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Tales from the European Front I

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  • #76

    I'm going to be gone this week (leaving tommarrow in fact) so i won't be around for the game on Sunday unfortunatly. Capo, I suppose you can play for me if you like. Provided we go ahead with the game at all.

    Ozzy - King of Metal
    Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
    Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
    Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


    • #77
      sorry guys I'm going to quit eurodip and civ2 multiplayer in general for a while, due to flooding and illness I've missed a fair of college recently so I need to catch up, also I've had enough of not been able to rely on people for GIGA dip, so until further notice I am quiting multiplayer.

      Sorry ozzy I hope you can find a replacement for me
      "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

      "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


      • #78
        *king moker awakes from his slumber to find a new day*
        Morning my Dears.

        *king mokers herum speaks all at once* good morning oh beloved king moker.

        KM: and how are my buetiful ladies this morning?
        sophia: very well your highness, many things have gone on while you were asleep.

        KM:is that so? explain sophia.
        sophia: many of your advisors have returned to madrid my lord. all of them bring news of dark clouds on the horizon.

        KM: i must speak with them at once, i was concerned with the news they had broughten me last.

        sophia: but my lord you promised to take me sailing today.

        erica speaks up: and we are supposed to go horseback riding.

        *king moker rubs his chin and decides what to do*
        very well erica, we shall go horseback riding. could you tell the court messengers to let my advisors know of a horseback riding excursion, and to meet at the stables. also send a messenger to the stable to tell them to ready a troop of our finest horses with the satin coat of arms for each advisor, have my lady ericas wrapped in blue velvet and wrap my horse in black and purple velvet. sophia my dear we will go sialing tommarow, i will call off all apointments for tomarow and send a messenger to the harbor to ready the boat.

        erica: you truly are wise my lord, oh how i love to here your firm descions on the matters of the nation for you are never wrong and can always make the good come out of the bad. but i only have one probelm my lord.

        KM: what is that erica?
        erica: do we have time to ride alone to the cottage in the country?

        *king moker smiles* yes my dear, i sent a rider there last week to tidy up and put the bear skin covers on the bed.

        *erica blushes*

        sophia speaks up: i understand you are a busy man my lord, as long as you keep your promise and we sail tomarrow i will not be angry with you.

        *king moker gets closer to sophia and kisses her on the cheak* dont worry my love, but for now i must leave. oh would you mind hosting a ball for my advisors tonite. they have been on long journies and havent had a decent party in a long time im sure.

        sophia: i would love to my lord would you like for me to send for the court dancers?

        KM: yes, very good idea sophia, you have always been a fabouls hostess. make sure there are plenty of dancers to keep them occupied.

        sophia: of course my lord, and only the best
        *sophia winks at king moker*

        *king moker blows a kiss to the other ladies in the end room of the chamber*

        *king moker exits the royal chambers*

        *king moker enters the castle kitchen*

        KM:greetings harold, smells as good as ever. whats on the menu today, roast duck and lamb quaters?

        Harold the head cook: aye lord, you do have a nose. im making some fine potatoe stew and apple cobbler as well.

        KM: well harold we are expecting a rather large crowd for tonite as we are having a ball.

        Harold: always do it to me lord......last second parties.......*harold peels potatoes in silent*

        KM: well i was thinking about giveing you a few days of rest harold.....but....

        Harold: i will hop on it right away my lord

        *king moker tosses harold a small bag of gold coins*

        KM:catch the next carriage to seville after you get everyone squared away.

        Harold: thank you lord *harold holds up the bag* this is why i bend over backwards for you.

        KM: your welcome harold, oh by the way my lady sophia will be hosting the ball.

        harold: aye she is a looker, good choice for a host

        *king moker smiles to himself and exits the kitchen*


        Im here to play civ. Screw all of this political BS. Give me a game of civ with good players, that are more than just robots, and im having fun. I bet everyone else is too. Who cares who wins or loses? Its better to make friends than make enemies. Who knows you might run into a very important person on here.

        Oh yeah EyesOfNight is the most pathetic person i have ever ment in my life.


        • #79
          *king moker exits the castle keep and makes his way towards the stables*

          *erica rides from around the keep in front of king moker, she wheels her horse around in a circle and brings it up on its hind legs*

          KM: you are getting very good my lady.

          erica: i have put alot of practice into my riding lately. ive grown really attached to this horse. she seems to like me as well. watch this...

