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Stavka HQ - Latest news from the government

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  • Stavka HQ - Latest news from the government

    This forum is for the Stavka reps and general comments from other loyal soviet citizens, laborers, scientists and economists on official stavka duties and discussions.

    Posted at the top of this thread will be the current details of the game which the stavka will update when neccesary.

    First Government, Including Front Commanders

    Marshall: conmcb25
    Armaments Minister: Conb
    Economic Minister: greeny
    Propaganda Minister: El Awrence

    Murmansk Front: Yop73
    Baltic Front: Henrik
    Northwest Front: The Anzac
    Belorussian Front: Colwyn
    1st Ukraine Front: Shaka Nuldur
    2nd Ukraine Front: Paul Hanson

    Standby Commanders:
    Whoever hasn't been shot

    Murmansk Front Streches from Viipuri to Murmansk and includes convoy duty from the U.K. to Murmansk UNCHANGED

    Baltic Front Defends Novgorod, Luga, Leningrad, Tikhvin, Knapovichgrad and Cherepovets. CHANGED

    Northwest Front Defends Demynask, Kalinin, Yaroslav and Vologda. CHANGED

    Belorussian Front Defends Vitebsk, Smolensk, Zangalov, Kaluga and Tula. CHANGED

    1st Ukrainian Front Defends Kharkov, Belgorod, Kursk, Serafimovich, Saransk, Saratov and Voronezh. CHANGED

    2nd Ukrainian Front Defends Perekop, Kerch, Sevestopol, Rostov, Kotelnikov, Stalingrad, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Batum and Astrakhan. CHANGED

    Joint Command of Gomel, Bryansk and Orel is shared by the Belorussian Front and the 1st Ukranian Front

    Front Commanders will have complete control of the units within their region, they will also be in command of the cities within their front and responsible for the build queues in them as well as the selling of improvements within the cities of that front which they feel they are in danger of losing. Must gain the approval of the economic minister before rush buying units, improvements, etc.

    Stavka will be composed of: H Tower, The Anzac, Colwyn, Six Thousand Year Old Man, Shaka Nuldur

    STAVKA(5) Council of the Marshal and all others for deciding Grand Manouvers. Ability to oust the Marshal with a coup vote. Stavka reps effectively become authorised co-organisers for the democracy game to keep it moving. Partcipation from entire non-playing goup here as worker represetatives/generals/advisors etc

    Economic Minister In Charge of the Science, tax, lux rate. In charge of assigning specialists to all cities. Controls the Caucauses Oil Fields. Must give approval for use of the rubles in rush buying by the Front Commanders and Armaments Minister. Controls the movement of Lend-Lease Program freight once they land in Murmansk. Reports to the Marshal.

    Armaments Minster In charge of the Ural Mountains Industrial Complex of cities and the production of those not directly under control of a Front commander (these western cities like Tula and Orel etc will eventually be occupied by Commanders, negating duty). Controls what is produced. Controls workers and labor brigades within the region for maximum output. Must gain the agreement of the Economic Minister to spend money out of the national treasury. Reports to the Marshal.

    Game Rules

    Using MGE not FW
    No disbanding Red Army units en masse during opening months. (as the events need them)
    No pillaging of fortress's in summer 41 (events need them)
    No Airlifting UK convoys to anywhere on the continent.
    No building cities over, or moving of fortification units.
    No 'airfileds as railroads' techniques.
    No frieghters as unlim move links
    Must use standard RF1.4 rules and events files.
    Stavka members can command a front but ministers cannot.

    Turn play will go like this:

    1st: Marshal
    2nd: Everyone else Please post when you begin playing your part! That way we won't have two people playing the same file and end up having to repeat a front. And to doubly make sure that we don't miss anyone, please say who was the last person to play in front of you. Save files will be posted in special thread so that ministers and commanders do not have to go looking through the entire forum to find the latest save game.
    3rd: Marshal who ends the turn
    Last edited by Colwyn; May 20, 2003, 01:30.
    Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.

  • #2
    From this it is not entirely clear who has resposibility for selling improvenents this is a VERY important stratagy in Red Front, too keep the ecomony in the black, get more money for rushbuying and denying improvements to the Axis. It looks to me that it would be the resposibility of the Armaments minister and the Front Commanders in frontline cities but it's not clear from the rules so-far.
    Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


    • #3
      Good catch!

      Good topic for discussion, I was always presumed it was the econmics minister myself ie you greeny.
      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


      • #4
        Re: Stavka HQ - June 1941

        Originally posted by Colwyn

        No frieghters as unlim move links
        what does this mean?

        Posting of completed saved file turns procedure
        is everybody going to have acces to the save file?

        the marshall change only by coup d'etat??
        no period elections

        I'll say one more time that I don´t like the idea of the front comanders moving their own units,
        but it seems I'm the only one so...
        Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
        Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


        • #5
          Re: Re: Stavka HQ - June 1941

          No frieghters as unlim move links

          This is a way of moving units over huge distances of water in one turn by moving a frieghter with units onto an empty frieghter, unsleeping them to move them to this other frieghter them moving the new frieghter onto another frieghter etc.

          is everybody going to have acces to the save file?

          everyone is free to downlad it at anytime, but a Font cammander/minister downloading it to play their turn will have to "sign it out" by posting they have downloaded the .sav so no-one else plays from it, then they play their moves and post the new file.

          the marshall change only by coup d'etat??
          This is the Soviet Union comrade! Long live the glorious dictatorship!

          The Marshal could orginise elections I suppose, but periodic ones wouldn't realy be in the sprit of Stainist Russia would it? Coup d'etat (by Stavka vote?) will probably happen id people are unhappy with the Marshal (citizens are free to plot away in secret gaining support for one)

          I'll say one more time that I don´t like the idea of the front comanders moving their own units,

          There are so many units in this scenario that it would be impossible for the Front Commanders to tell the Marshal what to do with each one. Small scale Tactics are very important in this scenario and we dont what to take that away from front commanders. And if an attack fails, they need to decide during that turn whether to throw more troops into the attack or not.

          Front Commanders moving their own units is the most feisible way IMHO.
          Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


          • #6
            Marshal has authorised commanders to sell

            Originally posted by greeny
            From this it is not entirely clear who has resposibility for selling improvenents this is a VERY important stratagy in Red Front, too keep the ecomony in the black, get more money for rushbuying and denying improvements to the Axis. It looks to me that it would be the resposibility of the Armaments minister and the Front Commanders in frontline cities but it's not clear from the rules so-far.
            see top of thread for updated post
            Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


            • #7

              I suggest it may be wise to indicate a download link to the most recent version of Red Front 1.4!


              • #8
                I also think we should have a game map image with areas of front and ministerial control marked out clearly.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by curtsibling
                  I also think we should have a game map image with areas of front and ministerial control marked out clearly.
                  usually that is up to the propaganda minister, but since I'm pulling double duty by being the marshal as well, I have no time to devote to the creation of such a map, perhaps if an assistant editor of PRAVDA is hired they can work on the map


                  • #10
                    I am curious, are multiple reloads legal? Also, how is Stavka membership decided?
                    Sea Kings TOT

                    Sors salutis/ et virtutis/ michi nunc contraria,/ est affectus/ et defectus/ semper in angaria./
                    Hac in hora/ sine mora/ corde pulsem tangite;/ quod per sortem/ sternit fortem,/ mecum omnes plangite!


                    • #11
                      Important meeting to clarify..

                      Whether the front commanders move first before the Marshal brings up reinforcements, air lifts etc or whether they look at the new save and then ask permission from the marshal so they can move the reinforcements/air lift etc in their turn.

                      Ie ideally I would like at the start of my next turn get authority from the marshall to take over the moves for : the Pe2 bomber in moscow,T-26's, Mech info and airlift a vetran AA and move the Artillery/mech info at Bryansk for the defence of smolensk.

                      I propose that we set a rule that once the marshal posts the new turn that (if) commanders want to requistions command of units that are not in the front line that they ask the marshal prior to taking their turn.

                      This will be easier than front commanders giving a long list of movement requests to the marshal, and after all you need the reinforcements or not first before planning any stratergy during your turn.

                      PS stavka was elected in a poll, if you want in get some support and post a new poll.
                      Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                      • #12
                        I was planning on moving the reinforcements to the very rear of your front and then allowing the commanders to take over command at that point. It is my plan to have the fronts so deep that units that arrive at the back of the front will usually take around 6-9 spaces before reaching the front line. is that acceptable or do you still want to have control of units even farther back than that?


                        • #13
                          Sounds good to me!

                          Good plan H tower!

                          I'm assuming that you are going to move these units first in the turn then?

                          How do you want to play airlifts? I guess you would do this right at the end of the turn before you give the germans their turn, front commanders can't move these anyway that turn. This also gives the marshal the option to shore up any weak defences he see's fit.
                          Pavlov Zangalis - Hero of the capture of Berlin RFDG.


                          • #14
                            allowing commanders the maximum amount of control for units is a good thing Sometimes though, it feels as though barely enough cities are under your control. For example, after the Germans are stopped, I will only have 3 cities under my jurisdiction, and nothing farther back into mother russia. Just seems a bit....claustrophobic.
                            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by The ANZAC
                              allowing commanders the maximum amount of control for units is a good thing Sometimes though, it feels as though barely enough cities are under your control. For example, after the Germans are stopped, I will only have 3 cities under my jurisdiction, and nothing farther back into mother russia. Just seems a bit....claustrophobic.
                              relax, no worries, more cities will be given unto you, and i will always be giving you reinforcements.

                              And besides, what makes you think you'll still be a marshal by the time we stop the germans?

