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OCC Comparison Game #1 2003

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  • #16
    Well, I'm back from Canada and it's the18th.
    I found my old copy of the Paulicy.
    I will start tomorrow.
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • #17
      Originally posted by duke o' york

      My version of civ won't let me initiate dip relations remotely in this game and that doesn't give me a hope of OCC success.
      What version is that?
      "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

      "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
      "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


      • #18
        Vanilla only.
        I'd download the right patch but I keep leaving my disk at home.
        Could steal one from work though.


        • #19
          Originally posted by duke o' york
          I always turn the autosave off at the very start of any game because I'm too lazy to keep deleting them from my system and when they all pile up from different games I have to go on a huge .sav killing spree.
          In 2.4.2, Autosave only stores two files, XE_AUTO.SAV and XE_AUTO2.SAV. The first two letters of the file name are based on the Ruler Name of the game. The first file is saved just before the beginning of the current turn; the second file seems to be a backup of the first file from several turns ago. The only way to get more files than that in one game is to save them yourself. If you reuse the same RulerName they will just overwrite each other. If you play different civs constantly you can enter your own RulerName. Accepting the default will create more and more autosave files.

          I'm afraid that it doesn't make any difference any more.
          My version of civ won't let me initiate dip relations remotely in this game and that doesn't give me a hope of OCC success.
          Get yourself a $5 or $10 copy of Classic/2.4.2 for MP and OCC.

          On the other hand, now that I know some of the map, I'll let you all know the coordinates of two decent city sites for a small fee.
          With HutFinder we can figure that out ourselves in about two moves...


          • #20
            Er, yes.
            Also the Gits told us where the best two city sites are in the first post.
            It was supposed to be a joke.

            I always turn autosave off anyway although it does only give you one file. I just play so many games at once that it gets to be an annoyance.

            Paying $5 for Civ 2 wouldn't get me very far because I'd have to either pay a fortune to travel to the US or have it sent back across the pond. I am still waiting for my eBay MGE to be delivered though, but I was hoping it would be here in time for the bank holiday weekend.
            If there's another game next month then I'll chance my arm at that, but getting "We are always happy to speak with our allies the Romans" and then being pinged back to the map screen each time I tried to have a natter was irksome to say the least.


            • #21
              Just got back from Micro Center -- picked up a copy of "the Strategy Gameroom" complete with Mech Commander Gold, Worms Armagedon & MGE for $6.00 total.
              Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


              • #22
                I've started this OCC but as expected am going slowly. I'm at 50BC with 11 techs, a size 6 city & just completed MPE to co with the Col. Hopefully the great trading round will pay for this wonder.
                Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                • #23
                  I barely started -- built the city, but that's all.

                  What's today, the 25th??
                  Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                  RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                  • #24
                    I have just had MGE delivered to my desk, which is wonderful, but feel it'd be unfair to play this again (I got as far as building most of the Colossus before realising that my contacts didn't work. If anyone needs a few turns played in a succession then say so, but I'm not going to commit myself to anything long-term because my girlfriend comes back in a fortnight and I won't have much Civ time after that. ( but also )


                    • #25
                      Dont think I'm going to be anywhere near finishing by the 31st.


                      • #26
                        I think you guys are playing too hard.

                        I'm past 1750, so I'm no threat, but should finish -- probably with my usual last minute rush.

                        Yo Duke -- maybe your girlfriend would like to share your interests??

                        As far as finishes go, I didn't set the rules, but I think the attempt, & notes may have merit for the data collectors.
                        Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


                        • #27
                          I tried that, but I can only really play on the PS version, because she actually needs her computer to do work.
                          That's why I didn't dust of my vanilla copy until she went on holiday. MGE is a bit good though. I just pootled around looking at the various scenario tools and some of the finished ones, but then played an OCC just for the heck of it. It was very easy with MGE because I got a NON chariot from an early hut and then spent the next few thousand years using him to whack the never-ending barb chiefs sent my way, and I was looking to have a certain victory when I went answer the phone and then pressed enter when I got back, forgetting I needed to shift my second settler away from the next load of barbs. It was a 50/50 whether he finished his railroad on the next turn and therefore survived, but I lost and gave up after that. A basic error, but one that I couldn't even rescue from autosave.
                          I'm raring for more though. Can't play tonight or even all next weekend, but every spare moment is going to be filled with micromanaging. Oh no.


                          • #28
                            How does 1845 sound?

                            Just got back and finished this game - I see no one else has posted yet - so there is no rush to get it done by the 31st - just enjoy it....

                            Gentlemen, my poor effort ...

