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Your favorite ancient civilization

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  • Your favorite ancient civilization

    Yet another of a series of polls, this one askes what is your favorite ancient civilization to play with, and why?

    Mine is the Greek civilization, for several reasons. First, I am greek, so it is a reminder of my people's achivments of the past. Second, the Greeks had enorous influence on both the anciet and modern world, and their presense is still felt.

    What's your favorite, and why?
    Roman (white)
    Eygptian (yellow)
    Babylonian (green)
    Mongol (purple)
    Vikings (Dark Blue)
    Chinese (Light Blue)
    Greek (Orange)
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG

  • #2
    I voted for the Babys, they were the first, no? I really like to play France, He He.


    • #3
      I like the Eygptians. They built the Pyramids, and all those beautiful temples and statues. Also, all that lovely jewelry they left buried with their kings. They are very mysterious and romantic.


      • #4
        "Roma victor!"


        • #5
          My favourite Ancient civ is the Romans, I almost always play with them for some reason. I actually voted for the Mongols, though.
          The Romans and Mongols are the two civilizations that appeal to me most, from an historic point of view.
          Kinda broad definition of ancient by the way, the Mongols and Vikings were rather medieval.
          Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


          • #6
            got to be the Greeks, you 've got to admire a people that give us democracy, philosophy, the arts and all those magnificent buildings then just sit back and chill out for 2000 years


            • #7
              Mongols and Vikings are ancient civs? where's the celts? what about the persians?

              and the Carthaginians?


              • #8
                Voted for Babylonians (better: Sumerians), since indeed they were (about) the first. Egyptians were not much later, and probably in loose contact. They had similar conditions, river and growing deserts around. Why doesn't the AI take account of that?
                I play the romans, greeks or germans also. One might suspect personal reasons
                Why doing it the easy way if it is possible to do it complicated?


                • #9
                  not my problem...

                  Originally posted by Ecthelion
                  Mongols and Vikings are ancient civs? where's the celts? what about the persians?

                  and the Carthaginians?
                  Tell it to the game designers, Ecthy.
                  I had to pick a civ from each color group for balence.
                  I could have picked India or the Souix for Purple, but that's life.
                  The Romans are more important than the Celts.
                  China is far and away more signicant than the Persians.
                  The Greeks instead of Carthage is a no-brainer, except in your case.
                  I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                  i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                  • #10
                    I guess one might expect me to pick the vikings (i'm swedish) but for some reason I like the greeks better...
                    Besides as others have pointed out, Vikings shouldn't be considered ancient
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #11
                      Carthage for ever!!!!

                      You don't actually expect me to vote for the Greeks do you?
                      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                      • #12
                        I mostly played the Greeks (doh!). But later I played other civs as well (if only to have Alexander staring me in da face, although I always get the english as orange opponents )

                        Lately I play french a lot because I love France and I like the names of the cities. I also play the Egyptians because their civ has this mysterious grip over me.
                        Russians very rarely.

                        I once played the americans. Sometimes I play the Germans too.


                        • #13
                          Hey red4ever we didn't chill out entirely after that!!! We were (emm) holding the flame of civilization in Byzantium while the rest of Europe was plunged into the dark ages (or something like that!).

                          Then the Ottomans kicked us in the butt but later we rose again defeated the italians in ww2 stalled the germans in order to give time to the russians to get ready and if this is not enough we now have the best beaches in the world and we are as irritating as always


                          • #14
                            I voted for China. China had an enormous influence on the ancient world.


                            • #15
                              i voted for the greeks. because i always liked Alexzander The Great. and the Spartans. but i usally take the Germans here latley. greeks never seem to have a good starting spot. I like the Vikings too. where do u ppl go for a game? ive always played in the msn gameing zone. Are there other rooms to play in or do you ppl play through icq or what? just wondered
                              HawkHunter Chief of the Crusaders Tribe..

