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The Viking Archives

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  • #16

    Originally posted by Dr_Strangelove on 10-10-2000 12:25 PM
    My first Deity game...

    To put a little spunk in the game, barbarian hordes were set and I was wiped out as a settler in the year 3800 BC...

    So much for encouraging me to play deity!

    Hmmm...sounds very similar to my own experience...

    Although I might have had the opportunity to build a city or 2 first.


    • #17
      My first Deity game:

      I started the game. I died. End of game.

      Oh, wanted some details?? Okay, I built a city, a raging horde of barbarians appeared, they killed me.

      Frodo lives!

      Better dead than "Red"... or green... or blue... or yellow... or orange... or purple... or white.
      Frodo lives!


      • #18
        "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
        "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
        "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


        • #19
          -Written by Dark Cloud [copyright-(2000)]
          -Spanish (Me)
          -King Francisco I (1310-????) -Lord Palmaeir (1433-1509)
          -Lord Gino Patrelli (1450-1501) -Jakob Lisbon (1605-1689)
          -General Luis Armstrong (1578-1631) - Gorges Braum (1655-1730)
          - General Dinn (1670-1801)
          -Chieftess Shakala (1327-????) -Tank Commander Ulric VanHausen (1902-1995)
          -Sioux (1450 A.D. to 1689 A.D.) [239 Years]
          -Chief Sitting Bull (1350-1689)
          -King Louis XIV (1321-????) - Jeahn Patton (1750-1869)
          -Chief Shaw I (1312-????)
          -Queen Bodecrea (1310-????) -Pluto (1412-1517)
          -King Henry V (1314-????) -Sir Robert Lang I (1441-1539)
          -The Colonization of a fictitious North America; a HUGE continent surrounded by water and with land in four corners housing the four major European powers who would be colonizing the land. The land of North America is mostly devoid of green land and is mostly a plains land, unsuitable for cities.
          Cities of Note—208 total 206 colonial
          Madrid (75 A.D.)
          Pamplona (302 A.D.)
          Mexico City (1455 A.D.)
          Veracruz (1456 A.D.)
          New Madrid (1468 A.D.)
          Palmaeria (1473 A.D.) – NATIVES (1617) –SPANISH (1625)
          Zaragoza (1476 A.D.) –ENGLISH (1509) – Spanish (1921)
          Ginoppolis (1496 A.D.)
          Franciscoton (1496 A.D.)
          Rhys (1543 A.D.)

          CHAPTER I
          1450 A.D.-1476 A.D.
          When Kristopher Kumbus returned from his search for Cathay he reported of a strange and new land which he named Kumberland, however due to popular hate of that name it was renamed for a philosopher and thinker- Americus Vespuchi I.

          The Celts heeded his words and began to ready an expansion force of ships, keeping his discovery a secret from the other three European Nations, however, through spying the Spanish heard of this discovery and set upon dispaching three settlers and a vanguard of musketeers to defend their lands.
          Upon arriving in America they quickly founded Mexico City and Veracruz, the third settler began to settle the lands around Mexico City.

          After producing two musketeers in both cities, they created settlers who set out along the coastline. While setting out on the coastline they encountered a strange city owned by the Natives, who greeted the Spanish with suspicion.

          Lord Palmaeir (1433-1509), head of the catapult division of the Spanish Expeditionary Force (SEF), hearing of the strange inhabitants of this new lands, set off to destroy the hostile Natives, and within two turns the Native city was captured and renamed New Madrid.

          The next year in, 1469 Lord Palmaeir was put in charge of a force of 3 chariots and 2 catapults to explore the Eastern part of the new land as a reward for his conquest. He accepted and headed east where in 1473 he encountered another Native village, which he burned and destroyed. This delay allowed a force of 2 settlers to catch up to him and join his army. One settler stopped along a stream and founded a new city entitled Palmaeria in honor of the Lord Palmaeir. The other settler, followed Palmaeir’s expedition force further east until he decided to stop his travels and turn around, leaving a small force of two chariots behind to guard the settler who founded a city entitled Zargoza.

          In other parts of the world, exploration was not going off so easy. The Celts had encountered funding difficulties and could not finance their exploratory efforts for at least 100 more years because of a revolt involving Despot Bodecrea’s attempts to resist the new ‘Monarchy’ that their greatest Philosopher Pluto (1412-1517) had been proposing. The English did not have enough of a fleet to explore the new world for 5 more years but were building up their settler population to do so. Finally, the French were getting off to a great start with New Paris’, Avignon, Lyons, and Port Quebec founded already.