                            Civ II - 2.42

                            Launch - 1830
                            Landing - 1845

                            Monarchy - 1850BC
                            Republic - 325BC
                            Democracy - AD780

                            Colossus - 1800BC
                            Shakespeare's Theatre - 225BC
                            Copernicus' Observatory - AD120
                            Isaac Newton's College - AD740
                            Darwin's Voyage - AD1778
                            Apollo Program - AD1782

                            Trade #1 - 650BC
                            Trade #2 - 550BC
                            Trade #3 - 425BC

                            Trade - 1100BC
                            Construction - 500BC
                            Sanitation - AD580
                            Refrigeration - AD1280
                            Automobile - AD1600
                            Computers - AD1764
                            Space Flight - AD1780

                            Size 8 - 200BC
                            Size 12 - 100BC
                            Size 24 (max) - AD1770

                            4000BC - hut: Horseman; hut: 50g
                            3900BC - Gitsville founded (49,39)
                            3800BC - Fruit now has road
                            3650BC - Bronze Working->Ceremonial Burial
                            3500BC - Warrior; Size 2
                            3350BC - Ceremonial Burial->Alphabet
                            3200BC - Warrior#2; both river/grass squares now irrigated; Meet (pathetic) Carthaginians, refuse offer of Warrior Code, gift Bronze & CB, alliance; We are Supreme!
                            3100BC - Size 3; celebration impossible
                            3000BC - Warrior#3; Barb landing, 2 Archers + King next to Whale sweet spot; Start large statue
                            2950BC - Alphabet->Code of Laws
                            2800BC - Carthage discovered
                            2700BC - Barb King captured, 150g
                            2650BC - Horseman now holds wooded choke point
                            2600BC - Size 4; celebration still not possible
                            2500BC - Rivered Fruit becomes Silk - celebration now possible, but not cost effective
                            2450BC - Code of Laws->Monarchy (10 turns)
                            2400BC - Carts discover Mysticism - hmmm; Sioux destroyed by Barbs
                            2100BC - Keep Carts sweet with tech gifts; Egyptians start Pyramids
                            1950BC - Monarchy->Writing
                            1900BC - Revolution
                            1850BC - Monarchy established; 50% lux for celebration; rush statue - thanks Barb King
                            1800BC - Colossus; celebration; hold celebration @ 30% lux; start Temple
                            1750BC - Americans start Pyramids
                            1700BC - second Fruit turned to Silk, now 17 beakers/turn
                            1600BC - Writing->Currency; Temple changed to Library
                            1400BC - Carts develop Pottery
                            1350BC - Currency->Trade; Size 5; lux @ 40% to retain celebration
                            1300BC - Library completed, Marketplace started
                            1200BC - Carts come calling to gift us 50g (the treasury was 3g at this point!)
                            1100BC - Trade->Literacy; Swap Monarchy for Mysticism with the Carts
                            1000BC - rush MP - broke again
                            0975BC - MarketPlace - can reduce lux to 30%
                            0900BC - Literacy->Philosophy
                            0875BC - Thebes builds Pyramids, Americans abandon
                            0850BC - Caravan#1 built
                            0800BC - Carts develop Map Making
                            0750BC - Carts acquire Seafaring
                            0725BC - Philosophy->Medicine->Masonry; Caravan#2 built; Swap Philosophy for Map Making with Carts; Swap Maps with Carts; they gift us 50g
                            0650BC - Egyptians start Gardens; Carts at war with Zulus; Dye-Carthage: 58g, 4T
                            0625BC - Size 6, celebration maintained @ 20% lux
                            0600BC - Caravan#3 built
                            0575BC - Masonry->Construction; rush Temple
                            0550BC - Temple; Spice(d)-Utica: 168g, 4T
                            0500BC - Construction->The Republic
                            0475BC - Carts start on Gardens
                            0450BC - Carts develop Feudalism
                            0425BC - Wine(d)-Carthage: 160g, 4T
                            0400BC - The Republic->Mathematics; 75g from Carts
                            0350BC - Revolution
                            0325BC - Republic established
                            0275BC - Size 7
                            0250BC - sell Temple
                            0225BC - Shakespeare's Theatre
                            0200BC - Size 8
                            0175BC - Aqueduct; Size 9; Mathematics->Astronomy
                            0150BC - Size 10
                            0125BC - Size 11
                            0100BC - Size 12 - lux to 0%