          *erica rides off, she pulls the bow from the side of her steed and draws an arrow. she shoots and strikes a target bullseye, she continues onto two more targets and hits everyone at full galop*

          *king moker claps his hands and shouts*
          well done my dear

          erica: thank you my lord, shall i bring your horse

          KM: no thats fine erica i will walk.

          *king moker pulls something from his pocket*

          erica: what is that my lord? i have never seen such a thing.

          KM: this was given to me by napolean of france, he showed me how to work it on my last visit to paris.
          you will be amazed by this erica, you have mastered the bow but this is a whole new weapon.

          erica:weapon? but gold and silver is to soft a metal to hit anything with.

          KM:this is what is called a flintlock pistol erica, watch and learn.

          *moker loads the .60 caliber pistol*


          *the straw target that was stuck with arrows gets ripped to shreads*

          erica says with excitment: my lord, how does that work? what is that you put in there?!!

          KM: there are three parts to making this pistol work. the first is the gunpowder. its made from a combonation of matrials and mixed with water then allowed to dry. the second is the flint, the flint if used to spark the gunpowder causing it to shoot. the third is the bullet, this is an iron ball that is shot from the gun.

          erica: can i shoot it my lord?

          KM: wait until we get to the stables.
          *king moker and erica arrive at the stables*

          KM: greetings pancho

          pancho: good morning my lord

          KM: do you have the horses ready pancho?

          pancho: yes sire

          KM: pancho where is that crate i brought back from paris?

          pancho: its right back here sire

          *king moker follows pancho and opens the crate with a crowbar, he reachs inside and pulls out four .40 caliber flintlock pistols, he also grabs the houlster for them.*

          KM: here you are my dear, did you see how i loaded them?

          erica: yes my lord. are these for me?

          KM: they sure are

          erica: oh thank you my lord, but why four of them?

          KM: in a battle situation it is impossible to load the gun after you shoot it without being run down.

          erica: ahhh i see, can we go shoot them?

          KM: yes darling, pancho could you tell my adviosrs to meet me over the hill.

          pancho: yes sire

          KM: also pancho, give my advisors each two .60 pistols and there gaurds each a .60 pistol and a .50 musket.

          pancho: very well my lord.

          to be continued....................
          Im here to play civ. Screw all of this political BS. Give me a game of civ with good players, that are more than just robots, and im having fun. I bet everyone else is too. Who cares who wins or loses? Its better to make friends than make enemies. Who knows you might run into a very important person on here.

          Oh yeah EyesOfNight is the most pathetic person i have ever ment in my life.


          • #80

            Can anyone explain to me the point of all that?


            Ozzy - King of Metal
            Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
            Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
            Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • #81
              it will all make sense when i post the meeting with the advisors, the second post describes how i got gunpowder, the first was an intro

              Im here to play civ. Screw all of this political BS. Give me a game of civ with good players, that are more than just robots, and im having fun. I bet everyone else is too. Who cares who wins or loses? Its better to make friends than make enemies. Who knows you might run into a very important person on here.

              Oh yeah EyesOfNight is the most pathetic person i have ever ment in my life.


              • #82

                As the Hungarian Republican government prepares for the unveiling of its newest wonder of the world János Kadar and other leaders of the oppressed masses discuss their plans.

                János Kadar- What time is the unveiling scheduled for?

                Nicolao Kovács- There will be a ceremony held at 3 pm, where dignitaries will speak all full of capitolist pomp and display until finally they reveal the product of our oppressed people's labor at approximatly 5 pm.

                János Kadar- Good, will everyone be ready at that time?

                Béla Országh- Yes sir, at the moment the cloak is withdrawn from the statue our Children's League forces who were disguised as the Hungarian Republic's color guard will spring into action. Inside the poles of their flags are hidden swords with which they will use to assassinate the enemies of the masses, and the worst enemy of them all, Prime Minister Ulazlo.

                János Kadar- Wonderful, while the bourguesie adults dazzle themselves with the splendors of excessive wealth and priveldge the children workers of our nation who typically were left at home away from this celebration will quietly sneak away and seize the tools of production.

                Mihály Hajdú- Yes, water wheels, blacksmitheries, granaries, all will come under our control. All while the capitolist oppressors of our nation's youth have their backs turned. They will come home to empty houses, panic and a new government.

                János Kadar- What a wonderful new world we will create! No longer fear of hunger or abuse by capitolist adult masters, our people young and old alike will share in the means of production and will prosper together. Our nation will grow strong and all the Magyar people will be content with our enlightened rule. The poor destitute young masses will no longer go hungry, the Democratic People's Republic of Hungary will bring a golden era to our people!

