My RL convention's over and my plane leaves in the a.m. Thought I'd check in on the most exciting elections in History of the United Minds of Apolyton.
Re: potentially tied elections
Your Historian strongly agrees
with the thought that the current VP is the correct person to break any and ALL tied election races. The outgoing and incoming Presidential candidates have too much at stake -- eg Shade running for a ministerial post (nothing personal, Shade; you know your Historian loves you
Since it appears that the VP is the only non-elective office we have, let that person make the judgment. No taint of political motivation. Well, we hope....
If the VP is running for a post that ends up in a tie, the new and non-tied electees should be polled (run-off), ON A PUBLIC THREAD.
Or -- you could let your loyal and humble Historian decide what's best for the ppl.
This would be based on a scholar's sense of historical imperative -- as far as you know....
I think we're worrying a lot about things that are not really all that likely, but these are nevertheless good quetions to address.
Thus this missive...
More thoughts, ppl?
Re: potentially tied elections
Your Historian strongly agrees

Since it appears that the VP is the only non-elective office we have, let that person make the judgment. No taint of political motivation. Well, we hope....

If the VP is running for a post that ends up in a tie, the new and non-tied electees should be polled (run-off), ON A PUBLIC THREAD.
Or -- you could let your loyal and humble Historian decide what's best for the ppl.

I think we're worrying a lot about things that are not really all that likely, but these are nevertheless good quetions to address.
Thus this missive...
More thoughts, ppl?