                            0075BC - Egyptians switched to cope's from Wall
                            0050BC - 50g from Carts
                            0025BC - Carts have Iron Working
                            A.D. 1 - 50g from Carts
                            AD0020 - Carts at war with Egypt
                            AD0040 - 50g from Carts - Cope's is safe
                            AD0060 - Three Barb archers land surrounding my choke horseman; Horse kills one Archer and becomes vet, but ...; 50g from Carts
                            AD0120 - Copernicus' Observatory, Egyptians abandon
                            AD0160 - University->Theory of Gravity
                            AD0200 - University; Zulus destroyed by French
                            AD0220 - Barbarian uprising 4 Chariots, 5 Horse and a King oops! Theory of Gravity->Horseback Riding
                            AD0300 - Horseback riding->The Wheel
                            AD0340 - Barb King captured
                            AD0360 - The Wheel->Engineering
                            AD0380 - Unfriendly looking yellow elephant starts stamping in my back garden - rush City Walls
                            AD0420 - Give many techs to nasty yellow Ellie, but gain Peace and Maps; 25g from the Carts; Egyptians swap Iron working for The Republic
                            AD0440 - Engineering->Bridge Building (Sanitation not offered); Hides(d)-Malaca: 260g, 7T
                            AD0500 - Bridge Building->Sanitation; Greeks gift 100g
                            AD0580 - Sanitation->Invention
                            AD0600 - Sewer System; celebration
                            AD0620 - Size 13 - this may not last lonf - the Barbs made a mess of my irrigation
                            AD0640 - Size 14; Bank; Gold(d)-Caralis: 288g, 8T
                            AD0660 - Size 15; Invention->Democracy
                            AD0680 - Size 16 - that's it no more food
                            AD0740 - Democracy->Gunpowder; Isaac Newton's College
                            AD0760 - 50g from Carts; Egyptians still refuse to ally; Revolution
                            AD0780 - Democracy established; 50g from Carts
                            AD0800 - Gunpowder->Chemistry
                            AD0840 - Chemistry->Explosives; 50g from Carts
                            AD0880 - Explosives->Economics; 50g from Carts
                            AD0900 - Engineer#1
                            AD0940 - Economics->Metalurgy; 50g from Carts
                            AD0960 - Swap Gunpowder for Navigation, get 50g from Carts
                            AD0980 - Metalurgy->Physics
                            AD1000 - Engineer#2
                            AD1040 - Physics->Magnetism; Carts 50g
                            AD1060 - Size 17; 50g from Carts
                            AD1080 - Size 18
                            AD1100 - Magnetism->Steam Engine; Size 19;
                            AD1120 - Size 20
                            AD1160 - Size 21; Steam Engine->Electricity;
                            AD1180 - Hides-Carthage: 72g, 10T
                            AD1200 - Electricity->Atomic Theory (1200 beakers) Current Science @100% with 1 Ein = 600 beakers
                            AD1220 - Barb Frigate to SE - sh:t!
                            AD1240 - Atomic Theory->Refrigeration; yep 3 Barb Crooks + king land to SE
                            AD1260 - Cart Ellie kills Barb Crook and is killed in turn
                            AD1280 - Cart Knight copies Ellie; Refrigeration->Rail Road; Chivalry + 25g from Carts
                            AD1300 - Supermarket; 25g from Carts
                            AD1320 - 25g from Carts
                            AD1340 - StockExchange; Rail Road->Industrialisation
                            AD1360 - 25g from Carts
                            AD1380 - 50g from Carts; Alliance + 100g from Egypt (war with French)
                            AD1400 - Industrialisation->The Corporation; Coal-Caralis: 48g, 11T; Barb King, 150g; No gifts
                            AD1420 - maps
                            AD1460 - Uprising! 3Musks, 2 Cannon + King ; The Corporation->Refining; buy cannon kill musk; no gifts
                            AD1480 - stack reveals 2 more musks + 2 more cannon; buy cannon kill cannon; no gifts
                            AD1510 - Refining->Steel; Hides(d)-Carthage: 103g, 10T; Barb King 150g; maps
                            AD1520 - Bloody Barb Frigate on my Whale! 25g + 50g
                            AD1530 - Only one Barb Crook - kills itself against Cart Settler - do I want a boat? NO could never celebrate; 25g + 50g
                            AD1540 - Steel->Combustion; 25g + 50g
                            AD1550 - Road link with Caralis 16T; 25g + 50g
                            AD1560 - 25g + 50g
                            AD1570 - Combustion->Automobile; Hides(d)-Carthage: 106g; 25g + 50g
                            AD1580 - French camel blown away; 25g + 50g
                            AD1590 - Barb non Musk bought; 25g + 50g
                            AD1600 - Automobile->Mass Production; Leadership + 50g from Carts; 100g
                            AD1610 - Superhighways ; Trade 173, max science 1056; Carts start Darwin's - must keep an eye on this; 100g
