HTower Proposal
Generals only command troops, no cities and no zion workers unless specially worked out with the Minister of Infrastructure and settlement
Northern Front - Golan Heights and Lebanon
Judean Front - Haifa to Netanyah to Jerico to Tiberius
Jerusalem\South East Front - West Jerusalem to Eilat (stretching along the border with Jordan)
Gaza Front - Ashdod, Gevaram, Tekumah
Minister of Immigration - In charge of bringing in immigrants from Cyprus and Saudi Arabia
Prime Minister - Plays the end of turn, person in charge, appoints Generals
Minister of Infrastructure and settlement - Controls city build queues, and zion workers.
Minister of Economy and Science - Sets the science/tax/luxury rate approves all rushbuys. Manages the treasury
Daily Haifa - Newspaper editor charged with generating stories about the game
Mossad - Efficiency experts, keeping track if cities are being optimally used?
Deputy Ministers - Fill in ministers that are absent, those on vacation, etc, etc.
Admiral - Not neccesary IMO since the minister of immigration controls the transports and our small navy can be controlled by the generals who have ships along their front
1st: Prime Minister
2nd: Northern Front
2nd: Judea Front
2nd: Jerusalem Front
2nd: Gaza Front
2nd: Minister of Immigration
2nd: Minister of Infrastructure and Settlement
3rd: Minister of Economy and Science
4th: Mossad (optional)
5th: Prime Minister
All of the positions that are noted as 2nd are interchangeable, they can be played in any order. Order will be maintained through use of a turn thread, where ministers and generals are allowed to sign in and sign out the save. See the Red Front Demo Game for example.
Prime Minister - Every 6 game months, an election will be held. Votes of no confidence can occur at any time. Simple majority rules in both cases.
Generals - Chosen by the Prime Minister, serve at the Prime Minister's pleasure.
Knesset offices - Selected by Rpime Minister. (I imagine that some back room dealing will go on between parties to chose a Prime Minister, here's where the reward to the other party comes in).
Deputies - Selected by the office holder.
Mossad - Selected by Prime Minister, serves at his pleasure.
Siro's Plan
Prime Minister
-Oversees general policy issues
-Executes game orders and runs the game
-Posts updates and queries on the forums and site
-Elected by relative vote of different parties.
-Presents government according to his likings from his own and other parties.
-Can be overthrow by 2/3 vote of parliament, or 50% absolute vote
-Declares and calls elections
-Appoints and dismisses Justices
-Elected in direct elections.
-Can be overthrow by 2/3 vote of parliament, or 50% absolute vote
-Devises strategic war plans
-Appoints Chief of Staff
-Commands intelligence activities
-Responsible for home front defence
-Responsible for science, taxes and luxuries.
-Responsible for managing settlers in public works.
-Responsible for managing cities
-Determines city productios
-Responsible for founding new cities.
-Responsible for talks and deals with foreign governments
Advises foreign policy to the PM and Defense minister.
High Justice
-Oversees court activity
-Resides appeals court
-Overthrows officials without vote
-Formulates new laws.
-Manages law making (accepts laws, and archives them)
-Defends government in court.
2 Justices
-Reside in cases, judge and document them.
-Posts criticism of the game in all senses.
-Observes constitution
-Can file suits to the court
-Appointed by the president or by popular vote
-Documents and archives events in the forums and the game.
-Is appointed by the president or by popular vote.
Chief of Staff
-Appointed and dismissed by the PM
-Devises tactical war plans
-IDF chief commander
Lebanon and Syria
Palestine and Jordan
-South West
-South East
Saudi Arabia and Iraq
-Air & Paratroops
Responsible for managing the air force and aiding needing commands
-Navy & Marines
Responsible for managing the navy and aiding needing commands
I'll be the first to admit that my plan is not fine tuned, and I know that Emugod and I discussed a different election process, but I can't explain it exactly. These are the only two plans I saw, and unfortunately Demo game mods can't split threads, because then we could just use the posts from the "Anyone interested in Exodus Demogame?" thread.