          In 1470, communication was lost between the factions after a torrential storm and volcanic explosion caused the colonizing continent to drift apart into four corners on the separate sides of America where each had been exploring. Now all 4 countries sat on one of the four corners of the world.
          Chapter II.
          1477 A.D.-1500 A.D.
          In Zaragoza, Lord Palameir rested his army for a year, however before disembarking for New Spain, as they called their part of the world. So, In 1477, the Lord and his men headed back to New Spain, only to encounter an English chariot force headed by Sir Robert Lang I (1441-1539). After meeting, Palameir headed back with Lang to discuss diplomatic intentions between the Spaniards and the English.

          Back in New Spain, plans were being made to move the capitol to Mexico City as the Colonies became increasingly self-sufficient, destroying two more Native cities and irrigating the entire coast. By now the colonies consisted of seven cities, the largest being Mexico City with a size of 4.

          Word had reached Mexico City about the founding of Zaragoza by now but they did not know of the English’s existence yet, however. So, searching for other Europeans, forces under the command of Lord Gino Patrelli (1450-1501) set out in the year 1479 to search for Europeans north of New Spain. He led a force of 4 horsemen, 6 catapults, and 1 volunteer chariot from a small friendly native village.
          In 1485 he encountered the Sioux, far north of the farthest Spanish settlements. They got off to a friendly beginning, signing a peace pact, and Gino asked for passage through their lands, which they granted freely, so he set off further north, where he encountered no signs of life.

          In 1492 settlers headed up towards the north to join Gino and found four cities Ginoppolus, Franciscoton, and two lesser known cities.

          In the east at this time, the English, growing anxious about the number of Spanish cities in their vicinity (now 4), declared war in 1496, taking 3 of the cities quickly, however, Palameir held out in the walled city of Zaragoza patiently waiting for reinforcements from Palamaeria.

          Elsewhere in the world the Celts built up their fleet and the French expanded viciously into the new territory, now having 10 cities along the coast, all linked with “Les Grande Roade”- “The Grand Road.” The Sioux Council was meeting to decide what to do with these “Spaniards” but decided not to declare war, despite pleas from their Native brothers who were losing 1 city per 15 years to the Spanish. The main reason for this hesitation was the warlike Zulu were pressing on the Sioux’ borders. The Sioux knew there would be war against the Zulu soon, so they did not want two wars at the same time.
          CHAPTER III
          In 1509, Zaragoza fell, despite the valiant efforts of Lord Palamier and his army of three musketeers, two catapults and one chariot. The English then sat on their holdings and asked for a cease-fire. King Francisco of the Spanish begrudgingly agreed and then signed a peace agreement. He was almost ousted for this declaration, but due to falling gold reserves, he could no longer afford war. His trade advisor advised him to put a halt to all wars and instead discover trade so he could build trade caravans, which he wisely did. However, the war with the Natives never quite ended during that time.

          So over the years the Spaniards expanded their holdings tenfold, building 10 more cities in the harsh land. And, having been the first to discover Cannons, they built them in all ten cities, readying for another war with the English.

          In 1555, on the anniversary of Mexico City’s founding, the Capitol was moved there. For the next year a huge celebration was celebrated for Mexico City, the one and only great Mexico City!

          However, war clouds loomed as Sioux warriors suddenly attacked a caravan and its escort of one musketeer unit. Both were destroyed and war was declared. The Sioux were beaten back by a force of five Holy Crusaders and ten Valiant Cannons to their lands. Within 20 years 4 cities were taken and the Sioux begged for peace, which they received.

          In 1588 the first Celt landed and introduced himself as Governor Lars Gohselm (1529-1615) of the Celtic Province of America. He founded one city and soon found himself surrounded by his ‘Allies’ troops, this made him uneasy.

          Elsewhere the French and the Zulu allied and signed a non-agression pact. As did the Sioux and Natives who signed a Vendetta against the Spanish. This vendetta angered the citizens so much that they begged for the annihilation of the Sioux. King Francisco, bowing to the pressure of the mob, declared war, which proved to be a horrible miscalculation as the Sioux destroyed two cities before being beaten back to their five remaining strongholds, peace was declared, but 10 years later in 1612, war broke out again, started by an ambitious Spanish Lord of the city of Rhys.
          CHAPTER IV
          So after getting the facts straightened out and after a gift of 100 gold to the Sioux, the war finished in 1614. It left 4 Spanish cannons and 15 Sioux warriors and phalanxes destroyed.

          1617:In the Southern part of New Spain the Natives raided Palamaeria and took it. The Spanish would not stand for such an atrocity so they suited up ten dragoons and one cannon to take the railroad to Palamaeria and reclaim it. Yes, Palamaeria was reclaimed, but instead of the glorious city of 8, it was now a dumpy town of 3.

          The brave warriors did not rest however after reconquering Palamaeria, for a town north of it had been taken over by Barbarians. The town held out for seven years but when it was finally taken it was named Lisbon in honor of the young general who had captured it- Jakob Lisbon (1597-1689).
          In the year 1629, returning from the conquest of Lisbon, Jakob met with the first English force seen by Spaniards in years. The force was a unit of Crusaders, a primitive force compared to Lisbons two remaining dragoons.

          The English crusaders were easily dispatched and Lisbon ordered one man from his regiment to go to Mexico City to report that a scouting party of English had arrived on Spanish lands and it may signal an invasion force was to come.

          Within months Lisbon was joined by 20 dragoons and 10 cannons commanded by the General Luis Armstrong (1578-1631), a veteran of the Sioux wars of 1602,1612, and 1614. They split their forces and proceeded to travel far inland to the heart of the English Colonies.

          However, to their surprise, instead of finding the English, they encountered legions of Native troops. They were easily dispatched, but their sheer volume overwhelmed many of the units. Armstrong decided to lead a desperate charge on the town of New Natives but was cut down by a lone native musketeer unit. This disheartened the troops, but Lisbon helped them recover Armstrong’s body and beat a hasty retreat. When they recovered at Palamaeria it was shown that Armstrong would not live out the year. Both of his kidneys had been punctured and despite the best possible medical care he died after 8 months in the year 1631.

          In the North the Sioux raided two towns only to be beaten back, but their allies the Celts now declared war against the Spanish, who tried to make peace with their former allies the Celts. Eventually that was accomplished, but the Sioux were getting bold, they razed the little town of Lumbago and attacked Bull Run, which had been their town before it was captured.

          The Spanish retaliated quickly with the railroad moving their forces at lightning quick speeds. So within days of the dawning of the year 1631 General Lisbon arrived with the command of 15 dragoons, 5 cannons and 2 musketeers who had been acting as guards on the rail line who joined him on the way.

          He smashed Little Bear and two other towns before arriving at the capitol, Sioux City, which was a walled monstrosity of the size of 10. It contained, among other things “The Oracle” and “The Colossus” behind its walls. “This would be a victory to live in history forever”, Lisbon thought. “After this victory, perhaps, the King will grant me the immortal life pills which he has been mysteriously receiving. He may even make me his chosen successor as King!” So, with great vigor Lisbon attacked the walls of the city, losing many great men in the process; but the war would not end!

          In 1639, after 5 years at the gates of Sioux City, Lisbon and his now ragged army was recalled to the Capitol for garrison duty. There, he was met by King Francisco who greeted him. Francisco told him that he was his chosen successor, being the greatest General in the army, if only he could defeat the Sioux completely. After the meeting, Lisbon was given a life-pill for his troubles.
          So in 1639 after the meeting, he rode out of Mexico City with a new vigor, taking in the air around him, admiring the 78 cities the Spanish called their own. Then he headed north on the rail. Lisbon and his force encountered Sitting Bull in Gold Eagles in 1643, in what would be called the Battle of the Century. The war lasted for 20 years, neither side ever gained an advantage until Sitting Bull was forced to leave Gold Eagles and the Spanish and Zulu had collaborated and attacked Sioux City and destroyed it like an hammer hitting an acorn. Sitting Bull retreated to the hidden city of Hidden Gold, lodged in the middle of the Patrelli Desert.

          He was not found for 30 more years when a young lieutenant named Gorges Braum (1655-1730) encountered the city and took it with his single unit of dragoons.

          In the year 1689, hearing this distressing news and knowing that he would never now be King, for he had not conquered Sioux City or captured Sitting Bull, Jakob Lisbon committed suicide. The King was shocked, this was not what he had wanted for his protégé, he would have been glad to make him King despite those failures, for Lisbon had patrolled and combed the desert during those thirty years searching for Sitting Bull and during those years had annihilated many of Sitting Bulls dragoons and musketeers. But, alas, the entire country was thrown into mourning for five years by order of the King. All celebrations were canceled. It was during this time that four attempts were made on the King’s life by Celtic spies. It was also during this time that the Celts stole the Industrialization technology which caused the Spaniards to declare war in 1695. The force to invade the Celts main port of Portdown was led by Gorges Braum, the now general who had discovered and killed Sitting Bull in 1689.

          Now the Spanish met the Zulu’s. “Warlike creatures aren’t they?” Quoted Lord Franz Lloyd I (1640-1715) after meeting the ambassador who threatened to destroy New Spain unless they paid 200 gold. Naturally, the proud Spaniards declined to pay and declared war. However, since the Zulus were allied with the French and Celts the Spanish were fighting a war against five enemies.

          Lord Palmardon (1650-1696) led an expedition force into the heart of the Zulu empire never to return and 2 years later in 1698 the Spanish saw why. The Zulu’s had Artillery. Now of course the Spanish had been developing artillery but they only had 10 units, the Zulu’s had at least 20. Every turn they assaulted the border cities with barrages, but the musketeers and alpine troops held off the bloodthirsty Zulu’s.

          Braum finished his conquest of all but two Celtish cities, Kells and Carlais on the mainland and took to ships to attack the capitol. However this was a fatal miscalculation as all but one battleship and one submarine out of the 5 ships which had been sent out returned. 7 Dragoons and 2 Alpine troops were also
          lost that day.

          Meanwhile, the English, French and Natives were becoming worried as General Dinn (1670-1801) led a strong force of 5 artillery and 3 dragoons against the fringe Native cities which defended themselves competently, yet, in the course of the battle, they lost two cities.
          CHAPTER V
          “Air is where we must branch out to!” was a popular quote when Jakob Hessing (1660-1721)
          attempted to design an aeroplane. By the time of his death he had invented a new aeroplane which he nicknamed the Hessing Flyer. This would be but the first step to a usable jet fighter for the Spanish. The first jet fighter was put into action January 1,1779 many years after the invention but in just in time to save the Spanish from the United Zulu Front (UZF) as they were calling their enemies.

          The war between the UZF and the Spaniards continued for 100 more years without much differing until the invention of the Aeroplane. When the aeroplane was put into service for the Spanish they began to raid two Zulu cities and within 21 years they had conquered one Zulu city at the expense of 10 aircraft, 10 artillery and 5 alpine troops.

          The Natives were making periodic raids on their former cities but to no avail, the Spanish held them off easily, however the Spanish could not advance for their progress was bogged down because they did not have enough troops to combat the English, Zulu and Natives at the same time, for some English troops had seeped through Native lines and founded cities in Spanish territory. These cities were not discovered until 1789 when a lost explorer discovered the city of Liverpool and was killed.

          The wars just continued like this until another breakthrough happened. In 1801 the Armor was discovered and Jeahn Patton (1750-1869) of the French traded his knowledge of the armor to the Zulu who used it to overwhelm the city of Corinth (10) and move inland.
          However by 1804 the Spanish contered the attack with their own armors and retook Corinth (5) and assaulted Capernum (5) and captured it. But the victory was a shallow one because in 1817 Zulu fighter planes retook Capernum (3) and executed all Spanish and Spanish collaborators within.

          Thus stood the world until the Zulu with their combined forces quickly destroyed and conquered 7 Spanish cities on the coast in the year 1938. The Natives then lost 2 more cities to the Spanish who had made peace with them and then betrayed them.

          In 1957 however, the advent of NULEAR MISSILES happened. With the Spanish being the only civilization which could make use of them due to their technological lead they nuked Upundi, Napundi, Zimbabwe 2, New Zimbabwe, Zimbucktu and other cities and conquered all of them, however the Zulu still had many armors led by their commander Ulric VanHausen (1902-1995). Thus the Spanish could not prevail against the Zulus having used all of their nuclear missiles; then due to a treaty they could not attack the Zulu because of fear of reprise from the other nations who by now were quite hostile to the two-faced nation called New Spain…

          Ending Status Report:
          Zulus-207 cities
          Spanish-208 cities
          French-81 cities
          English-25 cities
          Celts- 5 cities
          Natives-67 cities

          Almighty Power- Zulu, Spanish, French
          Medium Power-English, Natives
          Minimal Power- Celts

