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  • Originally posted by conmcb25

    Power is like a drug and once you get a taste it is hard to give up.
    so true and funny in a game
    so sad in real life
    Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
    Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


    • Yep I agree 100%.

      And this is a game.........
      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


      • Who are the members of STAVKA, who would vote should Shaka and Xenozod have their way?


        • Originally posted by Iron Chancellor
          Who are the members of STAVKA, who would vote should Shaka and Xenozod have their way?
          you need to check out this thread:

          oh, and it would be me (except i'm in the gulag) shaka naldur, the anzac, six thousand year old man, and colwyn


          • Originally posted by Iron Chancellor
            Who are the members of STAVKA, who would vote should Shaka and Xenozod have their way?
            In my opinion only STYOM

            In some other opinions ANZAC, COLWYN, SHAKA< and STYOM.

            And the final opinion is to add H Tower to the list.

            Thats why Im pushing for a reorg of government. It will be cleaner and also allow more to participate.
            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


            • Well, you can't just dismiss the "old" STAVKA. All of us still have a say except for possibly H Tower. Front commanders were supposed to be allowed on STAVKA when the idea was first developed, so why disqualify them now. Yes I agree on reorganization, but the current organization wants to get something done.
              Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


              • I think all of us want to get something done. I suggest we keep STAVKA as it is and decide on how the Politburo will work.
                The one and only panda of the Red Army.
                Xenozodskyovitchkov, retired Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
                Recipient of the Medal for Accomplishment in IRC Chat


                • Originally posted by Xenozod
                  I think all of us want to get something done. I suggest we keep STAVKA as it is and decide on how the Politburo will work.
                  the general understanding i believe, is that the politburo gets the power to appoint and fire a marshal, and is composed of 5 or seven members who work out the economic policy and armaments being produced in rear cities. and stavka will only be front comanders with no power but to work on battle strategy


                  • Originally posted by Xenozod
                    I think all of us want to get something done. I suggest we keep STAVKA as it is and decide on how the Politburo will work.
                    In conjunction with what H Tower said The Stavka will not change much. Its power will be redefined.

                    Im not looking for major changes here just a "cleaner ' way to do things.
                    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                    • I take it some of the positions-like the KGB-will have duties that differ from economic policy and such?
                      The one and only panda of the Red Army.
                      Xenozodskyovitchkov, retired Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
                      Recipient of the Medal for Accomplishment in IRC Chat


                      • it's an idea, a thought someone brought up that has been latched upon by the masses, no one really knows what the headof the KGB would actually do in relation to the game...


                        • Heres what I know about the New Government

                          First of the Relationship between the Stavka and Politburo

                          STAVKA will be the Military War Council for the Marshall. They shall be composed of some or all of the Front Commanders. This shall be decided by the Marshall. Someone who is not a Front Commnader can also be on STAVKA since this body is the group that assists and advises the Marshall he can have someone on the Council that is not a Front Commander. Front Commanders and STAVKA memebrs are chosen and serve at the pleasure of the Marshall. He picks them and he fires them. They are responsible for the Operational and Tactical conduct of the war.

                          POLITBURO is the Civilian Committe in Charge. They Hire and Fire the Marshall. If Stavka memebers are tired of or want to get rid of the Marshall they need to covince the POLITBURO. POLITBURO handles the civilian issues:
                          Propoganda, Industrial production, finances, Party Purity and Policing those not loyal to the Party. They also determine the Strategic direction of the war. (After all war is politics by other means, who said that Nitzske?)

                          To keep this simple I think we should have an election for Politburo members in total. Depending upon the number running we could have 5 to 7 members. So the top 7 lets say are on Politburo. Those seven chose the General Secretary/Party Chairman and he appoints members to different roles. Those roles are:

                          Propoganda Minister
                          Economic Minister
                          Armament Minister

                          Now thats only 5 total "jobs" but that’s OK in the real Soviet Union the Politburo was the senior Party hacks, they did not necessarily have jobs like lets say the US Cabinet. So the remaining two, if we have 7 would just be plain old Politburo members.

                          Anyone else who runs and doesn't make the final seven can be assistants to the "job assigned Members". That way no one is excluded. If someone still wants to participate but doesn’t for some reason want to be on the Politburo then we can just say they are on the Central Committee, which was the Politburos group that executed the Politburos orders.

                          The first three jobs are as we know them now.

                          NKVD can be in charge of policing us, recommending actions for city disorder, and making sure we all follow the Party line. I would like to eventually explore control of Saratov and the movement of NKVD units before they are assigned but I think that’s a bit much to ask right now. We can discuss that possibility later.

                          Chairman would determine the agenda to discuss and make sure that some conclusion came to discussion. He would be the head of committee vice a supreme ruler. Someone to keep the ball rolling, and keep things on track. The chairman could also serve as one of the other “jobs” if there is a shortage of members. He would also ensure that the members with jobs are doing them correctly.

                          The Chairman would serve at the pleasure of the Politburo and the Politburo would serve until another election is held. The members with jobs would serve at the pleasure of the Chairman. He could remove them from a job for failure to perform. And appoint another member, do the job himself or appoint an assistant.

                          OK questions I have:

                          1. Should the Marshall be a member of the Politburo?
                          2. How often should we hold Politburo elections in game terms.

                          Other comments? And remember my goal is to get more people involved by giving them a position. (And in that way KEEPING them involved) I see the Politburo and how the Politburo interacts with the Stavka developing over time. And we aren’t going to keep everyone happy with this, but if I can get most satisfied, that is close enough for me especially since we are deciding by committee.
                          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                          • excellent work comrade Knapovich! I'm glad I didn't have you "dissapear"

                            As for the questions:
                            1. No, that would leave only one member of the politburo with no job, kind of odd if you ask me, and besides, there's the conflict of interest problem again with the Marshal getting to vote on whether he gets fired...

                            2. How about every game year? So in june, a new politbur would take over, appoint a new marshal (or keep the old one) who would then select new commanders if he wishes

                            One thing I would like to have added, front commanders and members of STAVKA should not be part of the politburo. The military situation is confusing enough as is without members needing to worry about political intrigue as well. The should be out in the field with the troops, leading, instead of pushing papers at a desk in Moscow

                            EDIT: forgot to answer question #2
                            Last edited by H Tower; May 15, 2003, 01:20.


                            • Re: Heres what I know about the New Government

                              Originally posted by conmcb25

                              (After all war is politics by other means, who said that Nitzske?)
                              Clauswitz, and why are you quoating Germans?
                              David Disraeli
                              Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


                              • Well, I must say that the Politburo seems to be a very good idea to get people involved.

                                To answer to the questions:
                                1. I don't think the Marshal should be part of the politburo, for he wil be represented by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary General of the Communist Party

                                2. Yes, it sounds good to have elections every game year, but this will mean that there will be a delay each time we reach this point.

                                That being said, I think that the person taking the role of Secretary General will be of tremendous importance for the succeeding of the Politburo. It will have to be a person that is here a LOT and is very involved. Therefor, former Marshal Knapovich, I urge you to post your candidature, for you have still many loyal party members This way, we will change the Rodina from the inside

                                Wouldn't it be for the stupid exams, I would also like to be on the Politburo, but I have no time at the moment. Oh well, maybe I get appointed by somebody as an assistant
                                Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato

