Howdy all, seeing as how i'm taking a class all about War and Diplomacy in 19th century Europe i'm rather interested in the alliances and political manuverings and battles that are waged upon this continent among various different nations. Therefore I'd like to start a Diplo game on the European continent.
Same rules as typical diplomatic games except on a european map. But since the traditional map that comes with the game isn't really the best i have selected another which i think does the continent much more justice. This map is highly acurate and a much better rendering of the actual europe. It can be downloaded at the apolyton site, and is called "Real Europe"
Everyone complained last Diplo game i was in that i played as the Metalheads and wasn't historically acurate enough, so now we have a shot at being really true to form. The big powers; England, France, Russia, Germany have to be taken, and the rest of us have an option of being other nations that have had a big effect in Europe. Spain, Italy, Poland, Greece, Turkey, etc. Personally I am going to be the Hungarians. And you can try and stop me.
I'd like us all to agree on which nation we want to be first and so that the host can make sure that we each start in the correct Earth historical spot.
1x1x, Seven players, difficulty and barbs are up for discussion, traditional diplo rules apply.
Also, since the last diplo game i was in fell into disaster since no one had really done a diplo game before i'd like to get some experienced players in this one. As for a time i'm free sunday afternoons EST for a few hours. I am of course open to discussion on that.
Please respond, i can't wait for this to get started.
Also, if you can't find the map talk to me on ICQ, my number is 47270249
Metalhead Greater Sayen, and all 'round nice guy