Originally posted by The Andy-Man
to prove maths is meaningless (lets see if i can put this down)
in maths, 1+1=2
but can we mathmatically proove that 1+1=2? we are told that it is so, but it is not proovable for maths is a network of theories bassed on numbers. Numbers are just characters or symbols on bits of paper. Therefore, it cannot be MATHMATICALY prooved that 1+1=2. Hence, the most basic math principles are meaningless.
If this is so, nothing can be immpossible for there is no mathmatical way to deem it impossible.
to prove maths is meaningless (lets see if i can put this down)
in maths, 1+1=2
but can we mathmatically proove that 1+1=2? we are told that it is so, but it is not proovable for maths is a network of theories bassed on numbers. Numbers are just characters or symbols on bits of paper. Therefore, it cannot be MATHMATICALY prooved that 1+1=2. Hence, the most basic math principles are meaningless.
If this is so, nothing can be immpossible for there is no mathmatical way to deem it impossible.
The proof is out there.
just because it may be a bit beyond you.
nevertheless, the proof is a practical unneccessity. Mathematics works for every situation we have put it against. Archimedes principles are classic examples