          Comments, Suggestions-

          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #20
            I'll try to post a story a week
            -That was story #1
            -->Visit CGN!
            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • #21
              MY TRY AT HEADSTART

              using Dave V's head start scenario on deity.
              Having two settlers, I used one to found a city on a nearby mountaintop, and used the other to improve the land. my first unit, a warrior, scouted around for a bit and went on a long explore. we discovered Bronze working early on, and a phalanx defended our mountaintop city. A barracks was next, but while it was being built, a greek diplomat came and sabotaged production. after that, I was constantly knee deep in elephants and horsemen randomly pillaging my land. there went my settler and my wandering warrior. but they kept breaking their teeth on my phalanx, who made vet status by this time.
              I finally got the barracks built, only to have it sold immediately for lack of funds to maintain it. now having @40, we tried to build it again. while we went on building, the horde of greek elephants was joined by crusaders, and though a few viking catapults came up and made their try, none were able to knock down my defender.
              I was hoping for monarchy, but was only researching code of laws by the time the game ended. this happened in 40 A.D., just after we had the barracks finished again. a greek diploamt came and bought the city. Cowards!!!
              Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

              I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
              ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


              • #22
                What, no comments on my last story

                Well here's #2
                "Long live the Viking Archives!"
                "Come on Mark- Please update them!"

                Deity Level King of Idiocy

                I had decided to try a game of Deity Civ in the year 1999- the first time since I had bought the game in 1996. The reason for this was to prove a point to an acquaintance that a certain strategy will work for you no matter what your difficulty setting. The strategy was for me to found my main city and then create four settlers who would settle cities on all sides of my main city, which would then produce offensive units. The other cities would produce two to three phalanxes before creating a new settler who would build a road and found another city and so on.

                I played the game as the Americans and decided to make the game as hard as I possibly could, setting the other nations to be the warlike Mongols, Zulus, Carthaginians, Germans, Spanish and Roman. I also set the map size to small and created a tiny island where I placed all civilizations within 10 squares of each other, so war would be inevitable.

                And it was, when I had founded five cities in the format which I had laid out the Mad Carthaginians overwhelmed Boston and proceeded to attack Washington to no avail as the three phalanxes and one warrior easily defended Washington against the cruel Carthaginian charioteers.

                So the Carthaginians broke off the attack and 8 turns later, a couple of my catapults walked in and conquered Utica, angering the Carthaginians who could not do anything because of my strong defenses and the Roman legions who were attacking them. However, the legions were now attacking three of my newest cities, conquering Dallas and leaving me with only 9 cities.

                Yet, I now decided to expand north into the land of the Germans who had not advanced much in the years, so I easily took two cities with three catapults, but after losing the catapults had no attack methods left as my elephants were away defending my Roman frontier.

                Meanwhile the Zulus and Spaniards were locked in a deadlocked battle that ultimately ended in a stalemate because my American forces swept down upon the almost conquered Zulu and Spaniard cities and quickly took two of them, then made peace with the Spaniards, but not the Zulu who wanted the Polytheism tech.

                During all this time I had been trying to make peace with the Carthaginians who had provoked the first war with me. Eventually, I submitted to their demands and game them 200 gold. The Germans declared peace with me and I was safe for a time. But, having neglected the Romans to the South, and having pulled forces out to defend my borders the Romans, seizing the day “Carpe Diem” took another one of my cities before I could retaliate.

                The Germans then allied with the Romans and declared war on me, however, I destroyed the German civilization and captured their three cities, while losing two to the Romans. During this time the Carthaginians had annihilated the Zulus and the Spanish had fallen to the Germans and Zulus. So now I was faced with the evil Romans, mad Carthaginians, and strangely enough peaceful Mongols (or so I thought: During a cheat I saw the Mongols had been eating away at the Roman Empire, preventing the Romans from destroying me.)

                So my meager civilization was faced with destroying two, until now, unstoppable juggernauts.
                I defied the Carthaginians, knowing that they were the least powerful of the two with whom I shared borders and found myself the target of a three-pronged alliance.

                Despite my numerous cities and complete control of the north-central part of the map, I began losing cities right and left. Atlanta to the Carthaginians, Ft. Worth to the Romans. But I had an ace up my sleeve, we had just discovered Crusaders and with those crusaders, I retook Atlanta and made my way to the Carthaginians capitol. After conquering it, however, I found the Romans had destroyed all but 7 of my cities and assimilated them.

