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Tales from the European Front I

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  • #61
    Someone please erase this message along with two above it.
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by JDI_Falcon (edited November 13, 2000).]</font>
    I didn't know it was a Penis when I bought it.


    • #62

      The session was good, luckily for you Russia still remains out of the conflicts. Meanwhile, Italy declared war on Spain and basically is now asking to get destroyed. She's lost land in Sicily and Northern Italy, and the capital of Rome is not far behind. French & Spanish troops are closing in.

      Here is a map of the current land situation, made by The Capo a.k.a former leader of Italy before things went bad. Thanks Capo. 75 b.c.

      <img border="0" src="" width="467" height="471"></p>
      I didn't know it was a Penis when I bought it.


      • #63
        If you guys think it's ok, I would like to have the save file from last session, just so i can see how the AI runed my civ.
        IF ok send it to


        • #64
          Because of the Army and other things, I will no longer be able to participate in the Diplogame on Sunday.
          Thanks for the good time.


          If Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin had lived in the United States, they would've been Democrats.

          You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've
          got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not
          cry! You will learn by the numbers. I will
          teach you. Now get up! Get on your feet! You
          had best un**** yourself or I will unscrew
          your head and **** down your neck!
          Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

          Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


          • #65
            Thanks for playing, Dimbleby, looks like we need a replacement for England

            The Great German Empire has kept pace with the best of them in city construction while dominating with her wonders The people of Berlin alone have built 5 (6?) wonders with Copernicus and the Colossus only 2 turns apart in this recent episode after building Sun Tzu (also known as, "Dont Mess With Me")

            Our alliance with Hungary and Russia would have remained strong, however, an unruly despot known as "ai" took over for Russia recently abolishing said alliance. Our southern friends, the Hungarians, have the greatest expanse of land under their control. But they - and we - are being drawn into a major war against the west because of border disputes between Spain and Italy. Should this war break out, we have every expectation that our massive army of vet crusaders will crush the French under our hooves.


            • #66
              French troops crumble under Germany? I believe that East mis-judges French power. France may not have numberous second rate cities like the Hungarian and German empires but she is by no means weak. Our troops are ready for any action that the East brings and we pride ourselves on our maginot line.

              However, we do not want war with the East at all. Italy is a member of no alliance, and under the leadership of Jedi, attempted to take rightfully Spanish land. Under the terms of our alliance we are to always help when the Spanish nation is the target of foreign aggression. If Italy wants peace, France will be the first to the bargaining table, but will not cower to the demands of a weak and pathetic nation such as Italy.
              I didn't know it was a Penis when I bought it.


              • #67
                Who is this Jedi you speak of?!
                that imbecile has cost me my army and half my country

                I will be playing until 4 EST next sunday so please can we finish then?

                As for the French and the Spanish, I will negociate but only after I know where I stand (ie someone send me the save!)

                Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!

                The United States is a superpower undergoing the difficult transition necessary to becoming a banana republic - Lincon
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #68
                  BUDAPEST TIMES
                  2 Gold
                  75 bc

                  WORLD NEWS

                  TOP STORY: The great age of Imperialism begins in full!

                  As the great European powers run out of room on the continent they are now turning their attention to foreign lands for their expansionist designs. Already the map is being carved up by those nations with the means to do so. The remnants of the Western alliance, Spain and France have turned to the closest land mass available and are colonizing the dark continent of Africa. Unspeakable atrocities are rumored to occur to the native peoples of this land by the imperialist forces of Spain and France. Subjugations of whole peoples are reported.
                  Farther north the German and Italian peoples had begun the peaceful settlement of Scandinavia. According to reports given to this newspaper from German sources this cold area of the European continent has been devoid of native people and is offering no resistance. The two Italian cities built in the region known as Sweden have been turned over to the great nation of Hungary in a diplomatic agreement between the two nations.
                  In addition to receiving this overseas gift the Republic of Hungary has pushed further into its Turkish territory and continues to spread its noble culture to this land.

