With the recent sucesses that we've had, we now have more techs to plan for and work with. In the last session, we researched:
and we are currently half done with University. Other civs techs that we don't have are:
Bridge Building (Egypt, India, Rome, America)
Economics (Egypt, America)
Medicine (Egypt, America)
Following university our possible techs will be:
Magnetism (Galleon, Frigate, Electricity (w/metallurgy))
Steam Engine (Ironclad, Eiffel Tower, Railroad (w/bridges))
Chivalry (Knights, Leadership)
Metallurgy (Cannon, Coastal Fortress, Conscription)
Medicine (sanitation)
Theory of Gravity (Newton's, Atomic Theory)
Theology (Bach's)
So, with that in mind, here are some possible tech paths that I've laid out:
Metallurgy -> Conscription
Metallurgy will net us Cannons (8.1.1) which would be very useful against the walled Egyptian and American cities. Conscription would then give us Riflemen (5.4.1), which all 54 of our Musketeers (3.3.1) would upgrade to thanks to Leo's. Conscription is also a prereq for Tactics (Alpine troops, cavalry)
Chivalry -> Leadership -> (Conscription) -> Tactics
This path would greatly upgrade our attacking forces. Chivalry will give Knights (4.2.2) which are slightly weaker offensively than the Crusaders (5.1.2) that we already have. Leadership gives Dragoons (5.2.2) that any existing Knights and Crusaders will upgrade to. Tactics is big - with it, we can get Cavalry (8.3.2) and our dragoons would upgrade to them.
Steam Engine -> (Bridge Building) -> Railroad
Steam Engine will give us Ironclads (4.4.4), and since we have both the Lighthouse and Magellan's, they will have stats of (4.4.7) and would let us easily dominate the seas. The Eiffel tower is a relatively useless wonder as we currently have a reputation of Excellent. Railroad will give us, well, railroads, as well as Darwin's Voyage (2 free techs).
Magnetism -> Metallurgy -> Electricity
Magnetism will give us Galleons (0.2.4) and Frigates (4.2.4). Our caravels will upgrade to one of these (but I'm not exactly sure which one. Military advisor?) However, it will also obsolete the advantages we have from the Lighthouse. Electricity will give us Destroyers (4.4.6), which Frigates upgrade to. It will also negate the American's Great Library.
Medicine -> Sanitation
Um, no. Medicine gives Shakespeare's, which the Americans already have, and none of our cities are in need of the sewer systems that Sanitation provides.
Theory of Gravity -> Atomic Theory
The only benefits this path would provide is Newton's College. I believe we can wait on this for a while.
Whew! Well, if you have your own suggestions for variations of these paths, go ahead and post them. You'll have 2 days to vote.
and we are currently half done with University. Other civs techs that we don't have are:
Bridge Building (Egypt, India, Rome, America)
Economics (Egypt, America)
Medicine (Egypt, America)
Following university our possible techs will be:
Magnetism (Galleon, Frigate, Electricity (w/metallurgy))
Steam Engine (Ironclad, Eiffel Tower, Railroad (w/bridges))
Chivalry (Knights, Leadership)
Metallurgy (Cannon, Coastal Fortress, Conscription)
Medicine (sanitation)
Theory of Gravity (Newton's, Atomic Theory)
Theology (Bach's)
So, with that in mind, here are some possible tech paths that I've laid out:
Metallurgy -> Conscription
Metallurgy will net us Cannons (8.1.1) which would be very useful against the walled Egyptian and American cities. Conscription would then give us Riflemen (5.4.1), which all 54 of our Musketeers (3.3.1) would upgrade to thanks to Leo's. Conscription is also a prereq for Tactics (Alpine troops, cavalry)
Chivalry -> Leadership -> (Conscription) -> Tactics
This path would greatly upgrade our attacking forces. Chivalry will give Knights (4.2.2) which are slightly weaker offensively than the Crusaders (5.1.2) that we already have. Leadership gives Dragoons (5.2.2) that any existing Knights and Crusaders will upgrade to. Tactics is big - with it, we can get Cavalry (8.3.2) and our dragoons would upgrade to them.
Steam Engine -> (Bridge Building) -> Railroad
Steam Engine will give us Ironclads (4.4.4), and since we have both the Lighthouse and Magellan's, they will have stats of (4.4.7) and would let us easily dominate the seas. The Eiffel tower is a relatively useless wonder as we currently have a reputation of Excellent. Railroad will give us, well, railroads, as well as Darwin's Voyage (2 free techs).
Magnetism -> Metallurgy -> Electricity
Magnetism will give us Galleons (0.2.4) and Frigates (4.2.4). Our caravels will upgrade to one of these (but I'm not exactly sure which one. Military advisor?) However, it will also obsolete the advantages we have from the Lighthouse. Electricity will give us Destroyers (4.4.6), which Frigates upgrade to. It will also negate the American's Great Library.
Medicine -> Sanitation
Um, no. Medicine gives Shakespeare's, which the Americans already have, and none of our cities are in need of the sewer systems that Sanitation provides.
Theory of Gravity -> Atomic Theory
The only benefits this path would provide is Newton's College. I believe we can wait on this for a while.
Whew! Well, if you have your own suggestions for variations of these paths, go ahead and post them. You'll have 2 days to vote.