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The Belorussian Front HQ - (Darius)

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  • #91
    Feb 1942 action plan

    Ok part of my offensive is off(city north of Vietbsk), I lost the labor unit which was going to build the city for the northern units in the fortress to rest/attack in. So i'm now defensive in that region. Though anzac could still go on the offensive and take a city or two, my units wouldn't have been that far up anyway.

    I'll send another labor unit up, might survive and get a city started i'll protect it this time.

    I plan to continue building the marsh city and will move the partisans/AA there, I expect Gomel to fall in summer as the germans can move up the river to attack and we'd need KV'1s and AA to hold it so Shaka i'd suggest you withdraw your units in there elsewhere ie Bryansk before winters end, but can I have the Su-122 for the marsh city so it can kill units waiting outside?

    My Advice is that unless you have as a minimum a kv1 and AA, cities west of the don can fall easily in summer 42. Belograd should hold as a bastion!

    Some siberans before winter end to top up teh cities in teh salient would be nice marshal as per a KV1 or two from moscow/gomel, hey even sturmovik's if we'll have them.

    Winter ends May so does that mean we have 3 more winter turns?
    Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


    • #92
      My southern flank!

      Bransk and Orel are weak as piss, do I move my units from

      Kaluga/Tula up to extend my salient with strong border cities and weaker inside ones or do I hope that my southern comrade shaka can keep those cities?

      We would need an additonal KV1 from moscow/gorkiy brought up as well to almost guarentee succuss in summer 42.

      Holding Orel would protect Vorenzk from river fast move attacks shaka.


      A or B
      Attached Files
      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


      • #93
        defending my cities won't be easy, I wasn't planing on holding any of them seriously,
        if you think and AA battery will be enough then I will try to defend Kursk as it fullest

        with an AA battery in bryansk and gomel and some partisans, cossacks red guards etc, we could hold the nazis for a long while, with the city at the marshes near the road to kiev the nazis will be sttopped for a long time

        if you promise me that with an AA battery and kv1 a city can hold I can buy an AA battery and move one kv1 to Kursk, I don´t have units to defend orel

        the su-122, keep it, it is ok with me, but I see you have already rehomed the unit

        tell me the square were you are planing to build the city please
        Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
        Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


        • #94

          Don't you think Belograd will hold? If not you might as well withdraw most units to orel as loosing them would be a wait, bryansk and b/w you and I we can easily hold these cities.

          What do you want to do then?

          Vorenz needs another 1-2 kv1's though you should have them by winters end.
          Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


          • #95
            we, I don´t know, but I prefer to try to hold Kursk because the fortified positions,
            Belgorod will hold this winter but I will move north to kursk and I will move the expensive units to vorozneh,

            I say let's try to defend Gomel and Bryansk, with an AA battery and a few partisans and cossacks we can hold them for a while at a very cheap costs,
            Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
            Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


            • #96
              We have many cities to defend and little units. We must make sure not to spread our troops to wide. You should first decide a strategy for the region together, because if Kursk and Belgorod should fall, we loose Orel and they can break through our lines towards the Ural.
              Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato


              • #97
                If Belograd holds, Kursk will for the first half of the year until the Nazi's can get past Gomel and Byransk and attack from a direction other than the south.
                David Disraeli
                Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


                • #98
                  True comrade, but if one of these cities should fall earlier then expected, we have some serious trouble, because then he can thrust right to Moscow and the Ural, while circling Smolensk and Vitebsk! I'm not saying to abandon the cities west of the Don (don't even think about that ) but we should prepare some alternatives now, some plans to put in a drawer in case we need them.

                  For the Rodina and the Party!
                  Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato


                  • #99
                    comrade Pavlov, I see that you are occupying that fortress between Minsk and Smolensk with many offensive units, what do you think of possibly moving forward a KV-1 to help defend those units from a German armored attack? At least during winter?
                    Attached Files


                    • Yes my marshal

                      Originally posted by H Tower
                      comrade Pavlov, I see that you are occupying that fortress between Minsk and Smolensk with many offensive units, what do you think of possibly moving forward a KV-1 to help defend those units from a German armored attack? At least during winter?
                      A kv is on its way as we speak.
                      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                      • Action report Feb 1942

                        My marshal I have moved a KV1 forward to the fortress as ordered and cleared every single Facist battaltion near our salient. The dogs died by the 10,000's over 35 battalions were killed around the salient and the marches, the nazi's died by the dozens as they thought they were safe in their little houses, many red army soldiers who refused to surrender formed partisians units and have devestated the enemy this month.

                        Fleeing civilians have been rounded up and formed new communities to act as assembly points for recruitment.

                        I have moved my forces to Bransk and orel to support the valient Shaka with his inspiring retake of Kharkov and increased the belorussian salient!

                        A new city will be created next month in the marshes to house these units I must implore that all my requests for units/build be authorised this month.

                        I hope my performance and shaka's will shame some commanders to drive forward and not **** their pants.

                        I have only lost 2 cites comrades can you claim the same.

                        Glory to slalin and the soviet union!

                        I Marshal Pavlov Zangalis challange all commanders to obey comrade stalins order "not a step back" and be the first to Berlin.
                        Attached Files
                        Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                        • Colwyn,
                          what would happened if you moved the city a little to the south to coat the road is going to Kiev?
                          do you think it would be possible to hold it??
                          Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                          Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                          • Well done comrade! If you can keep the marshes throughout the summer, I will nominate you for a medal, possibly even hero of the USSR.

                            PS If we can keep the Stalinline that is still there, some time in the future it will change into a Yak-9 (I think)
                            Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato


                            • Michaelovitch, be sure to only nominate people for medals that actually exists

                              The medal you mention was created in 1943...
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!