                However, when the Carthaginians crumbled, the Mongols left their alliance with the Romans and sneak attacked them. The Romans lost a large chunk of their territory and were forced to vacate some troops from the front lines. So in 1450 after reconquering a number of my cities I stood with 19 cities and the whole eastern part of the map in my possession. But then I lost my technological advances the Great Library had become obsolete with the advent of Gunpowder.
                Nevertheless, I persevered and with two musketeers in every city and with Leonardo’s Workshop in Carthage I defended myself against Roman and Mongol assaults, for, after coming in contact with my civilization the Mongols re-allied with the Romans.
                So, I, believing that I have proved my point, and in a hurry to quit without losing the game, exit and retire as the most powerful civilization in 1679. Despite all that I finished with only a 29% Civilization score. Oh well.

                e-mail me at

                Please Visit my website at -

                -Dark Cloud


                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                • #23
                  Baptism by fire

                  A CIV 1 veteran’s first game of CIV II

                  I played most of my Civilization 1 games at King level so I chose to play my first ever game of CIV II at the Prince level thinking I would win easily. I didn’t even bother to read the manual of CIV II (what arrogance - and what a mistake as it turned out).
                  I secured for my Greek nation a nice part of a continent capable of holding 8 cities. Being the ideal perfectionist I fortified two of my phalanx and two catapults at the mountains next to the Celts to secure the uninterrupted growth of my cities without having to care if they chose to have peace with me or go to war.
                  Things were going really good for me, as I knew they would. I was all the time ahead in technology, I switch quickly to Republic, then to Democracy, my trade routes were built and due to the landscape (mountains) I didn’t even blink when the Celts decided every now and then to attack me. They had 25 cities but I though of them more like villages compared to my fully developed 8 metropolis.
                  This being my first CIV II game I decided to play safely and opted for a space race. Well, not much of a race really (I innocently thought) since I was quite ahead of them all.
                  As it is my custom I first built the modules, then the components and lastly the structures. I was for a moment wondering what that little red asterisk was doing next to my number of structure units at my spaceship but since the success percentage was 100% I quit thinking about it and I casually launched my spaceship.
                  Time to arrival to Alpha Centauri 10,5 years and the poor Celts had just begun to build some sad structure units not even having the technology to build components or modules. Two of their spies managed to steal the necessary technologies from me but I was so far ahead that I didn’t even bother to capture some of their cities in retaliation.
                  The next two turns the Celt spaceship was ready, launched and the estimated time of arrival was 1973, two years ahead of mine…
                  My jaw dropped and I was in temporary disbelief not because they managed to build it so quickly (I saw this happening before) but because it was SO FAST!
                  After I recovered from the shock, I was once more confident of my eventual success. All I had to do was mobilizing my high tech army and capture their capital, which was quite near one of my less developed but still size 25 city.
                  20 tanks, 10 howls, 15 Mech. Infantries, 3 bombers, 2 fighters and 5 spies set out from Greece as it changed to Communism (stuck to my CIV 1 knowledge). Next turn the Celt capital was captured with amazing easy and I smugly waited for the nice little window to come up and inform me of the return of the Celt spaceship. I was now wondering if I should give those Celt – pests a bigger lesson as I waited for my glorious extraterrestrial landing at AC.
                  Instead, I read that the Celt capital had been relocated…. A simple mistake I said to my self (ever the optimist) and I checked the Celt spaceship. It was traveling in all magnificence to AC still ahead of mine…
                  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS I though, seriously contemplating the existence of some kind of bug in my new CIV II cd rom.
                  Their second capital fell two turns later and still they relocated. Only that time it was in the damn middle of their continent and there was absolutely no time for me to reach it.
                  Manhattan Project was built in the next turn taking a large size of my budget as my eyes became red with rage.
                  The other turn 8 nukes were flying up above the Celt continent hitting their new capital. - SDI. My tanks tried with my spies to reach it but it was too damn far away.
                  In 1972 my tanks were just outside the defenseless Celt capital ready for the final (?) strike.
                  Next turn 10.000 Celt colonists breached the vast distances of the stars arriving at Alpha Centauri….

                  Moral of the story: RTFM - Sorry I am mistaken the manual didn’t say anything about the possibility of relocating and keep the spaceship flying.

                  So, Moral of the story:…. None ! (except maybe never be too cocky


                  • #24
                    By the way it was the MPGE edition (thus the constant celt hostility....!