                  Italio-Western War rages on

                  The decades long war between the Italians and the Western alliance continues. So far no progress has been made since the early days of the war when Italy was soundly defeated on multiple fronts. Italian troops have halted the progress of Spanish troops in Northern Italy. When asked for a comment Italian general Giuseppe Garibaldi had this to offer, "The war has turned around for us under the leadership of King Jedi. Our allies have helped us a lot in this endeavor as well, Italian citizens should not fear, their homes are safe from the Spanish aggressors."

                  Hungro-Italian Alliance remains strong.

                  The alliance between the two Adriatic superpowers remains strong according to top government officials. Deals have been struck between the two nations that benefit all those involved. Hungarian Foreign Minister Gergy Szedgy commented on the most recent arrangement in Sweden, "The Italians joined in the race for colonies before they were ready as a nation. Their colonies in Sweden were proving to be unprofitable and they were looking for a bidder to take them off their hands. Their attentions were turned toward the war and needed assistance, we were willing to provide what they needed. The deal benefited all parties involved."

                  DOMESTIC NEWS

                  King Stephen I declared a Saint in Debrecen

                  Today church leaders met to finally approve the long awaited canonization of Hungary's King Stephen the first. After missionaries from Russia started spreading the good word to the Magyar people St. Stephen finished the job and declared Hungary a Christian nation. His crown and is currently on display at J.S. Bach's Cathedral in Debrecen.

                  King Matthias I gives up his crown and Ulazlo II is elected first Prime Minister

                  After a brief though dramatic turn of events the kingdom of Hungary is declared a Republic. After centuries of rule by King Matthias and his predecessor St. Stephen I Hungary has turned away from its monarchist roots. In a statement to Times reporters Prime Minister Ulazlo said that, "This is a historic time in the history of Hungary, the people have let their voice be heard and gracious king Matthias has stepped aside to allow a new form of civic government by the people take over. Currently we are erecting a monumental statue in our capitol of Budapest to signify the spirit of freedom and liberty that is washing over the nation."

                  Population Boom hits Hungary

                  Following the change in government an unprecedented population boom has struck our nation. It seems that the concept of being a republic serves as an aphrodisiac for many Hungarians as they joyfully romped away their cares at the start of the government change over. Now several months later the nation has swelled in population. Perhaps in a ploy to win over the hearts of its people and get them to love the new republic the government drastically increased all spending on luxury items such as whipped cream, satin sheets, lingerie, and has invested large sums of money in the porno industry. Whatever the reasonings of the government, the population in this country has surged beyond all historical levels and Hungary is now the most populous country in the world.

                  Massive Public Works Bill passes Parliment

                  Prime Minister Ulazlo I has begun a great campaign of improving the Hungarian nation on all levels, road building, mining and irrigation for farming has increased at all places within the country. "The massive population explosion necessitates these new projects", said Domestic Advisor Tomas Ivan. Currently a far-sighted project to connect the Hungarian Motherland with its Turkish colonies is under way. Already passing through the straights this highway is beginning to snake through Asia-Minor. New settlements are expected to sprout up following the course of this new road.

                  By Janos Kadar

                  This sudden explosion in population is difficult not to notice, and the bizzare efforts on the part of the government leads one to question the motives of our new leadership. As the commoner must now trudge through a mass of children as thick and plentiful as a Hungarian wheat field, he begins to wonder what this transformation will do to society. Our current economic boom is being fueled by this massive shift in population as the children are being sent to the fields and to the guilds to build things for the republic. Massive new construction projects like the one going up in Budapest are being built by the tiny hands of our young nation.
                  One must wonder if this exploitation of our youth for the material gains of their elders really a just thing to do? In fact is the current system of money and oppresion waged against the younger worker classes a just thing? Only time will tell i suppose.

