I must confess: CIV is a game were you can always learn something new.
And I need to learn new things about CIV. Can someone help me?
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I realized this need after a few gaming experiences. The first one was a while ago. I started a 1x game, 4 humans, no Ais, med map, King. I was the Vikings. I managed to go to Rep, grab Mikes+Bachs, and to grow *A LOT* with WLTPD. So far, nothing new. But then, someone built Polo's, saw the huge size of the Vikings, and could not understand how it was done. He zone messaged everyone, me included: "We are all leaving this game, because I found out this Viking guy is cheating a lot".
After a few messages I realized they have no idea of what was happening, and so the Viking guy should have been cheating.
I understood them when the same happened to me. So I need advice. They needed to learn a few new Civ tricks. So do I. Will someone help me?
Lets look at the details.
I will post now a couple of recent games, were I was outgrown, outgunned, and I dont have a clue how it was done.
The first one is this game:
I was playing the Germans. I was an early Rep, grabed Mikes+Bach, and was doing WLTPD by steps: grow all my cities, built settlers, waited for a while until the new ones reach size 3, then WLPD again. If you look carefully, you can see the Germans growing by steps.
The other guy, playing as the "Chinks" was a monarchy. I dont realize how he could had such a powergraph! Any ideas?
How can someone grow faster than WLTPD?
We are talking of 50+ cities. Aqueducts, harbours and irrigation in place. I still dont grasp how he made it.
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Another game was also finished a while ago.
3 humans, Deity, no Ais. I was growing faster, grabed Ligthouse, start stealing techs, could not built Mikes in time, lost it to another CIV, but built Bach.
I was n.1 in Pop, research, money, production and land area. Managed to build SoL, turned Dem, and was n1 on every F11 demographic.
But the Civ who built Mikes, started researching faster than me, got Navigation, built Magellans, Sun Tzu, Leos, and sent a huge invasion force straitght to my capital, as if they were radar guided.
In one turn I lost my Civ (Capital+ wonders). I quited and looked at the saved file. More were coming, steering in perfection, to my old capital. No ship looking around, or exploring the map.
Any ideas how it could be made? I would like to learn, how to research faster than a Dem, n1 in pop, and in all other F11 deographics. How can someone build things so fast, and sail straigth to my capital?
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Looks like I still have a lot of CIV to learn, dont you think?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by carnide_ (edited October 15, 2000).]</font>
And I need to learn new things about CIV. Can someone help me?
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I realized this need after a few gaming experiences. The first one was a while ago. I started a 1x game, 4 humans, no Ais, med map, King. I was the Vikings. I managed to go to Rep, grab Mikes+Bachs, and to grow *A LOT* with WLTPD. So far, nothing new. But then, someone built Polo's, saw the huge size of the Vikings, and could not understand how it was done. He zone messaged everyone, me included: "We are all leaving this game, because I found out this Viking guy is cheating a lot".
After a few messages I realized they have no idea of what was happening, and so the Viking guy should have been cheating.
I understood them when the same happened to me. So I need advice. They needed to learn a few new Civ tricks. So do I. Will someone help me?
Lets look at the details.
I will post now a couple of recent games, were I was outgrown, outgunned, and I dont have a clue how it was done.
The first one is this game:

I was playing the Germans. I was an early Rep, grabed Mikes+Bach, and was doing WLTPD by steps: grow all my cities, built settlers, waited for a while until the new ones reach size 3, then WLPD again. If you look carefully, you can see the Germans growing by steps.
The other guy, playing as the "Chinks" was a monarchy. I dont realize how he could had such a powergraph! Any ideas?
How can someone grow faster than WLTPD?
We are talking of 50+ cities. Aqueducts, harbours and irrigation in place. I still dont grasp how he made it.
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Another game was also finished a while ago.
3 humans, Deity, no Ais. I was growing faster, grabed Ligthouse, start stealing techs, could not built Mikes in time, lost it to another CIV, but built Bach.
I was n.1 in Pop, research, money, production and land area. Managed to build SoL, turned Dem, and was n1 on every F11 demographic.
But the Civ who built Mikes, started researching faster than me, got Navigation, built Magellans, Sun Tzu, Leos, and sent a huge invasion force straitght to my capital, as if they were radar guided.
In one turn I lost my Civ (Capital+ wonders). I quited and looked at the saved file. More were coming, steering in perfection, to my old capital. No ship looking around, or exploring the map.
Any ideas how it could be made? I would like to learn, how to research faster than a Dem, n1 in pop, and in all other F11 deographics. How can someone build things so fast, and sail straigth to my capital?
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Looks like I still have a lot of CIV to learn, dont you think?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by carnide_ (edited October 15, 2000).]</font>