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Trade in 1650 AD

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  • #16
    But can those city's survive a stray boat in Demo?

    Our gouverment will fall if any city is unhappy for more then 1 turn in Demo

    And I dont expect uor president wanting to mass shift workers every turn.

    We need to adress this problem asap


    • #17
      Originally posted by cavebear

      Many of the Caravels are far away from a port they can harbor in to avoid unhappiness problems. It will be at least 23 turns (minus whatever trading beaker benefits we get) before we can get Magnetism and they upgrade to Galleons (solving the unhappiness problem). Surely we do not want to stop trading for that long?

      Originally posted by -Jrabbit

      I've never tried this, but it sounds like a great way around the happiness problems. Plus, we have plenty of city sites, so all we need is to repurpose a few settlers.
      We can call it the Stupid Strategy.
      It depends what we want to pursue in research. If we can make do with caravels for a while (limited cargo space and fewer moves) because we have limited numbers of Caravans to send/limited distances to send them, rather than research Magnetism, we may want to focus on something else.

      The more turns it would take to get to Magnetism, the more advantageous devoting a size 1 city to Caravel support becomes. We could wait for someone else to discover Magnetism and trade for it if we then don't really "need" it.

      I always believed I played with a Stupid Strategy, I just never specified any particular part of it as Stupid before....
      "It's not about whether you win or lose, it's about how many people you can slaugher playing the game...." - BruceTheStupid, 2400BC.