                            AD1620 - Mass Production->Electronics; 100g
                            AD1630 - Engineer#3 (still lots to do); 100g
                            AD1640 - Electronics->Nuclear Fission; 100g
                            AD1650 - 100g
                            AD1660 - Nuclear Fission->Nuclear Power; Hides(d)-Leptis Parva: 248g, 21T; maps
                            AD1670 - no gifts
                            AD1680 - Nuclear Power->The Laser; Copper(d)-Caralis: 258g, 28T; 25g from Carts
                            AD1690 - Size 22; 25g, Seafaring from Egyptians
                            AD1700 - The Laser->Conscription; Hides-Leptis Parva: 128g; 25g
                            AD1710 - Egypt start Darwin; 25g
                            AD1720 - Conscription->Tactics; 25g
                            AD1730 - Size 23; 25g + 75g & Monotheism
                            AD1740 - Tactics->Machine Tools; 25g + 75g
                            AD1750 - At last - base production is now 33 (> 32); 25g + 75g
                            AD1752 - Machine Tools->Mobile Warfare; 50g + 75g
                            AD1754 - 75g; Gitsville finally manicured: 52 food, 192 trade & 33 shields
                            AD1756 - Mobile Warfare->Miniaturisation; 75g
                            AD1758 - 75g
                            AD1760 - Miniaturisation->Computers; Railroad link to Caralis, 37T each route; 75g
                            AD1762 - 150g
                            AD1764 - Computers->Robotics; 150g
                            AD1766 - Research lab - output 1776 beakers/turn; 100g; disband spare Engineer
                            AD1768 - Factory; Robotics->Flight ; 25g + 50g; Disband cannon
                            AD1770 - Nuclear plant; disband camel; Polytheism, 25g + 50g; Size 24
                            AD1772 - Manufacturing Plant (83+2 shields); Flight->Radio; start Darwin; 25g + 100g
                            AD1774 - 25g + 50g
                            AD1776 - Radio->Advanced Flight; 25g, two junk techs + 50g
                            AD1778 - Darwin's Voyage ->Advanced Flight->Rocketry->Space Flight; Dye-Caralis: 60g; 25g + 100g
                            AD1780 - Space Flight->Plastics; Wind(d)-Caralis: 227g; 25g + 100g
                            AD1782 - Apollo Program; junk tech, 25g + 100g - but they cost me 3 techs - guess the gravy train is over
                            AD1784 - Plastics->Superconductor; SSS#1
                            AD1786 - SSC#1; 100g (they bearded me)
                            AD1788 - SSC#2; Carts steal Plastics
                            AD1790 - SSC#3; Superconductor->Fusion Power;
                            AD1792 - SSC#4
                            AD1794 - SSC#5
                            AD1796 - SSC#6; Fusion Power->Espionage
                            AD1798 - SSM#1
                            AD1800 - SSM#2; French Dragoon comes calling, buy off with tech
                            AD1802 - SSS#2; Espionage->Stealth
                            AD1804 - SSS#3
                            AD1806 - SSS#4
                            AD1808 - SSS#5; Stealth->Amphibious Warfare
                            AD1810 - SSS#6
                            AD1812 = SSS#7
                            AD1814 - SSS#8
                            AD1816 - SSS#9; Amphibious Warfare->Fundamentalism
                            AD1818 - SSS#10
                            AD1820 - SSS#11; Swap Warrior Code for Explosives and gift Computers to keep Egyptian alliance get 100g which conveniently buys the Diplo
                            AD1822 - SSM#3
                            AD1824 - SSS#12; Fundamentalism->Combined Arms
                            AD1826 - SSS#13
                            AD1828 - SSS#14; Carthaginians request we declare war on indians - OK
                            AD1830 - SSS#15; LAUNCH expected landing 1845
                            AD1831 - Stealth Fighter; Combined Arms->Guerrilla Warfare
                            AD1832 - Stealth Fighter
                            AD1833 - Stealth fighter
                            AD1834 - Stealth fighter
                            AD1835 - Guerrilla Warfare->Labour Union
                            AD1839 - Labour Union->Genetic Engineering; close down science
                            AD1844 - all quiet, Gitsville now virtually surrounded by a ring of steel, no other civ has even started a SS.
                            AD1845 - Livia The Cruel lands on Alpha Centauri

                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #29
                              I don't understand why you didn't bribe the barb ship when you had the chance. You had Shakespeare's Theatre at that point so the ship would have only meant a drain of one shield, and you could have still celebrated the population up so that this did not matter.

                              Good log though.
                              (duke still gutted that he had played so far before it knackered)
                              I had discovered the Zulus even before the Colossus was done.


                              • #30
                                Welcome back, Git [1] !!!

                                there is no rush to get it done by the 31st
                                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