                *Disclaimer* While I (Ozzy) am the leader of a youth movement, and this post is about a communist take over of government by youth please note that these two things are ENTIRELY sepperate, and the youth movement in reality couldn't be any further from this fictionalized story from this Diplo game. Thank you.

                Ozzy - King of Metal
                Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
                Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
                Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • #83
                  Four words...

                  Ozzy is a Commie.
                  "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                  One Love.


                  • #84
                    Small Italian Village in the South...

                    Antonio Vincenzo DeNucci puts down his newspaper and looks to the corner of his study at his Musket (Are they around yet?).

                    "Italia is dying" he thinks to himself...

                    He picks up his weapon looking at it, he then yells "Bella, don't bother making dinner tonight for me, or any other night for a while, Italia is crying, and she needs me!"

                    He then leaves the house...
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • #85
                      Socialist People's Newspaper of Budapest
                      Free copy
                      75 AD

                      TOP STORY

                      The Hungarian Republic crumbles after short communist revolution

                      The long anticipated result of years of back breaking labor was set to be completed in Hungary's capitol city of Budapest. Prime Minister Ulazlo and his cabinet all attended the ceremony to reveal what they dubbed the "Statue of Liberty" As the curtain was being dropped from this gigantic structure revolutionary forces attacked and killed the Prime Minister and his government.

                      With no government left to rule, the Magyar masses (85% of them under the age of 30) quickly declared János Kadar, as First Comrade of the Democratic People's Republic of Hungary. While there was brief skirmishes between Hungarian troops still loyal to Parliment and those loyal to the new communist leadership, these were limited in scale. Over all the transition in government was very quick and complete.

                      When asked for a comment on the symbolism behind revolting against the democratically elected government at the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty, Mr. Kadar had this to say, "Statue of Liberty? HA! Statue of Misery is more like it, do you have any idea the number of poor Hungarian children forced to work on this massive structure. Do you realize how many lives were carelessly lost due to the bourgesie elitist slave drivers as they drove their children to complete this project? We felt that timing the revolution at the unveiling of this monstrosity was the best oppurtunity to reveal the murderous hipocracy this symbol of "Liberty" truly represented."

                      DOMESTIC NEWS

                      Nation prospers under new government

                      Reports are coming in from all over the country that seem to show that things are looking up for the average Hungarian comrade. Production is increasing and the new system of shared wealth is benifiting the entire nation equally. New settlements are springing up, and internal construction projects are rapidly improving the countryside. Also it seems that residents are all content with their lives and the government, people of all age groups and locals in the country are reportedly content.

                      Hungarian Domestic Affairs advisor to Comrade Kadar, Mihály Hajdú, had this to say about the happiness of our people, "Back in the days of the republic many people were indeed very happy, the truth though is that those who thrived most in this period were the bourgesie adults who were deleriously happy thanks to the grotesque sexual practices of the government, but when the results of their phyiscal pleasure emerged they were sent to the fields to work. So there was great happiness and great unhappiness. Now under our government we are all delightfully content, and no one complains."

                      Nation Backs Valiant Hungarian Explorer

                      In a surge of patriotism following the glorious revolution the whole Hungarian nation has devoted their efforts to assisting the voyage of Ferenc Magellan. Comrade Magellan has set out to sea, intent on his goal to circumnavigate the Mediterranian. His travels will bring glory to the Hungarian nation, as the entire world marvels at their sea going prowess. When Ferenc returns his crew will share their ocean going experiences with the rest of Hungarian sailors, increasing the sailing abilities of the entire navy.

                      Second Wave of Magyar Colonists leave Hungarian heartland

                      After the initial excursion of settlement that brought the Turkish area of Komlo into the Hungarian empire, a mass of people seeking a better life in Hungarian possesions in Turkey have departed. Over crowding in what have become the world's most populous cities have led Hungarian adventurers to leave their homes in Gyor, Decbrecen, and other various Hungarian cities for the Turkish hinterland. Reports furnished by our glorious Hungarian government of the excitement and adventure enjoyed by such daring colonists as the people at Komlo have no doubt drawn several more thousand people to seek out this life as well. This 'wave' could result in as many as half a dozen new settlements in the area known as Asia-Minor. Native peoples of this region are reported to be justly shown the light of Hungarian civilization and are adjusting very well to their European neighbors.

