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Succession Game - The Sticky Mouse Academy Strikes Back

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  • -Jrabbit

    I'm not and never have been interested in the Civ score. You will find that some of the great games played by members of Apolyton have resulted in poor scores. I would much rather achieve an early landing/conquest date.


    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


    • compte à rebours

      At least JRabbit will be happy: I chose the space ship

      General plan:
      Research SPACE FLIGHT slowly (which means quickly increasing our treasury), smash the Celts and the Egyptians (because they are the stronger AI civs), smash the Chinese and the Japanese (because they are close to us and we want them to keep quiet when we start building SS parts).
      I played 8 turns (because we are close to the endgame).

      Main events:
      1866 Celts land on 2 smaller islands of ours and sink 2 transports.
      1867 We kill the Celtic bad guys and send their destroyers to the bottom
      1869 One of our mighty BB sinks after heavy attack by several Celtic submarines and destroyers (IIRC they lose 6 to 1, yet I don't like loosing a BB )
      The Chinese attack Tsingtao (and fail). We take Nanking meanwhile .
      1870 We take Kells (280g in plunder). Celtic government escapes to Carmarthen.
      1872 SPACE FLIGHT discovered. PLASTICS researched.

      Appolo should be completed next year.
      Our treasury is over 6000g now and most core cities of the Celts, the Egyptians, the Chinese and the Japanese are close to our mighty howies and armours, so I guess we should be able to build a HUGE space ship while waiting for Fusion Power to be discovered.
      Attached Files
      Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


      • Nice game La Fayette

        let's hope we don't have a nuclear bloodbath later...

        "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
        "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


        • Originally posted by Scouse Gits
          let's hope we don't have a nuclear bloodbath later...
          A nuclear bloodbath would require Manhattan to be built wouldn't it?
          Even if the AI steals Fission as soon as we discover it, they will need several turns before completing Manhattan (especially since we are going to hammer both the Celts and the Egyptians in the meantime

          If we go on delivering a few freights in order to improve our research rate, which is close to 1tech/2,5turns, we should be able to launch within 10 turns from now.

          IMO the risk of nukes is low.
          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


          • ...and I can hardly be afraid of nukes after having played the ww79 scenario where almost any city in the world gets nuked several times (BTW what happened to 'smokey da nukes'? ...that guy was the greatest nuke-lover I ever met ).
            Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


            • Well done La Fayette - now calling Hydey stop watching cricket and get playing

              Order of Play

              La Fayette


              "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
              "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


              • Hydey ... are you with us?


                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                • Sorry guys I have to pass, real world is way too hectic
                  The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                  Hydey the no-limits man.


                  • Sorry you can't join us. Don't work too hard Hydey

                    -Jrabbit - you are next. I know your turn has come in the No Trade game so would it be easier if Straybow played before you?


                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • Yes. I'll swap places with him.

                      Go get 'em, Straybow!!!!!
                      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                      • Oh, goody! So, should we dawdle and build the biggest spaceship while pressing the attack on our hostile Wonder-loving opponents? Need more spies to prevent tech theft from vulnerable cities. Need more Bulldozers!

                        [wanders away making bulldozer noises, ignoring SGs]
                        Attached Files
                        (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                        (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                        (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                        • The Beatles used to have a yellow submarine.
                          Now Straybow has a yellow bulldozer (Xmas gift from last year?).
                          ...reminds me of SimCity (apart from the Panzer, of course ).
                          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                          • Sorry it took 3 valuable days…

                            1873 Review: Production tweaked here and there. OneW can't celebrate at 21, plus a few other cities should pop an Engr for tileworking. We need more Riflemen for some nearly undefended cities (first priority) and Spies to keep them from jacking our tech (second priority). Still plenty of time for freights and SS parts.
                            Hey, looky, BB near Durrow still hasn't finished moving: takes out Celt Txprt and DD.

                            1874 Ouch, four units left in the open beside Carmarthen are destroyed.
                            –––– One Wonder gets its namesake; no big surprises (some Chinese cities to the
                            –––– north, some Celt cities on the opposite end of the same continent). English DD
                            –––– harassing the German coast destroyed by Spy and Fighter.
                            –––– BB wipes out a stack of 3 DD before retiring to Durrow, heh heh. NoL hides
                            –––– to Kells for 61g. Can't complain at that. Moved a Txprt too far for its escort
                            –––– to follow near Edfu; hope it does cost me. 2 Fighters kill last defender at
                            –––– Izumo; Armor plunders 137g (3 Partisans). Japs want Cease Fire, done.
                            –––– Various tickling. Science dropped to 20% to hamper AI.

                            1875 Celt DDs die attacking Durrow, No Lady; We discover Plastics, Fission next
                            –––– Konigsberg Temple; 3 x SS Fodder. Hoover Gems to Edfu 324; AEGIS sinks
                            –––– Brit DD; Spy dies sabotaging Dip in Chengdu; Ftr sinks Brit Txprt+4 off Gerry
                            –––– coast. Edo spy sabotages Partisan. Much tickling.

