I downloaded it weeks ago and loaded it into the civ2map.exe editor... all I saw was the northern hemisphere and a big load of desert south of it...
then I read some forum posts mentioning MGE in connection with that map. so I loaded it into the map editor in my MGE folder...
<font size=7>WOW!!!</font>
WHAT A MAP!!! it's just like playing on the europe map with the world attached to it! it's so cool! some parts of the world (australia, americaa) are a bit narrow, but just look at Europe, how detailed and LARGE it is in a WORLD MAP!!!

goddamn, this is a must-have for all civers!
then I read some forum posts mentioning MGE in connection with that map. so I loaded it into the map editor in my MGE folder...
<font size=7>WOW!!!</font>
WHAT A MAP!!! it's just like playing on the europe map with the world attached to it! it's so cool! some parts of the world (australia, americaa) are a bit narrow, but just look at Europe, how detailed and LARGE it is in a WORLD MAP!!!

goddamn, this is a must-have for all civers!