                    • #25
                      Wow, Paikis, You had me laughing. when you go from civ1 to civ2, you should at least have read the "from civ to civ2" chapter. You remind me of my first experiences with civ2, and I read the manual! I was so dissappointed at not being able to use the settler cheat!
                      Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                      I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                      ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


                      • #26
                        Hehe, this is actually how I discovered this site.

                        After the relocation of their capital I literally devoured the manual looking to find out what the hell was going on...! There was nothing , not even about the red asterisk (=not enough structural units so some of my compulsion units were not functional - less speed for my spaceship) and nothing about relocating.

                        So I searched in Yahoo! and found Apolyton

                        Then I searched the forums and there were like 20 messages about exactly that subject - relocating of enemy's capital while in space race.

                        You simply can't beat Apolyton forums


                        • #27
                          YAHOO!!!!! We have been found! Check out the Civ II section if you can't figure out why I am celebrating!

                          Christantine The Great
                          a.k.a. Catherine
                          "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                          "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                          "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                          • #28
                            Yeah, but Christantine, did you see what they called you?!?

                            [quote](12 November 2000, 13:56 EST) With a backlog of Viking Scribes to
                            post, we invite you to post them in this thread in our forums.

                            Originally started by 'Catherine The Great', one of our forum users,
                            in early October it has quickly become a common place for Civers to
                            share their stories of granduer (or failure) in any number of games
                            of CivII that they have played or are playing whilst waiting for them
                            to appear in our VS section. Speaking of which, watch for some
                            updates to it at long last this week and off and on in the weeks to
                            come. -DanQ

                            CATHERINE the great????
                            Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                            I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                            ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


                            • #29
                              Some Civ II World War observances in a strange scenario- Or World War II Follies

                              PART I: Allies
                              Whilst playing the Allies in the World War II scenario I was offered peace by the Germans after capturing Paris, and being a good little Ally I agreed. However the very next turn Germany asked for protection against the Russians, which I declined to give.

                              Within two turns the Russians had declared war on the world sparking a third world war. Germany then quickly allied with the Allies and we together with the Neutrals set upon destroying the Russian Empire.

                              The Russians were a strong empire with many tanks which they used to send at Germany and the Middle East, conquering many German and Neutral villages in the way.

                              But, Within Months a crack team of Marines arrived in central Russia backed up with 15 tanks. These tanks overwhelmed the southern Russian cities and towns and destroyed quite a few helicopters.

                              During this time the French, still at war with the Germans, but allies with the Allies, angered with the allies Alliance with the Germans declared war on the Allies after breaking their alliance and destroyed a couple of carriers near their North African cities.

                              With the war in Russia raging, the Allies had little time to send help to Egypt and so lost Cairo in a bloody war to the bloodthirsty Frenchmen, the Allies then managed to sue the French for peace and all was well- except in Russia where political espionage remained the game.

                              The next turn the Russians stole a tech from the Allies and traded it to their now-friends the Germans. This angered the Allies who then declared war on the Germans who had long since become friends with the French. Thus the Germans and French allied next turn and plotted to destroy the Allies.

                              In 1945 the Allies built the Manhattan Project and began to produce five nuclear warheads. The Neutrals, alarmed at the warhead building begged the Allies to stop who paid them no heed, which caused the Neutrals to declare war on them.

                              The next turn the Allies cities in England were assaulted by the Germans and London was lost. At this point I decided to exit the game as it was becoming too strange too quickly for my tastes.

                              P.S. The only nations which had not declared war on the Allies were the Turkish and the Spanish

                              PART II (Germany)
                              I continued my experiment in World War II with Germany, since I was tired of playing WWII when the Germans would ask for peace on the second turn, so I decided to play as the Germans. Within 10 months I had captured all of France and moved against the turncoat Russians. So in 1941 I disposed of Hitler and ruled as King Wilhelm IV of Germany, the kind and benevolent leader.
                              However, I soon was attacked from across the channel in Dresden, but luckily my Submarines and Battleships held them off. Now I turned my attentions to the Neutrals, Allies, and French in the Middle East and North Africa. So I sent Rommell off in the 5th Panzer Division to crush the forces there.

                              It was about this time that I discovered stealth tactics. I immediately built seven stealth fighters and moved them into Turkey and took over the small country. Then I destroyed the three Neutral towns east of Turkey quickly with a combined force of helicopters and stealth fighter jets.

                              Next, I had to deal with Cairo. I sent numerous air raids to Cairo, but to no avail, for they were all cut down by the staunch defending forces. So, I turned my attentions back to Russia, where I held off their three waves of deadly Armor movements.

                              After their attack had been subdued, I sent my veteran Alpine troops towards their cities of Kiev etc. This proved to be disastrous and I was driven back. However, my raid did grant me one city and with that city I negotiated a cease-fire agreement with the Russians so I could focus my efforts on the Allies and Co.
                              The next month my forces in Norway suffered a crushing defeat with Oslo falling to British Troops. Yet, the following month, my now loosened forces from Russia appeared and retook Oslo from the Allies and drove the partisans back to the shores.

                              Now I hungered for more land, so I sneak-attacked Spain with a force of seven alpine troops, four tanks, and five howitzers. The Germans easily took Seville, Madrid and the other cities in a matter of months. However, those months were complicated with surprise raids on the French Coast of Germany by the Allies, attempting a D-Day Invasion. Two cities were lost during the invasion, but were soon quickly recovered.

                              In this time the Russians broke the cease-fire and attempted to invade The Greater German Republic, but they were beaten back and lost five of their more prominent cities, such as Kiev, St. Petersburg etc.

                              In 1946 the Allies foolishly built the Manhattan project, which I capitalized on. In a matter of months I had five nuclear missiles ready for deployment, and analyzing the situation carefully, decided that a direct attack on England would be my best option.

                              I sent four of the five nukes towards London, Edinburgh, and the like. Then I paradropped into two of the four cities and took the remaining two with helicopters, however the next turn saw me lose Edinburgh and another city to the Allies as they pushed back with Armor and Partisans.

                              Lacking the units, I let their conquests stay, I had more pressing issues for the Allies had sent five Armors north from Cairo. I easily vanquished their Armors with my Stealth Fighters and made a decision, I would nuke Cairo. So, the next month Cairo was nuked, and after two months transport and fighting, Cairo was mine.

                              In Russia, Leningrad had fallen as had many other cities, but Moscow loomed defiant and many Armors and troops were lost attempting to take it, so I started an offensive and sent a detachment south of the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea to surprise-attack the Russians from the South. I also sent a detachment north from Norway and Sweden to attack the Northern Russian bases still in existence.

                              During this time, I had neglected to monitor the progress of the Allies who sent a nuclear missile to Dresden, shrinking the population and wiping out a third of my navy. The next turn I rerouted two nukes and ten cruise missiles destined for Moscow and headed towards England. One nuclear missile accidentally detonated over an Allied Armor near London, polluting the area around London further, but the second found its mark in Northern Ireland and destroyed a second Allied Nuclear Device. On that same turn the Allies nuked Rome. This made me mad.

                              I proceeded to pour my production into Armor and Howitzer units, within three months and three nuked allied cities in Northern Africa and England, England and Africa were mine, minus two French bases which were destroyed in the following months.

                              In Russia, after the loss of Kiev and the subsequent regaining, I launched two nukes at Moscow, totally obliterating the defenses. The next month Moscow was mine. In the year 1947 I launched five nuclear missiles at America, making use of the strategically positioned airbases on the way. In that same year I launched five transports loaded with howitzers and armors in case my nuclear efforts failed by being shot down or foiled by SDI Defenses, the like of which I had been building in five of my larger cities.

                              In late 1948 the Germans stood as the undisputed masters of the world, in charge of Europe, America, Africa, and Asia.

                              PART III: Russians
                              As the Russians, I decided to play as Stalin did historically by attacking the Germans, and so I did, declaring war on the first turn. Of course THAT was a mistake.

                              I declared war on the Germans on the first turn who allied with the Allies on the second, together they built and shared airbases and used them to systematically destroy Russian cities. In 1943 Moscow fell to a determined German paratrooper unit who was the last of a force of ten armors, twelve howitzers and five stealth bombers. After that disaster, I, as the Russians respectfully surrendered to the Allies and Germans, who proceeded to divvy up my land half and half, the Americans getting Siberia and the Germans receiving the rest of Russia.

                              The next time I played as the Russians I vowed not to make that same mistake and did not declare war on the Germans. However they proceeded to take Riva and all of Latvia within two turns.

                              The Allies soon declared war on me after trespassing on Neutral territories to reach a far German outpost. This time, though I held my ground and advanced on Berlin and Cairo. The game ended when I discovered nuclear weapons, for I knew that I could destroy all other civs and so gave up.

                              Questions, Comments, Congratulations?
                              Please E-mail me at

                              Or Visit My website at
                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                              • #30
                                "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                                "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                                "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me

