"All the world marvels at our superior intellect sire!" As well they should, we're the most advanced nation, but that is no reason to rest on our laurels, We need to continue to encourage our scientists to discover new technologies for us.
We are currently researching theology which will allow us to build J.S. Bach's Cathedral(Decreases Unhappy Citizens on continent by 2 per city) It also cancels the effects of the Oracle which is in Delhi. The Oracle doubles the effects of all temples, so a period of disorder is possible in several cities which are close to going into disorder.
After that we can research: Fundamentalism, Genetic Engineering, Guerrilla Warfare, Magnestism, refining or Theory of Gravity.
--Fundamentalism Allows us to build Fanatics(4-4-1) We have the Statue of Liberty so there is no reason to discover Fundy unless we want Fanatics
--Genetic Engineering would allow us to build the Cure for Cancer wonder which is not really neccessary to have under a communist government.
--Guerrilla Warfare Allows us to build Partisans(4-4-1 all as road) and research Labor Union(w/mass production) which would give us Mech Infantry(6-6-3)
--Magnetism Which would normally allow us to build Galleons but we have already discovered industrialization and they would be obsolete. We could build Frigates but ironclads or transports would do a better job. We could also research Electricity. Magnetism also cancels the Lighthouse and we would lose one movement point for every ship and the automatic veteran status of every new ship built
Minister of war Shade reccommends we avoid discovering this tech for at least a few more turns.
--Refining Allows us to build power plants and research Combustion and Plastics(w/Spaceflight)
--Theory of Gravity Allows us to build Isaac Newton's College which doubles science output in that city and research Atomic Theory and Flightw/combustion)
Explanation of Secondary Technologies
--Electricity(requires Magnetism) It would allow us to build Destroyers(4-4-6) and research electronics, Radio(w/Flight), Refrigeration, and Steel. However, it would upgrade all our veteran ironclads to green destroyers and would cancel the Great Library, (which would be no great loss.) As with Magnestism, Minister of War, Shade reccommends against discovering Electricity for a while.
--Combustion(which requires Refining) would allow us to research Automobile(w/Steel), Flight(w/Theory of Gravity) and allow us to build Submarines(10-2-3) which IMO would be useless in this stage of the game.
--Atomic Theory would allow us to research Nuclear Fission wich would allow us to build the manhattan project, however nukes would not be available until we discover rocketry somewhere off in the distant future. In my mind, this make Atomic Theory worthless to us at this stage.
--Flight requires three techs which we have not yet acquired(Refining, Combustion and the Theory of Gravity). However it would allow us to build Fighters(4-2-10) It would also allow us to research Radio(w/Electricity).
Flight also cancels the effects of the Collossus which is in the Babylonian city of Ur
However Minister of War Shade will probab;y conquer Ur before we discover flight
We are currently researching theology which will allow us to build J.S. Bach's Cathedral(Decreases Unhappy Citizens on continent by 2 per city) It also cancels the effects of the Oracle which is in Delhi. The Oracle doubles the effects of all temples, so a period of disorder is possible in several cities which are close to going into disorder.
After that we can research: Fundamentalism, Genetic Engineering, Guerrilla Warfare, Magnestism, refining or Theory of Gravity.
--Fundamentalism Allows us to build Fanatics(4-4-1) We have the Statue of Liberty so there is no reason to discover Fundy unless we want Fanatics
--Genetic Engineering would allow us to build the Cure for Cancer wonder which is not really neccessary to have under a communist government.
--Guerrilla Warfare Allows us to build Partisans(4-4-1 all as road) and research Labor Union(w/mass production) which would give us Mech Infantry(6-6-3)
--Magnetism Which would normally allow us to build Galleons but we have already discovered industrialization and they would be obsolete. We could build Frigates but ironclads or transports would do a better job. We could also research Electricity. Magnetism also cancels the Lighthouse and we would lose one movement point for every ship and the automatic veteran status of every new ship built
Minister of war Shade reccommends we avoid discovering this tech for at least a few more turns.
--Refining Allows us to build power plants and research Combustion and Plastics(w/Spaceflight)
--Theory of Gravity Allows us to build Isaac Newton's College which doubles science output in that city and research Atomic Theory and Flightw/combustion)
Explanation of Secondary Technologies
--Electricity(requires Magnetism) It would allow us to build Destroyers(4-4-6) and research electronics, Radio(w/Flight), Refrigeration, and Steel. However, it would upgrade all our veteran ironclads to green destroyers and would cancel the Great Library, (which would be no great loss.) As with Magnestism, Minister of War, Shade reccommends against discovering Electricity for a while.
--Combustion(which requires Refining) would allow us to research Automobile(w/Steel), Flight(w/Theory of Gravity) and allow us to build Submarines(10-2-3) which IMO would be useless in this stage of the game.
--Atomic Theory would allow us to research Nuclear Fission wich would allow us to build the manhattan project, however nukes would not be available until we discover rocketry somewhere off in the distant future. In my mind, this make Atomic Theory worthless to us at this stage.
--Flight requires three techs which we have not yet acquired(Refining, Combustion and the Theory of Gravity). However it would allow us to build Fighters(4-2-10) It would also allow us to research Radio(w/Electricity).
Flight also cancels the effects of the Collossus which is in the Babylonian city of Ur