                      FOREIGN AFFAIRS

                      Situation worsens in Italy

                      The war between the Western Alliance and Italy has heated up in recent years. After a long stand off the Western Alliance has stepped up their efforts and have dealt a few decisive defeats to their Italian sworn enemy. It is reported that the barbarous French forces invaded the city of Latina, just a few short miles from the Italian capitol of Rome. After a bitter struggle it is reported that the vicous French army razed the city to the ground, raping and murdering the populace. Burning buildings and looting as they went, currently there is nothing but rubble to remind us of this once proud Italian city.

                      When asked for a comment Hungarian military affairs advisor, Béla Országh, had this to say about the situation, "The French dogs came in from the sea, raping the women, killing the men. Destroying buildings and burning the fields. This is truly an attrocity, this city which had stood for thousands of years was burned to the ground by the French army. We are currently taking no official action regarding this situation, but we are making a very strong condemnation of the actions of the Western Alliance and are further analyzing the situation."

                      German President, Berzerker, offered his view of the war, "We are deeply disturbed by the Spanish aggression against our southern neighbors and anticipate that this war will spread"

                      Northern Tension Reported

                      Unrest is brewing elsewhere in the world besides Italy. Reports indicate that tensions are rising between historic foes Germany and England as they contest over their claims to territory of the lowlands. Two English cities now inhabit this region, in close proximity to their French and German neighbors. The situation is further complicated by England's declaration of war on Italy under the terms of their alliance with main combatants Spain and France.

                      German President, Berzerker, is "deeply saddened that an English dictator has decided to void a contracted treaty agreed to by his predecessor." The treaty that President Berzerker spoke of involed a historic agreement to divide up land in the region, but was tragically brought into question when England began stationing troops within the designated limits of German cities. On the prospect of war President Berzerker said that "We want peace but will defend ourselves till the death of the English empire."

                      Ozzy - King of Metal
                      Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
                      Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
                      Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
                      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by OzzyKP (edited December 10, 2000).]</font>
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #86
                        He stumbled through the forest, clutching his wound. Reno DiNapoli was scared, he was actually crying, an Italian soldier crying. He knew that death was to come quiclky, he wished for it, the cold, the darkness, and the pain of his wound were unbearable. How can things have come to this? He thought to himself and he stumbled through the dark forests, he had no idea where he was going.

                        In the background he heard Spanish words being tossed about, the echo from the trees confused their origins. He continued his treck, where am I going? he thought, I have to stop. He collapsed under a large tree, and sat, breathing heavily, the blood soaking his uniform. His hands were covered in a crimson sheath. Just then two men emerged from the dark misty forest, carrying swords covered in blood.

                        "alli el es, ahora el muere." said one of the soldiers, as they approached.

                        "No please! I surrender!" screamed Reno, but it was too late, the sword had already penetrated his gut, he sat for three seconds staring up at his executioner's, they were smiling... he died...

                        In Rome, emporer Cockney VI ran down the street, a band of soldiers following close by. "C'mon, there is the boat sire, please make haste, they are comming!" Said Giovanni, the royal minister.
                        "You have been good Gio, I thank you for your support, I am sad that you may die for my honor." Said the king, as he placed his hands on his minister shoulders.
                        "It was worth it my lord! Go to, DeNucci's men are arriving."

                        DIE TRAITOR, was the call from the crowd, Cockney got into the small boat, his soldiers quickly pushed away, Cockney was saved...
                        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                        One Love.


                        • #87
                          A Socialist rag put out by the new communist government of Hungary has misquoted our esteemed President Berzerker with regards to our English neighbors, the President said the following:

                          "We want peace, but will defend ourselve's to the death of the German empire."

                          He did not say "to the death of the English empire"! We lament the decline in journalistic standards since the Communist' take over, it appears they are more interested in promoting their ideology - which includes demonizing capitalism - than reporting the news

                          Our fellow Germans have succeeded in establishing cities along the coastal regions of Norway and S Sweden and soon will be settling Finland and the islands of the Baltic. The people of Berlin - the German capitol, marvel of the modern world, the site of no less than 7 wonders, and the world's most populous city - have built a fabulous university to accomodate the great English scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, who recently defected because of his country's naked aggression toward our German brethren living in the Lowlands of Holland and Belgium. Thanks to his help, the German people have discovered the technologies of conscription and cannons to defend ourselve's. These weapons combined with our wonderful War Academy have produced a world class army second to none.

                          News from the south is not good, our Italian neighbors are at war with both the French and the Spanish. The latter were so arrogant as to ask for the details of our new "Democratic" system of government while pressing their war against our neighbors. President Berzerker has informed the German people he will do what he can to keep us out of the war, but re-assured us that should we go to war, we would not stop until the oppressed people of Paris are freed from the tyrants ruling over them!


                          • #88
                            The russian bear is waking up slowly!

                            After a revolution in which the previous president was killed I took over a completely disorientated nation. I started building the needed buildings for my people. Temples, marketplaces, and libraries.

                            The people saw that the new leader can do the best for their nation and they were willing to work for the benefit of the whole nation. I lowered the taxes and science is making more and more progress. Unfortunately we have to abstain from some luxuries but we know we have to pay a little price for what we want to achieve.

                            New cities have been founded and the old cities have been improved. Thousands of people feel the new era and are looking for a new chance and join the settler convoys to colonize the wide russian plains.

                            Unfortunately the French thought they can catch up to our allies level of technology by stealing it. We all had to declare war on them. Our Italian friends are really in trouble and due to our poor status, that will certainly get better every year, we could only help them with some gold. Our Hungarian friends were able to do much more. In a tremendous way they forced the French to give up French Africa and give it to the Spanish King. But that was not all. To avoid further losses to both sides the wise Spanish King decided to give the land to the one who deserves it - the Hungarians!

                            Now it is my turn to lead the Russian nation to fame, wealth and last but not least power.

                            Remember! The sun is raising in the east!

                            Master Mika
                            Probably the best player ever
                            Master Mika
                            Probably the best player ever ;)


                            • #89

                              To: Comrade Kadar

                              From: Béla Országh

                              Re: Report from the African Front

                              Comrade, I have sailed down to the African coast personally to over see our forces there. The Desert Flood operation has been successful. Admiral Magellan and the highly trained Hungarian Socialist Navy escorted our troops quickly and safely across the water. Our first landing was at the French city of Poitiers, it was weakly defended and we were able to rout their troops without difficulty. Their defensive forces were sadly outdated, not even making use of the technology of gunpowder; they attempted to fight us with spears as we gunned them down from horseback. Truly a sorry sight. Unfortunately to prevent us from taking the city whole the residents burned the city to the ground as our forces entered.

                              Two units from our fleet broke off from the main force to take the city of Bordeaux, unfortunately the French Navy was able to intercept one of our vessels, and we were defeated at sea. Several thousand sailors and troops waiting for the invasion were lost. Those ships that survived the attack were able to out maneuver the remaining French Navy in the area and land outside of their objective. Our troops were able to defeat the French defensive forces at Bordeaux and secure the city. We then cut off the supply lines to the French fleet, and they reportedly starved at sea.

                              Our main force continued on and captured the French cities of Strasbourg and Toulouse. Again little resistance, some Hungarian losses were reported, but overall it was a painless victory.

                              Our forces are prepared to continue the assault, Bayonne and Ghent are next in our path.

                              Comrade, the French will soon be driven out from Africa, tell our people of our victories.

                              Ozzy - King of Metal
                              Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
                              Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
                              Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
                              Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                              When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                              • #90
                                Pax Romana Times

                                150A.D. The Royal family of Luxius took control of the ailing Italian States. The King of the Italian Monarchy was Gregorius Luxius, descendant of Julius Caesar. Having lived for 25years through the hard times of the early 1st millineum, Gregorius knows of the treachory that the French bestow on all, especially his countrymen. He begain a military build-up of Dragoons and Regular Infantry at Grenoble and LaSpier. Wanting to take Rouen(the only French Port on the mediterranean) he stole the technology of Construction, knowing good and well that the French would be displeased. They warned him but he shoved it off knowing his people would be valiant in their fight if it ever came down to war.
                                The Treacherous and bloodthirsty French then went among their business and stole technology from my ally the Germans. This angered all of my allies, The Hungarians, Germans, and Russians. Around 175AD Gregorius Luxius's Regular Infantry took rouen, but could only hold on to it for 5years. The Italian reinforcements of Crusaders, Horsemen, and Dragoons were being slowed down by the gastly Spanish forcing them to cross the alps. The French took back Rouen, and then bribed my cities of Grenoble and LaSpier.
                                Knowing that the Hungarians were invading French Africa , the Italian people gained confidence that they could gain ground on their enemies the French.

