Delay (exploring but no tipping) to give the AI ahead start- Bigger map
- No Science Wonders to keep AI competitive
- Bigger map
- Canals encouraged
- Bigger map
- Not all one continent
- Did I say "Bigger map" yet?
Alphabetical means name your founded cities in rough (first letter) alpha order, as an organizational aid. Don't worry about TANSTAAFL coming after Tunafish; don't feel you must rename captured cities.
No Science Wonders (GL, Cope's, Newton's) assures that we will not grossly outpace our competitors. The size of continents should be a limit to early expansion as well.
No City Bribing (modified) applies to core AI cities. The exception: occasional loner AI city (from wandering Settlers the AI likes to send out, or Adv Tribe, etc) far from their core is fair game. Invasion actions shall be limited to one (1) attempt to sabotage walls (or another improvement) and unlimited production sabotage attempts.
Think of city bribing as the equivalent of cultural flipping. No way should core cities do that. In the Persian wars only one Greek city was willing to flip, and it was (IIRC) on the Ionian coast rather than on the Balkan peninsula. Isolated towns are another matter though.
When invading you have one opportunity to find somebody willing to betray the city. That was usually limited to a gate captain or tower officer who could then subvert his subordinates or eliminate the objectors.
Finding rebels to sabotage production or slipping in with Special Ops teams isn't limited, but of course it can only work once per turn.
Play begins on p.2