treaty, any intrepid European settler looking for land in the west would be killed by these 'Mongols' with this agreement that is prevented." Charlemagne said as he placed his son's Hammer on the table "Therefore, we will expand upon our land, and at the same time spill less European blood."

                "Sire, you are wise beyond your years" Said Sven, with a large smile. "With these two agreements, Europe is almost completley garunteed to our peoples! We must rejoice! Praise Thor!" Sven exclaimed as he exited the throne room.

                "Thor sire? Pah! This man is a lunatic, father, our enemies are no longer the Germanic Tribes, or the Visigoths, they are now part of us, we fight unhuman people from the east now, dirty savages, people who eat their own kind, who fead on horses, and who wallow in thier own fecal matter, I have heard the tales sir, we must not consort with these subhumans. We musn't let wha-"

                "Charles, you are being irrational. You will no longer attend schooling in Greece, obviously they are heavily based in mythology there, I believe a proper education in Geneva will suffice, I shall send the pages for this pursuit. You shall one day own this land, Europe, but you cannot run it in this manner, this is not the way of a king, this is the way of a hot headed boy, who wishes to fight. That is not the role of the king" Said Charlemagne.

                "Aye father, I understand, but father, we are entering into a new era, there will be large scale fighting, and if we are unable to compete with that type of world, there will be no Europe to speak of, father I shall se you upon supper... oh yes, I have the news paper from Rome, I hope you enjoy it. Adieu."

                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #9

                  Darn, why can't we get a good bunch of posts like this in the Eurodip game....

                  Ozzy - King of Metal
                  Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
                  Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
                  Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #10
                    The Roma Tribune
                    1448 b.c.
                    .6 Gold

                    INTERNATIONAL NEWS

                    Baghdad Pact Signed with Egypt
                    Baghdad, Egypt - After years and years of tense and subtle aggression with the Egyptian empire, Charlemagne and Easthaven X convened in Baghdad today to establish peaceful borders in the middle east. Many dignitaries were on hand, including Lorenzo D' Medici if Italy, Gunnhild of Scandinavia and Ferdinand of Spain. "The treaty will be a major development, maybe not today, but in the comming centuries, our children will be the primary benefactors of this agreement." said Frankish ambassador Leonard DuCroix, "Easthaven X and Charlemagne have made a very good decision indeed." However the treaty is not without its detractors, namely from the son of King Charlemagne, prince Charles Martel, who called the pact "Atrocious, and an insult to the military prowess of Europe." He continued "We are by far the strongest prescence in the mid-east, doing this has left us with few options in that area, the Egyptians had no hegemony over Turkey, let alone the whole of the area to sign such an agreement. Our troops were more than capable of creating a very strong European prescence in the area." Obviously, there is not a concensus between Charlemagne and his son, who is Duke of Normandy. This, says experts, could result in a strange period of tension upon Charles' ascent to the throne.

                    Peace Treaty signed with Mongols
                    Helsinki, Finland - A mysterious tribe to the east only known as the Mongolians was met in the Muscovian forests surrounding the Ural Mountain ranges. A troop of soldiers lead by Greek General Alexander of Macedon, and accompanied by Finnish ambassador Sven Nordheimmer happened upon the group months ago. "They were a bedraggled lot, festooned in the most outrageous costuming I had ever laid eyes on. Bloody and tired they were." Said Alexander, one of Europe's most imposing and intelligent generals. The soldiers, originally dubbed "Tartars" by European soldiers later told the European troops that they preffered to be called Mongols. It was after a week of discussion that an emissary from the Mongolian camp was summoned by the men. "They told us they had been fighting Barbarians, and seemed to have lost their way" Said ambassador Nordheimmer "They were very bloody, and very much exhausted, they were very secretive from us, as if they did not trust us." The treaty signed between Nordheimmer and the unnamed Mongolian dignitary outlines a natural as well as political boundry between Europe and Mongolia. However, this treaty is still pending signing by king Charlemagne.

                    Tales of all powerful western continent spread throughout Europe
                    Madrid, Spain - Fanciful tales of a great and powerful empire to the west have spread north from Africa. As the story goes, there is a large continent to the west, on it lie great buildings. Amongst them is a large statue of a god, which looms over the city like a collossus. It is said that travelers of the world have laid eyes upon this statue, and believe that it can be seen from hundreds of miles away. Another story has giant buildings, serving as tombs, built in a large gold coverd city called "Atoa." However, these reports are unconfirmed. "At this time" said King Charlemagne of the reports "We are not going to allocate money towards discovering this continent or civilization, and had such an all powerful nation existed, they would have no doubt found us first.

                    Palestinian Rebels capture Suez
                    Suez, Egypt - Palestinian rebels laid siege to the city of Suez, in a major upset victory over Egyptian soldiers. Dodi Ali Akbar, citizen of the city who recently escaped the wrath of the conquering Palestinians said "It was horrible, the [Palestinians] forced themselves upon our wives and daughters, they demanded tribute, and a life tax, that if ignored would result in death. Our troops tried to recapture the city, but have failed, even the Indians attempted to retake the city." General Albrecht Wallenstein of Munich said "I don't think the Egyptians are taking all measures to return the city to their empire, they are expecting Europe to intervene as is outlined in the Baghdad Pact, the treaty was not made for this, it was made as a consensus. Personally, if my men capture the city, I will not return it to Egypt." The situation was made even more delicate when Charles Martel ordered his men to capture the city, Charlemagne quickly intervened. "If this were to happen to us, the Egyptians would not act like this, this isn't a freebie, these are our allies." Charlemagne staunchly stated to the house of Lords today. Obviously, the situation is heating.

                    DOMESTIC NEWS

                    Great Garden of Paris Nearly Completed
                    Paris, Gaul - The capital city of Paris is subject to a major project. Cities all over Europe are being called to deliver their finest flora to the city, in order to create the royal gardens. "The project is a very important one," said Parisian mayor Louis LeMans, "This will be a testiment to king Charlemagne for centuries to come, we are proud to host such a project." The completion of the project is slated for decades in the future, so it may never see completion. Word has it that the Mongolians are working on a similar project.

                    Rioting in Rome! Seventeen dead
                    Rome, Italia - Scores of angered Romans filled the royal plaza today, as word that their elected governor, Nicolo Machiavelli was assassinated. And Cesare D' Medici, his opponent in the elections assumed the position of mayor. "The lying dog! He had Machiavelli killed!" exclaimed Geovanni DeNucci, a baker in Rome "It is pointless to have elections if this kind of injustice is to happen." Medici has been the subject of threats and vandalism at his royal palace in the past couple of weeks. The Union has yet to reveal an official stance, but prince Charles Martel has issued the following statement; "If Italy cannot control her citizens, then the European Union will have to make an interjection here, sending in troops is our only solution to the problems there." The murder of Machiavelli is said to be the culmination of Italy's problems, as the very religious citizens of Rome have lobbied for the erection of a temple in honor of Zeus. "Machiavelli assured us it would be built upon his election, he was elected but was killed, this kind of crap is unbelieveable!" exclaimed Mario Russo, a silversmith. Mayor Medici has ordained the construction of a temple, and hopes that its construction, which is slated to go down in the next few weeks, will quell this problem. "The last thing we want are troops here, I know Charlemagne and the prince have good intentions, but we can really handle this ourselves. The last thing we want are German troops here, or any foreign troops here, telling our people what to do, it will be handled quickly."

                    Turkey recieves capital, and official Dukedom
                    Istanbul, Turkey - After centuries of "territory" status, the land of Turkey officially recieved the title of Dukedom from the European Houes of Lords. The new leader, Duke Constantine of Turkey has officially dubbed the city of Istanbul as the Turkish capital. This comes nearly two hundred years after the Baghdad Pact was officially signed and ratified by King Charlemagne. Suleiman, the mayor of Istanbul said "I am very proud of the strides made by the turks, and especially by Constantine, I have worked very hard with him, and am very happy to have him on our side, Dukedom was our goal, and we achieved it." Prince Charles Martel was joyed about the addition, stating "This is what we need, Europe is becomming a major power now, we must establish solid borders, and in annexing Turkey, we have done that. This is a very big development, and something we should be proud of for years to come." There have been, however, some detractors. Said Eric the Red of Scandinavia "There comes a time when we must draw the line, the European Union was originally created to bind the warring tribes of Europe, the Turks are not Europeans, they should not be included." Despite this, the House of Lords did come to a near unanimous agreement, only Spainish Duke Olivares voted against the annexation of Turkey.

                    Benito Moussolini

                    Before I get to my main point, I must say that the rioting in Rome is getting out of hand. Machiavelli, we must remember, was no saint, he was involved in many shady operations. Including gambling, and prostitution, we shouldn't really be surprised by his death, nor should we blame it on Medici, especially without any kind of evidence.
                    Well with that said, let us move on to the young Prince Charles Martel. If you don't know about Charles, this is one tough kid. In the old days, in the wars, he used to really take it to the Visigoths in Spain. His weapon of choice is the hammer, an oversized hammer. We are not talking the finesse of an arrow, or the precise attack of a sword. We are talking unbridled force here, which is exactly what this kid is all about. He will be king one day, there is no way Charlemagne will concede the crown to Phillip I, with all due respect to the Habsburg family, Phillip is not the kind of guy Charlemange wants in his stead. Actually, one of the main reasons Charlemagne won't give it to the Habsburgs is because they are the Habsbugs. Nearly the entire House of Lords is Habsburg, and if the European throne is in their command, they rule Europe. But I digress, Charles is a really loose cannon. We have seen in the past few years more and more of an international position, we have not only made treaties with Mongolia and Egypt, but land agreements as well. It is going to take a tough guy to uphold the sanctity of these agreements, and I personally think Charles is the man for the job, sure there will be fighting. With this guy at the helm, there is just no other way. But our troops know the score, they know what their job is, and they know what the dangers are. But everyone should relax, Charles has more balls than his dad does, and that's saying a lot. So let's give Martel a chance.

