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June 1941 Save Thread
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Gomel- Barracks, don't know how useful is going to be there, if Kiev holds a few turns we can have some nice units for smolensk
Poltava- at poltava we can rush-build an AA batery or a T 34/76 for the defense of the don river, they will be a little bit expensive
Kiew- will build an AA batery next turn
if kirovgrad resists will have a tank T 34/76 for the next turn for only 86 coins
a lot of citizens have become scientists, if we are not supose to do that please could anybodyelse change it
how the hell did nemo this phantom turn?
I don´t understand howAttached Files
Not possible to sell this turn
Originally posted by curtsibling
Do I have authority to sell the improvements in which cities?
Can a comrade outline what cities are to be affected and when my turn is?
Thanks!Not possible to sell this turn as the designer of the scenario had done it already to stop usdoing it in the phantom turn!
Curt you can still set queues boy you have a lot of cities!
You will be able to control the selling of improvements in any city where the marshal has not specified command to a front for the current turn(in thread first government/first commanders)Last edited by Colwyn; April 3, 2003, 18:29.---------------------------------------------
Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.
Originally posted by curtsibling
Do I have authority to sell the improvements in which cities?
Can a comrade outline what cities are to be affected and when my turn is?
The Marshal's definition of the cities under the control of the armaments minister: All cities not currently under the direct command of a front commander are within the jurisdiction of the Armaments minister.
And your turn is whenever you sign out the save file. We have no real turn order, you just post that you are going to play your part of the turn, download the save, play, and then post your completed save to this thread, just like several of the front comanders have done above.
I have a problem. I'm running Windows 2000, so I don't have the 'choice.com' file that I need to run the .bat file. Could someone attach it here and tell me where exactly I need to put it? Please?"Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.
Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.
The Armaments Minister has done a tour of the cities and facilities in the Ural area and is satisfied that the proper plans are being carried out.
I wish to plan a stratagem with the comrade Economic Minister the boost our rubles (for the people's effort, of course) in the Caucus area.
I think we should be looking at focusing our worker's efforts here...
I am planning to start the mass intensification of labour on the Caucus and rear areas as soon as workers are ready, next turn.
The growth of cities is on track, but I must also look at armament works potential of all Ural regions...
My latest report...
I forgot to save it as 'Arm-Minister-jun1941' but I will begin saving in this format for my future turns...Attached FilesLast edited by curtsibling; April 3, 2003, 10:08.
Originally posted by Paul Hanson
I have a problem. I'm running Windows 2000, so I don't have the 'choice.com' file that I need to run the .bat file. Could someone attach it here and tell me where exactly I need to put it? Please?
look down on the page and Kull will explain where to put it and a link on where to get it
OK, I'm done. Nothing to report.Attached Files"Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.
Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.
Economic report to the STAVKA for month of June 1941
Tax Rates:
Science: 80% (maximised to rush KV-1s to the production line)
Tax: 20%
Luxuries: 0% (will need to set higher next turn as when Minsk falls we will losse the "Soviet Pragnatism" wonder)
opening balance: 6241,000 Rubles
closing balance (before tax is collected): 5350,000 Rubles
Rushbuilds made:
Universities in Grozney, Baku and Maikop
T-34 in Smolensk
Barraks in Tula
Im being thrifty with the rushbuying now to save money for rushbuying KV-1 in a few turns time.
Note: many requested rushbuys were already going to be built in 1 turn anyway. If you request a rushbuy in a city but dont specify what I will assume you mean what is currently being built.
A smattering of Scientist specialists assigned, and enertainers where needed
Executive decision needed by the Marshall: Is assigning all citizens to be Scientists in citys about to fall acceptable or not? If it is then feel free to do so before you end the turn.
p.s. Recomendation to the Marshal: research "Mobile Warfare II" (KV-1s) next.Attached FilesGrenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.
Change queue in Vietbsk!
SInce we arn't rush buying a t-34 in vietsk I need a cosack calvary unit instead, can the marshal apply this change prior to htowers last move.
it will be built in one turn and is critical for the defence of the region.---------------------------------------------
Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.
Ouch! Getting an airport in one of the cities in the Caucuses, and in Tobolsk and also in Yarensk so you can get those labor brigades building roads on the oil squares adds ten trade arrows per square, since only a few squares have roads on them to begin with. Ah well, Ships that pass silently in the nightLast edited by EZRhino; April 3, 2003, 18:55.Sea Kings TOT
Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!