Which is best?
Capitalist Democracy - producing large amounts of money. Having a small but up to date and highly mobile army. Having a group of well built up core cities which are highly productive. Being able to raise a large number of troops very quickly.
Good for long term, as production, tax and science are quite high.
Not so good for happiness, but when it is high it is VERY good - +1 population for cities celebrating "We love the Prime Minister/President"
Communism - producing moderate amounts of money. Having a large army, not very mobile and difficult to modernise quickly. Having some of your cities with good infastructure (but not brilliant), and some very unproductive and not well built up. Being able to raise a moderate number of troops quite quickly.
Not too brilliant for long term, as production, tax and science rates are not as high as in Democracy. Also miss out on +1 population per turn for Cities celebrating "We love the Prime Minister/President
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Capitalist Democracy - producing large amounts of money. Having a small but up to date and highly mobile army. Having a group of well built up core cities which are highly productive. Being able to raise a large number of troops very quickly.
Good for long term, as production, tax and science are quite high.
Not so good for happiness, but when it is high it is VERY good - +1 population for cities celebrating "We love the Prime Minister/President"
Communism - producing moderate amounts of money. Having a large army, not very mobile and difficult to modernise quickly. Having some of your cities with good infastructure (but not brilliant), and some very unproductive and not well built up. Being able to raise a moderate number of troops quite quickly.
Not too brilliant for long term, as production, tax and science rates are not as high as in Democracy. Also miss out on +1 population per turn for Cities celebrating "We love the Prime Minister/President
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