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The GIGA world map...

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  • The GIGA world map...

    I downloaded it weeks ago and loaded it into the civ2map.exe editor... all I saw was the northern hemisphere and a big load of desert south of it...

    then I read some forum posts mentioning MGE in connection with that map. so I loaded it into the map editor in my MGE folder...

    <font size=7>WOW!!!</font>

    WHAT A MAP!!! it's just like playing on the europe map with the world attached to it! it's so cool! some parts of the world (australia, americaa) are a bit narrow, but just look at Europe, how detailed and LARGE it is in a WORLD MAP!!!

    goddamn, this is a must-have for all civers!

  • #2
    Well i downloaded the giga map and when i made a few tweaks , it stated more than 64 landmasses may cause the ai to be slightly hindered in its thinking or something along those lines. so i connected a couple of islands to alleviate the problem. Now if the ai is still as stupid, then i am going to be

    Nice huge map though a duel on this puppy would be obscene


    • #3
      Yeah, but how do you really feel, Andz83?

      Frodo lives!
      Frodo lives!


      • #4
        This is not the CGN sarcasm club, my dear!

        I'm being true


        • #5
          I know. I'm sure you are. I really do need to download it and use it myself.

          Frodo lives!
          Frodo lives!


          • #6
            yes, indeed


            • #7
              innit a cool map?


              • #8
                Yeah this is an awesome map. Just don't cheat and select all of your opponents real far away. I tried that. I think the Japanese found me, the Romans, in B.C. time.

                What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?

                Contact me at


                • #9
                  I am keeping a log of my first game on this giga map. Its 425 BC i have nicely spaced cities with just a minimum of overlap, Hanging Gardens, and Marcos around 425bc. No neighbors and even if i did they would be long gone. Lucky start as the resources are random and i got three whales in Mercantile along with a hut which produced a four legged individual. I am about to send triremes with troops to take the Brits out and the Japs or at least any cities on their islands so that i have a couple of colonies and trade/spy ports close to the rest of the action. Only the Celts 10 cities pose even a mere threat to my thriving Mercantilian city.

                  The one thing i have noticed is that there are many more advanced tribes on these huge maps, making the game even easier.

                  What i need is some of these advanced tribes in a small mp game.

                  The log is a pain in the @ss, but i might right a story about this whole endeavour

                  Maybe i will post it in the viking scribes.

                  Do you shovel snow in your birkenstocks?


                  • #10
                    I've noticed something strange about the gigamap AI, they seem to have a real problem expanding. Expansionist civs like Zulus, Mongols, I have seen dithering around with a few cities way off somewhere.

                    Island civs still have a problem, the AI seems to have issues with extensive colonizing by sea.

                    On Historical Starting positions, I like seeing the Carthaginians not get immediately wiped out by the Zulus.
                    "Wait a minute..this isn''t FAUX dive, it's just a DIVE!"
                    "...Mangy dog staggering about, looking vainly for a place to die."
                    "sauna stories? There are no 'sauna stories'.. I mean.. sauna is sauna. You do by the laws of sauna." -P.


                    • #11
                      it's so pity that the AI in MGE doesn't work properly...

                      otherwise maps like that would REALLY be helpful. now I had to reinstall my MGE version patch 2 to make a scenario because with the German patch 3 version I'm unable to save games in single player mode...

                      if there would just be such maps for FW (2.78)...


                      • #12
                        actually the map is flawed and if you don't connect some of the smaller islands the ai will act retarded, and this is no joke. I analyzed it and it said more than 64 landmasses may cause the ai researched at a handicap. LOL like it doenst' already, so i connected some minor spots of no influence in reality.

                        Seeker, your correct, the ai doesn't expand worth crap and the huts yield way too much bounty. I am a bit disappointed with the ai expansion as well. I have hardly expanded at all, in fact half of my cities are freebies and the ai is still behind me this map may not be what i thought it was. Now a random map may give better results.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by Mercantile on 11-13-2000 02:32 PM
                          Nice huge map though a duel on this puppy would be obscene

                          Considering 8 civs in early development stages; one might think it is a puzzling plan for AI's to spread into this much land... BUT, step back a little, and leave them build up an armada into their cities. What do you get?
                          I defy anyone to sustain ONE-ON-ONE battles on such a map, "after" eliminating six AI's. Almost forever reaching the maximum limits on UNITS and CITIES!
                          As for Multiplayers gathering? Icing on a cake.
                          Added valuable space to scenario building planners, too!


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Mercantile on 11-16-2000 08:34 PM
                            actually the map is flawed and if you don't connect some of the smaller islands the ai will act retarded, and this is no joke. I analyzed it and it said more than 64 landmasses may cause the ai researched at a handicap. LOL like it doenst' already, so i connected some minor spots of no influence in reality.

                            Seeker, your correct, the ai doesn't expand worth crap and the huts yield way too much bounty. I am a bit disappointed with the ai expansion as well. I have hardly expanded at all, in fact half of my cities are freebies and the ai is still behind me this map may not be what i thought it was. Now a random map may give better results.

                            Well, for the huts, I have to agree, that they are rich and ressourceful indeed. But playing on some random gigamap can limit the opportunities of bounty, as can also do, putting not so easy starting locations in my gigamap.

                            On the other hand, I am surprised to read that the AI seem to be more flawed than usual. I have never noticed that. Some tribes seem very effective, especially the expansionnist ones. Given good starting locations, they can be worthier opponents than usual.

                            All of this, still needs more testing.

                            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
                            Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Mercantile on 11-13-2000 02:32 PM
                              Well i downloaded the giga map and when i made a few tweaks , it stated more than 64 landmasses may cause the ai to be slightly hindered in its thinking or something along those lines. so i connected a couple of islands to alleviate the problem. Now if the ai is still as stupid, then i am going to be

                              I really don't think the 64 land masses is really a problem. Why alter the map for such a reason ? I love all those little islands.
                              But then I've got a computer with 192mb of ram and some decent processor speed ...

                              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
                              Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe

