oops sorry thought i had posted earlier
1810 Rasputin XV arose to the throne and found himslef surrounded by heathe n so decided to weipe them all out
1826 Dropped the Atomic bomb for fun on enemy city
1826 Aztecs wiped out, People soon forget they ever existed
1832 Ops one turn too many. Rasputin leaves Persia still with some enemies. Many Atomic bombs ready to be deployed
1810 Rasputin XV arose to the throne and found himslef surrounded by heathe n so decided to weipe them all out
1826 Dropped the Atomic bomb for fun on enemy city

1826 Aztecs wiped out, People soon forget they ever existed
1832 Ops one turn too many. Rasputin leaves Persia still with some enemies. Many Atomic bombs ready to be deployed
