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Tales from the Diplomatic Front X

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  • Tales from the Diplomatic Front X

    Sudden drop offs in play for consecuative weeks have lead to me choose to make a new diplomatic game.

    We'll be using a Sunday afternoon (US) time slot. We might make it earlier a little, if Euros are interested, or a little later if west coasters are trying to get back from churuch if that becomes an issue. If you know you will not be able to play reliably in this time slot on a weekly basis for at least 2-3 hours, please don't join.

    Settings: Emperor, Larger Random World, 5-7 players, Barbs from Huts only, No City Bribes, Diplomatic Game (No elimination of players, Limited war)

    I am open to a few minor rules suggestions....buts thats all.

  • #2
    I am interested if x1x1 and restart if host get techs. I'ts been awhile since i played long term game.
    Sunday is tomorrow. What time exactly?
    Maybe 5 players is enough? But again,at least 2 will give up early.
    My life, my rules


    • #3
      Yeah 1x 1x is fine.......
      We probably won't get the game setup by tommarrow, however if 5-7 are interested within that time frame, maybe we can play at 2pm Central.

      Naturally Id rather have 7, than just 5.


      • #4 should rename your thread.
        'Looking for players....' should do.
        Very few players (beside involved ones) reading any Tales from...
        Myself included. I was just curious to see who's in it .
        My life, my rules


        • #5
          oh goody, a sunday afternoon slot or even eveing slot is just what I am looking for I wanna join
          Apolyton Empress
          "Tongue tied and twisted, just and earth bound misfit..."

          "Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative" --found on a bathroom wall


          • #6
            In the event that the start time gets pushed back to 630-700EST, I would be interested in playing.

            No one wants to play with a Charlie in the Box.
            Thousands of monkeys are creating havoc in the corridors of power, barging into government offices, stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and even ripping apart valuable documents.

            Hey! That dried vomit under the couch looks like a horny toad.


            • #7
              Count me in. When are you planning to start?


              • #8
                i can play sundays. i'm in


                • #9
                  It might be pretty hard to start a game with no host techs and one settler each.
                  Could we make it Deity so we can all start with 2 settlers?
                  I strongly insist on an equal start and theres no big difference between Emperor and Deity.

                  It seems we have 7 players. Time for a schedule and additional game rules.
                  My life, my rules


                  • #10
                    So we have...for sure

                    Dangime (me)


                    Mr Dimbleby if we move it to 7 EST...personally I'd like to stick to an afternoon time......however....if its not a problem for any of the players moving it to 7 EST, then we'll pick you up.....

                    The rest of you have agreed to a "Sunday Afternoon" time.....and Im not so sure 7EST is still after noon.

                    I'd perfer 4 EST.
                    What do you say? I'll go with 7 EST if the other players dont have a problem with it.

                    Hm.....Deity does make it easier to make a clean start........oh and I've got another question...What would you say to making this a no wonder game? I think having no wonders would defuse the polarizing blocks that immediately form and reduce wonderless player abscents......which happens alot in other diplo games.
                    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Frank Johnson (edited July 10, 2000).]</font>


                    • #11
                      I don't have problem with any proposed time.

                      My proposal of additional rules:

                      1.No city bribing
                      2.No sharing wonders
                      3.No trading caravans
                      4.No peeking or cheating of any kind
                      5.Either Deity or restart until all players have equal number of settlers
                      6.Restart if host have free techs

                      I am open to negotiate about city bribing,but not about anything else.
                      If anything under #2-#6 goes,i would rather to cede my place to somebody else.
                      My life, my rules


                      • #12
                        I'm interested in Sundays, 2-3 hours.
                        ICQ is 77756564.

                        Bring it!

                        "If any man can convince and show me that I do not think or act right, I will gladly change; for I seek truth, by which no man was ever injured. But he is injured who abides in his error and ignorance." Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)
                        Life and death is a grave matter;
                        all things pass quickly away.
                        Each of you must be completely alert;
                        never neglectful, never indulgent.


                        • #13
                          Anytime starting 1EST is fine with me. Don't want it to start much later than 4EST...but I'm pretty flexible. I personally like the idea of no wonders, because I end up focusing on them to the detriment of my overall game...but, I don't care as long as there isn't any "cheating" (insert your definition here). I'm a very green MP'er, so don't expect too much...As long as you're debating rules, why not do something no one does...2 3way alliances or such, just to make it interesting....just let me know..I'll try anything, once.

                          Bring it!

                          "If any man can convince and show me that I do not think or act right, I will gladly change; for I seek truth, by which no man was ever injured. But he is injured who abides in his error and ignorance." Marcus Aurelius (Meditations)
                          Life and death is a grave matter;
                          all things pass quickly away.
                          Each of you must be completely alert;
                          never neglectful, never indulgent.


                          • #14
                            4 est sounds good to me. then we can play until the x-files start
                            Apolyton Empress
                            "Tongue tied and twisted, just and earth bound misfit..."

                            "Sanity is the playground for the unimaginative" --found on a bathroom wall


                            • #15
                              how do u share wonders? there sure is alot of rules

