It was a 5 civ game but Rah bailed out early. His civ stays at 3 cities
I (Xin the Romans) was beaten twice in wonders by half turn, for the Great Library and the Embassy, respectively. I managed to change them to the Great Wall and the Colossus. The GW really helped me. Before I got it there were barbs all over, now they reduced to ignorable. The barbs even took one of my cities (I couldn't believe it, it was size one and empty, must be bribed by the barbs?). Then I tried to bribe it back but always short of money by a cent. Finally I bribed it back when it was at size 7, larger than any of the cities in the world, but did not show in the top 5 window.
Ming has all the happy wonders available and the GL so I guess he has the best civ. However when I check my status I found I was first in most of the categories.
Berz got the embassy, bird got the lighthouse.
It was an interesting game.

I (Xin the Romans) was beaten twice in wonders by half turn, for the Great Library and the Embassy, respectively. I managed to change them to the Great Wall and the Colossus. The GW really helped me. Before I got it there were barbs all over, now they reduced to ignorable. The barbs even took one of my cities (I couldn't believe it, it was size one and empty, must be bribed by the barbs?). Then I tried to bribe it back but always short of money by a cent. Finally I bribed it back when it was at size 7, larger than any of the cities in the world, but did not show in the top 5 window.
Ming has all the happy wonders available and the GL so I guess he has the best civ. However when I check my status I found I was first in most of the categories.
Berz got the embassy, bird got the lighthouse.
It was an interesting game.