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Succession Game - Anatolia

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  • #31
    Here is the new list:

    -Marquis de Sodaq


    There's no real time frame for the game but don't wait too long before playing and posting. I think two or three days is plenty. Please post here and be imaginative when you write your journal. No one is expecting great writing (mine certainly isn't) but make it interesting to read. As you probably read, MBloomIII has been conscripted by his domestic government and won't be able to take his turn this week. So, you're up. Good luck and try to find someone for us to fight with
    Formerly known as Masuro.
    The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


    • #32
      Could I join?
      "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

      Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


      • #33
        The new, new list.

        -Marquis de Sodaq
        Formerly known as Masuro.
        The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


        • #34
          ok have downlaoded the file, will play it later today and post my response later, ten turns i play , is that right???
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #35

            Hi Rasputin,

            We're taking 20 turns each until about 1750. Have fun! I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do with the kingdom.
            Formerly known as Masuro.
            The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


            • #36
              well i hope i live upto the previous standards, I have never palyed one of these before, i hav epalyed a few MP diplo games with some quite lovely posts (IMHO) to cover the Role playing side of things .....

              If this is as much fun as i think it is i will have to entice a few more of my fellow aussie sto give it a try...
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #37
                In the Year 1AD a strange apparition appeared over the city of Persoplois, the Persina Capital, Many later described it as some sort of great light , others denied that anything had actually happened at all.
                But soon after this event a new leader rose to the throne of Persia, King Rasputin I. Claiming to be led by some divine force he soon had a large following as he promised great expansion for the nation. All the elders of each city sent their virgin daughters to the Palace to become the harem of Rasputin I.
                The first act of King Rasputin was to deal with the unhappy people in Susa and with this accomplished and all citys ordered to send out new citizens to found even more citys. The first decade of King Raz was finished.

                10AD The National census was undertaken and it was discovered that Persia had grown to 600 000 citizens . A national holiday was decalred and King Raz settled down with his harem for the day. During the 2nd decade of King Rasputin I , Rasputin prophesied of a far off nation known as Romans being destroyed by another bnation known as Carthoginians. But the people disregarded this proclamation as they knew they were all alone in htis world. But King Raz oredered one fleet home as an escape for him and his harem (just in case). The rest of the fleet continued to explore the North East seas.

                20AD Another national holiday proclaimed and a new city built between Pasargadae and Antioch , which was to become home of Rasputin's harem and where he sujourned during the long summer months, this new city was named Raz Beach.

                30ADWord arrived back from the fleet that our trusty Diplomat team had negotiated with some natives they found in a local hut on islands to our east , the natives graciously gave 50 Gold in tribute. Another new city was built on the south coast of our small island home, this city was named Tyre ( King rasputin told the people in years to come this place would be home of a great invention called the wheel, aslo known as tyres) agai nthe people jsut smiled knowingly and ignored him

                40AD Citizens from Gordium and Pasargadae decided to split and find their own citys, this was greeted by celebration from King Rasputin who once again went to Raz beach.

                50AD The following annoncement ws made by the Persian Scientists " The Persian People are fascinated and awed by the forces of nature surrounding them. Earthquakes, storms and other phenomena are generally regarded as signs from heaven. Individuals and groups have arisen and formulated explanations for these events, they have now passed that knowledge along to the nation. The priests and priestesses of Persia, often called oracles, claim union with the divine through meditation and trance-like contemplation. This primative mysticism offers the people of Persia the first, tenuous links with the powers that shaped our world."

                60AD Warriors were set to garrison Raz Beach after many citizens had joined this lovely holiday resort.

                70AD The city of Tyre also was garrisoned by Warriors. Fleet continues to sail north , but discovers magical forces to the north preventing further travel so they head south east.

                80AD Citizens from Antioch head out to found new city. The people of Susa who for the past century had been building a great Statue to be named "Colossus" suddenly discoverd their construction had fallen down and now resembleds some form of Pyramids, King Rasputin visited the site and decided this would make a great place to store the nations excess food. another national holiday proclaimed. The wandering citizens of Gordium discovered a great new city site with plenty of fishing spots and settled to make a ne wcity called Sardis (this was the name later given to a small form of fish found of the coast Sardines became a wonderful delicacy especially on toast). The wandering citizens from Pasargadae also found a new home and built a city called Samaria on the island to the east of Persian Central. (This city was so named as the people when they arrived there declared ' Wow this would be some area to build a city in')

                90AD The people of Arbela sent forth a load of camels loaded to the hilt with some of their finest wines. Word had come to them that the people in Antioch were Wine Conisgours (Antioch of course was later to be World wide headquarters of A/A)

                100AD Very quiet on the home front , while the fleets explored eastwards

                110AD Much population increase, much activitiy at Raz Beach

                120AD Persian Scientists announce a new form of government , to be called The Republic, but King Rasputin I rejects calls for a change, he says it will only make the people sad.

                130AD Paragadae has another town meeting and resolves to split again, the happy citizens of Tarsus build a new city of Hamadam (no particualr reason for the name)

                140AD Another census reveals the population is now 700,000 The camels from down south arive in Antioch and much wine is consumed, the best bottles sent to Raz beach for the harem. Word of barbarians near Gordium arrive at palace , but everyone was drunk so disregarded the info. Fortunatly the local governeor of Gordium had trained up two battalions of hosremen to protect his domain. The barbarian archers were soon dispatched.

                150AD Further revelling and merryment across the nation, fleets stil lat sea

                160AD King Rasputin I orders more citizens to go looking for more city spots. Expand expand expand

                170AD New cities founded on more islands to north.

                180AD The people are growing tired of their old king who is rumoured now to be over 200 yrs old, no sign of him for the past twenty years. Word arrives of some foreign nation building a major wonder called the colossus.

                190AD Further barbarian activity near Gordium causes loss of one battalian of horsemen. Still no sign of Raputin I , rumours abound that he is actually dead , and that his harem are now running the nation. Another city built by citizens on main island

                200AD Persians are very unhappy now, the larger citys are now very frustrated with the missing Rasputin. Rioting breaks out in various towns

                In the 200 years of his reign 8 new citys had been built, a magnificent food storage area knows as the Pyramids were built and the population had grwon from 600 000 to 1 060 000 .....
                Attached Files
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #38
                  I just downloaded the save to look at it... its been MGEd so i can't play.
                  "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                  Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                  • #39
                    Another new list

                    Here it is again. If you want to join the game please make sure you have the MGE.

                    -Marquis de Sodaq

                    You're up, Crow.
                    Formerly known as Masuro.
                    The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


                    • #40
                      well it was great fun to take a nation started by some oen else and lead them in new directions, can recommend it to anyone ...

                      And as for correct version, dotn people read the full thread before asking to join??
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #41
                        Hey guys,

                        I got the ad210 save. I should have my results posted Wed. night. I'm getting quite busy at work so this might be my one and only chance to have a turn in this game.

                        AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


                        • #42
                          this is such a cool concept, pity only one game started, maybe we need another one to keep us busy !!!
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #43
                            This looks cool

                            What a great idea, I would love to play in a game of this kind. If you could squeeze me in I would be very happy but if not I am happy to wait for another game to start.

                            ps I will be away for a week from the 30th june till the 7th july

                            The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                            Hydey the no-limits man.


                            • #44
                              210 AD – King Crow rises from the chaos following Rasputin's departure to lead the Persian people in their quest for world dominance.

                              His first order of business is to contact all other nations of this planet. To accomplish this his learned council suggests building an embassy. The great traveler Marco Polo is commissioned for the project.

                              220 AD – Tarsus builds Beads caravan with hopes of reaching the far off cities of Cardiff and Karakorum, start building settlers
                              Send trireme w/dip south and east; other triremes explore south and northeast.
                              Susa builds barracks and order is restored.

                              Persepolis completes MPE for 100g.

                              With the wonder of MPE, the Persian people first learn of others inhabiting this planet.
                              The Celts are the first contacted, they give WC for Republic, and a peace treaty is signed.
                              The wealthy Japanese refuse to trade knowledge or even have the courtesy to sign a peace treaty.
                              The Vikings trade Pottery for the Republic and sign a peace treaty.
                              Aztecs merely sign a peace treaty.
                              Carthaginians want war with the Vikings, but they are refused. A peace treaty is not signed.
                              Mongols want war on Carthaginians, they are refused, and no peace treaty is signed.
                              King Crow deems Marco Polo a failure, as no maps or gold have resulted from its use. Only the knowledge of WC and Pottery has come from the embassy. King Crow has Marco Polo thrown in the palace dungeon, but the embassy lives on.

                              Wise men counsel learning about the movements and positions of the stars.

                              230 AD – Antioch builds settlers, production is changed to caravan.
                              Settlers from Raz Beach transported to island north of Samaria to found a new city.
                              Dariush Kabur completes warriors and starts phalanx.

                              An emissary from Genghis Khan requests an audience, again asking for war against the Vikings. He is again refused.

                              Our spies report that the Viking government has been overthrown.

                              240 AD – Gordium builds a hides caravan with the hope of reaching the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan. Production changed to settlers.

                              King Crow demands tribute from the Celts, they declare war. This situation is repeated with all other inhabitants of our world. They will soon see the foolishness of lack of tribute. If only they can be found…

                              250 AD - Settlers from Raz Beach found city of Zohak.

                              Vikings and Mongols sign secret alliance against Persians. How secret can it be if the Persians know of it?

                              Persian wise men discover Astronomy, start on University.
                              Carthaginians have started a great project, Lighthouse.

                              260 AD – Samaria builds settlers, starts phalanx.
                              Sardis builds settlers, starts phalanx.
                              Pasargadae builds beads caravan for Trondheim. Starts on second caravan.
                              Persepolis builds temple.

                              270 AD – Arbela makes silver caravan for travel to Tenochtitlan.
                              Persepolis starts Copernicus’ Observatory.

                              280 AD – Hamadan builds settlers.
                              Bactra builds wine caravan for Carthage.
                              Swamps around Pasargadae start to be drained. This will become a great city, if only the swamps could be made productive.

                              290 AD – Tyre builds beads caravan
                              Dariush Kabir builds phalanx to be sent with settlers north to found another city.

                              300 AD – A very quiet decade in the Persian Empire.

                              310 AD – Raz Beach builds wine caravan
                              Gordium builds settlers.
                              Samaria builds phalanx

                              320 AD – University
                              Tarsus builds settlers
                              Susa builds wine caravan
                              Istakhr is founded on the island east of Zohak. Phalanx will be close behind.
                              Jinjan founded northwest of Dariush Kabir, phalanx from Dariush Kabir joins city.

                              Aztecs abandon Great Library

                              330 AD – Ergili builds settlers
                              Pasargadae builds spice caravan
                              Vikings and Carthaginians sign secret alliance against Persians. It seems as if the entire world is allying against the Persian Empire.

                              340 AD – Another quiet decade in the empire

                              350 AD – Gulhaman builds settlers.
                              Trireme from Pasargadae drops diplomat on island to east for exploration and returns west.

                              360 AD – Dariush Kabur builds settlers
                              Antioch builds trireme to take caravans from Arbels and Raz Beach to unknown destinations.
                              Zohak completes phalanx.

                              370 AD – Samaria builds settlers
                              Wise men discover construction
                              Settlers from Sardis found suburb of Borazjan, phalanx from Gordion garrisons town
                              Caravan enters hut and discovers ancient scrolls describing Feudalism.

                              380 AD – Bactra builds settlers
                              Susa builds temple to placate unruly citizens
                              Scribes report that Carthage has built a Lighthouse

                              390 AD – Hamadan builds settlers
                              Tyre builds wine caravan
                              Empire exceeds 2,000,000 citizens
                              Settlers from Hamadan build city of Heart, phalanx from Hamadan garrisons the new city

                              400 AD –King Crow retires from ruling.
                              He leaves an empire with 21 cities and 2.13 million people to his successor.
                              Attached Files
                              AH has shrink shop open, and if you want advice from an Aussie who thinks he's a horse that likes having a gay Greek general riding his backside then that's still available. - Lancer


                              • #45
                                May I join it too ??

