A new game needs a new memberlist since the old one is outdated by now.
Now I could just copy from the civgroup list but I'm not sure how many will be playing in the next game and who is just to lazy to remove the icon.
So please sign your name below if you're going to play in the next game. (and get +1 for doing so
In alphabetical order:
. -JRabbit
. 123john321
. atawa
. atomant
. Ben Kenobi (Formely known as Obiwan 18)
. Bob_Smurf42
. BruceTheStupid
. CannonFodder
. Cavebear
. CivGeneral
. civman2000
. CivPatriot
. Coldwizard
. comte_umanov
. conmcb25
. Darkness' Edge
. deity
. Dre of Compton
. duke o' york
. GhengisFarb
. Gramphos
. H-Tower
. Hydey
. James Adams
. ljcvetko
. Makahlua
. Matthew22
. MrWhereItsAt
. nivs
. Ren
. rjmatsleepers
. shade
. Shaka Naldur
. sirsnuggles
. Six Thousand Year Old Man
. Sparrowhawk
. Stalin II
. Straybow
. teic
. War4ever
. Yurt
. Zedd
Now I could just copy from the civgroup list but I'm not sure how many will be playing in the next game and who is just to lazy to remove the icon.

So please sign your name below if you're going to play in the next game. (and get +1 for doing so

In alphabetical order:
. -JRabbit
. 123john321
. atawa
. atomant
. Ben Kenobi (Formely known as Obiwan 18)
. Bob_Smurf42
. BruceTheStupid
. CannonFodder
. Cavebear
. CivGeneral
. civman2000
. CivPatriot
. Coldwizard
. comte_umanov
. conmcb25
. Darkness' Edge
. deity
. Dre of Compton
. duke o' york
. GhengisFarb
. Gramphos
. H-Tower
. Hydey
. James Adams
. ljcvetko
. Makahlua
. Matthew22
. MrWhereItsAt
. nivs
. Ren
. rjmatsleepers
. shade
. Shaka Naldur
. sirsnuggles
. Six Thousand Year Old Man
. Sparrowhawk
. Stalin II
. Straybow
. teic
. War4ever
. Yurt
. Zedd