                    ~1448 B.C.

                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • #11
                      I sure hope this Charles Martel guy doesn't become King. Or we just might have a problem.


                      • #12
                        hey guys, i don't think i'm gonna make this weeks session. I'm gonna be busy, i'm not even gonna get home until about 9 or 10 which is 11 or 12est. Its still not official yet though, but just in case. I'll tell you tomorrow. Just in case, you might wanna get a sub.


                        • #13
                          Alright well, regardless of Easthaven's lack of attendance this Wednesday we will resume play and hopefully we will have people take over for Canada and Brazil as well, I will personally work on that.

                          I like the way this game is going so far, and I hope nobody considers Easthaven's temporary departure as a sign of weakness, becuase nothing ruins a Diplogame more than lack of morale. Us vets of the gamestyle know this personally, unfortunantly.

                          I love the posts, they are all creative, and I hope we can get more done with them. I like to make my posts sort of predictory, so you have some incling as to where my nation is headed, things may not be as they seem based on my posts, so don't put all of your fish in the collective basket on this one.

                          Martel may never be King....

                          Anyway, love the game, Drake is awesome, Chris is awesome, Dimble is always good, I am always an arrogant *****, and Easthaven is always good too, I am gonna try and find a nice rookie to take over for East, so I can conquer the Middle East, mwa ha ha ha!

                          Err, ignore what I Just said.


                          Or War >

                          "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

                          -Winston Churchill

                          "Ceterum censo Carthaginem esse delendam"
                          "Also I think that Carthage must be destroyed"

                          -Cato the Elder, Roman Statesmen

                          One Love.
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • #14
                            Morale with the mongols is very high. They are anxious to further discuss things with Emperor Charlemagne......

                            It does seem to be a good core we have here, so lets keep the interest......I would like to finish a big game, regardless of my position.......although it will be very succesful I'm sure

                            The mongol children still wish to hear stories of "the devils from the west", as they have heard of them. Their proper term was something like the americans if I recall.......

                            You only plan on filling these slots with serious players right capo?

                            "On we sweep with threshing oar,
                            Our only goal will be the western shore"
                            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                            • #15
                              European Royal Palace, Paris....

                              Crier: (to crowd amassed in city square) Please please, order I beg of thee. We must have silence, for the new king is to be crowned!

                              Citizen: Bring in Martel! HERE HERE!

                              Crier: Please-

                              Citizen: You are mad! Martel is a vulture! Let the house of Habsburg reign!

                              Crier: I beg of you, hold your tongues.

                              (Trumpets blare, marking the enterance of king Charlemagne.)

                              Crier: Bow to thine lord, Charlemagne of the Franks!

                              (The crowd becomes quiet, as Charlemagne enters the balcony, flanked by his son Charles Martel, and four soldiers.)

                              Charlemagne: People of Europe, we have amassed here to name the heir to my throne. No doubt, this decision has international implications. This decision will forever make or break the future of the European Union. The world is watching Paris today...

                              Citizen: Let it be Martel! Huzzah!

                              Charlemagne: (holding hand up into the air) I sense your restlessness good people of Europe. We have many issues that must be resolved, we have new treaties and accords with the nations of Egypt and the Khanate of Mongolia. We are entering a new era, no longer do Europeans fight Europeans, we are now under a common bind, we cannot let petty issues determine our future decision. Which is why, with a heavy heart, I must name the new king of Europe. This decision did not come lightly, and your king has lost days of sleep over it. I, of divine provinence, have stressors as well, and no stressor is greater than denying your own son the throne of Europe....

                              (A gasp befalls the crowd, Martel seems shocked, he begins to talk to his father, very harshly the crowd cannot make out the words, Martel then raises a sword into the air)

                              Martel: OUTRAGE!

                              Citizens: OUTRAGE!

                              Charlemagne: The new king (he is interrupted by the boistrous crowd, now arguing over Charlemagne's decision.) Shall be Ferdinand of Habsburg, however (again the crowd grows loud) people please, I beg of thee. (Martel storms away) I am still your king, upon my death this is my decree; Ferdinand of Habsburg, Duke of Prague shall ascend the European throne upon my death. So let it be written, so let it be done. (he exits).....

                              In another room...

                              Martel: Is he mad?

                              Joan of Arc: Aye sire, he seems to be so, giving the throne to the House of Habsburg is insane.

                              Martel: Argh, I have worked so hard to preseve this damnable Union, I have risked my life while he sat in his tower. Blast! Damn him!

                              Joan of Arc: Charles, there is nothing you can do, he is your father, and your king, his decision is final.

                              Martel: (slams fist onto a table) If the Habsburg believe that their "boy" Ferdinand will be king, they are sorely mistaken, this I pledge, my bloodline shall remain the Monarch. Or I shall die trying!
                              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                              One Love.