                            1876 No attacks 2 x SS Fodder; NoVotes Silk NoLH 96, WallFD Cloth
                            –––– OneW 93, WhatO Silk Elephantine 90, Frankfurt Oil Eleph 168. Moved Txprt
                            –––– too far again… Brits wanted SFl (No) Cease fire with Chinese. More tickling.
                            1877 We are gloriously large, says Lord Macaulay. Egyptian Ftr sinks Txprt+Spy
                            –––– Izumo Temple, Kells Barracks; VoidSunTzu Spice AntiG 98, NoLH Oil OneW 52
                            –––– (+11 route replaces +4 route). Edo spy sabotages Partisan. Celt Arty and Alp
                            –––– die near Tintagel. Tickling

                            1878 Chinese steal plastics (War); 2 x SS Fodder. Howies knock out 2 defenders in
                            –––– Chengdu, allied Japs war (can't sneak!) CL sinks Egyptian Txprt+3 near Edfu;
                            –––– Kells Cloth OneW 154 AdamsC, Institute Beads OneW 73, 85; Armors kill 2
                            –––– sabotaged Partisans, Howie kills Alpine in Kagoshima, Ftr kills Txprt, Howie
                            –––– takes Kag and 87g; Spy dies sab Marines near Canton, Spy fails to sabotage
                            –––– Carmarthen walls. BB plinks Celt Frig near Durrow—obligatory tickling.

                            1879 Celt DD dies attacking No Lady, Sub bounces off BB. Fizzing discovered
                            –––– VoidST, Buto, Tatung Barracks. Sticky Beads 63, WKRC Silk 85, GerF Hides 57;
                            –––– Howies kill 2 Alp Hieraconpolis, Armors near Tintagel kill Marine+1, Alp+1, Cav
                            –––– Armor kills Engr, Cannon near Nanking; Fighters sub+1 near Dur, Brit DD near
                            –––– WKRC, Alp near Caernarfon, Cannon near Shimonoseki. Spy un-walls Carmrth!
                            –––– BB sinks 2 DD near Durrow. Yeah, tickling.

                            1880 DD dies attacking Durrow; Egypt Armor & Arty kills & damages Howies, Aegis
                            –––– wrecks vengeance on both; Spy dies taking out Beijing walls! Howies kill 2,
                            –––– Ftr dies attacking Rifle, Armor nearly dies finishing off (Beijing on River); Spies
                            –––– take out Cav production and Granary in Tintagel. BB retreats, Aegis kills DD
                            –––– 2 x SS Fodder churned out. Almost all vulnerable cities now have Spies.

                            1881 Alp kills our Howie near Hiercpls; AIs swap tech. Lots of SS Fodder built. Gems
                            –––– Tatung to Nuremberg 98. Aegis kills Alp near Hiercpls; Howie kills Fanatic in
                            –––– Caernarfon, Howie & 3 Armor kill 4 Fans in Carmarthen & 1 Arty
                            1882 DD attacks No Lady, Egptn Sub sinks Aegis; Sticky Temple, WKRC Barracks;
                            –––– Ftr kills Cannon+1 by Shim, 3 DD + CL sunk near Dur; killed Alp in Carmarthen
                            –––– can't remember everything fer all the tickling…

                            1883 ManF Alpine made Vet sinking CL; Norwich Cu 170, Marco Salt 36, NewB Oil 79
                            –––– Harbor Temple, Mkt and production sabotaged in Tintagel (1 Spy captured);
                            –––– Txprt+5 sunk near Dur. Need I say the "T" word?

                            At 50% tax I couldn't spend money on units faster than it came in… over 9k accumulated. Nuclear Power next turn due to trading; A couple boatloads of Freight heading towards Egyptian, Jap and Brit territory.
                            New Berlin Silk and Frankfurt Gold to Osaka
                            One WoW Spice to Yoko, Silk to Thebes
                            Kells Wine to Giza
                            NoVotes and Marcono Silver to several likely targets in the British Isles

                            Also Durrow Beads and Hoover Gems airlifted to or near One WoW, and Buto Oil approaching. Delivering them should be more than enough for the tech to follow NP (hopefully Laser will be available).

                            Too many units were sent to the main Chinese continent because I wasn't thinking that capture was forbidden due to active WoWs. Troops amassed in and near Kagoshima.
                            Attached Files
                            (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                            (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                            (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                            • Some Trade expert 'splain this

                              Check this out: Two different values for equivalent commodity routes between the same two cities. I experimented with sending another Hides to One WoW, and the value went by only one arrow to +5. How come?
                              Attached Files
                              (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                              (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                              (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                              • Stray ... the Nil Newton screen looks normal in my 1883 download. Perhaps there was a Bulldozer at work? Love the Treasury

                                -Jrabbit Over to you.


                                Attached Files
                                "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                                "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit

