My home computer is dead.
On Dec 24th, I was able to get it to my computer shop for repair, but they advised me yesterday that it is beyond repair (motherboard burnt out, for starters). I am having a completely new one assembled, but it won't be available til Dec 31st or even Jan 2nd, and I'll still have to load all my software back on after that (unless my old hard drive is still functioning and can be copied to the new one).
I can read email and this site from the office, but I'll be without access Sat, Sun, and Mon.
I *will* post the election polls before I leave the office this afternoon.
Among other things, this computer crash means I will be unable to play a last session before the new term. I suggest that it be left to the incoming President. The new Pres can play a session immediately, based on the existing polls and reports. The new Cabinet can start their terms with polls based on the new Pres's first session.
Sorry to have thrown sand into the machinery of government,
but I had no way of anticipating this equipment failure. I'll be back online just as quickly as possible.
I can read email and this site from the office, but I'll be without access Sat, Sun, and Mon.
Among other things, this computer crash means I will be unable to play a last session before the new term. I suggest that it be left to the incoming President. The new Pres can play a session immediately, based on the existing polls and reports. The new Cabinet can start their terms with polls based on the new Pres's first session.
Sorry to have thrown sand into the machinery of government,