                  Ozzy - King of Metal
                  Ozzy - Hungarians in Eurodip I
                  Ozzy - Proud Sayen member
                  Ozzy - Prez of NYRA,
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #69
                    *King Moker looks out on the sea from his castle balcony and thinks to himself*

                    My nation has grown quite strong since the begging of my reign. It seems that troubling times lay ahead for my people. Many descions must be made in the coming months and the wrong ones could lead to the fall of my kingdom. The italians seem intent on conquering spanish land through there many rulers.
                    It seems they also have a firm alliance with the powerful hungarians. it seems that the itlains could bring the whole continet to war with there squables.

                    *one of the ladies from mokers herum enters the balcony area*

                    Oh King Moker come to bed we are waiting for you.

                    very well, tommarow is another day, did sophia bring the grapes from the cook?

                    yes my lord*erika kertzies and steps out*

                    King Moker

                    Im here to play civ. Screw all of this political BS. Give me a game of civ with good players, that are more than just robots, and im having fun. I bet everyone else is too. Who cares who wins or loses? Its better to make friends than make enemies. Who knows you might run into a very important person on here.

                    Oh yeah EyesOfNight is the most pathetic person i have ever ment in my life.
                    Im here to play civ. Screw all of this political BS. Give me a game of civ with good players, that are more than just robots, and im having fun. I bet everyone else is too. Who cares who wins or loses? Its better to make friends than make enemies. Who knows you might run into a very important person on here.

                    Oh yeah EyesOfNight is the most pathetic person i have ever ment in my life.


                    • #70

                      It has been reported that French crusaders have conquered and destroyed the Italian city of Palermo on the island of Sicily. Now that Palermo, the last Italian stronghold outside of main Italy has been eliminated, French troops have their eyes on the Italian mainland and the capital city of Rome, which according to them, will be taken swiftly along with several other major cities on Italian cost. The Spanish military plans on continuing its assault on Northern Italy and finishing off other Italian strongholds in Corisca. The victories are said to have been attributed to superior Western tactics and strong veteran armies.
                      Now that Italy can see the consequences of attacking France or her allies, maybe she will resist from doing so in the future.

                      CRUSADERS MARCH ONTO GRENOBLE.

                      After racking up several victories in Northern Italy, French troops, under the command of General Ronal LeFave II, now plan to march onto the Italian city of Grenoble where they will meet very little resistance along the way and hope to take the city and push Italy back completely into the lower half of the boot.

                      NEW KING MAY BRING PEACE

                      Upon the dawn of this last Monday, it was determined that the former King of Italy, Jedi has been forced from power and will be replaced by a still unknown succesor. Since the position that Italy is currently in has been blamed soley on the selfish actions of King Jedi, it is believed that under this new leadership, Italy will make attempt to make peace. However, the French government has stated, that in no situation will lands Italy owned prior to the war, nor lands that she claimed was hers before the war, be returned to her. If Italy wants peace, it will be complete and unconditional surrender, and France and Spain will accept nothing less. We will however, not ask for anything from Italy other than peace, but all lands now won, or won before the war's end shall remain under French control.

                      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by JDI_Falcon (edited November 18, 2000).]</font>
                      I didn't know it was a Penis when I bought it.


                      • #71
                        I can play next sunday 6pm gmt+1. i could play sooner, but we usually eat between 5.40 pm- 6.00 pm.
                        that means i have to stop for 20 min, if we start before 6pm.


                        • #72
                          The Illustrious Leader of Germany, Berzerker, has led the German people to create a magnificent civilization second to none. But war has appeared upon the horizon - spaniard crusaders continually encroach upon our westernmost cities while a new english leader has decided to make an issue over borders established by his respected predecessor.

                          While to our south, the spaniards continue attacking our beloved and peaceful Italian friends. This situation must be resolved or the amiable German people will be forced into a conflict in distant lands beyond our domain - foreign wars are rarely beneficial to a productive people wanting only commerce with other peoples.

                          The pride of the German people, Berlin is the largest, most populous city in Europe boasting no less than 6 world wonders!


                          • #73
                            WESTERN-ITALIAN WAR RAGES ON

                            It seemed for a short time that peace was would prevail between the Western alliance and Italy, however Cockney II successor to the thrown had other plans, when he attacked Spanish troops that were stationed outside of the Italian city of Chioggia. Spanish troops were stationed there because Italy had stationed troops outside of Savona in order "defend their empire." Apparently "defending their empire" involves placing strictly aggressive divisions outside of long standing Spanish cities. France had previously made peace with Italy under the terms that half of Sicily would be given to the French, however when her ally was attacked, France was forced back into the long running conflict. So far niether side has been entirely successful in the conflict. French forces did conquer the Italian city of Latina, only to have it liberated and then eventually destroyed by invading French troops. It should be noted that Latina is the closest major city to the Italian capital of Rome. Since this event, Italy has successfully pushed French troops out of Italy but French commanders say this is "Only a temporary setback."
                            It is also rumored that former Imperator of Italy, Woke XXIII, will be succeeded by the son of Cockney the II, Cockney III, and as with previous ruling members of the family, peace may be just around the corner with Cockney III.


                            Recently, the French military has discovered what they call "the most important development since the tempering of the sword." So called "Gunpowder" allows a new weapon, called a Muskett to launch if you will a small iron pellet a great distance and such great speeds that it can penetrate a man's skin and either seriously wound him or even kill him. Although this new technology has already spread to some Eastern nations and has been stolen by the pathetic Italians. It gives the French military a huge advantage over the armies of less intelligent and knowledgable nations. This new weapon allows a soldier to kill a man from a good distance and keep himself out of danger from hand to hand combat. Although the slow reloading process and relative innaccuracy of the weapon does not completely nullify hand to hand combat, it does make a major step in doing so.

                            ST. AUGUSTINE RULES FRANCE "MOST POWERFUL"

                            St. Augustine, one of the great thinkers of our time, has studied the governments, military, and people of the major nations of this continent and compiled a list of what he labels the most powerful nations in the world. Suprisingly, even to some French officials, our great nation was ranked the most powerful nation in Europe, and her great ally Spain ranked third. The East labels this as a inaccurate, uneducated, and tainted list, but it should be noted that if this is accurate (and it most likely is), it would mean that the West, and not the East as it had previously been believed holds more economic and military power across Europe.

                            WESTERN ALLIANCE STRONGER THAN EVER

                            High ranking officials from both Spain and France strongly agree that the Western alliance, is now stronger than it has ever been. In addition to the full blown tech sharing and map sharing that has made the alliance so strong in the past, a new trade agreement has been made. This agreement allows complete free trade between both nations and nearly combines the two seperate economies into one powerful one. Also, huge land agreements have been made in newly settled Africa that promise to keep Spain and France out of land squabbles in the future. To illustrate this, officials have developed two maps. One showing current land holdings world wide and a second showing land that has been marked for settling by France and Spain in a agreement made in Madrid.

                            Territorial Map of Modern World:

                            <img border="0" src="" width="467" height="471"></p>

                            <img border="0" src="" width="467" height="471"></p>

                            I didn't know it was a Penis when I bought it.


                            • #74
                              Hey, if you guys ever need a sub for Italy I may be able to make it this week, or a "celebrity" player or some ****, so I can come in there and fix this mess! Consarnit!

                              VIVA ITALIA!
                              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                              One Love.


                              • #75
                                While France and Spain are gighting with Italy, the situation at the english/german border gets critical. Germany and England are arguing about land at the river(Rijn). English people have none/less land left to build new houses for their people, so they won't give up the land easily. The only thing England can do is to use their land more intens and fight for everything what should be theirs.

                                England made their alliance with the Spanish people better/stronger. They have even invest money in the Madrid stock exchange.

                                England is now at war with Italy. The evil Italians attacked Spain, without any good reasons. Those actions can not be tollerated and therefor England declared war on Italy.

