My concern with the tax rate increase is mostly that it is not much of a gain and I didn't want people to think it would get us to Mike's in 3 turns instead of 8 or 9. Our route to Mike's is about the same, tax rate change or not.
We can't even *start* the proposed tax rate change until we get Monotheism, because that would change our research rate from the current 12 (with 3 turns to completion) to 24 (with 15 turns to compeletion).
But all that aside, I support getting Mike's as quickly as possible by almost any means. We are so limited by having numerous workers stuck as entertainers, and many cities producing only 1 or 2 usable shields that I would disband some Warriors and even Triremes into Sodaq to speed Mike's up by a couple of turns.
We are living off of Martial Law. That causes us to have Warriors of little value eating up shield production and it prevents us from constructing valuable long-term benefits like Libraries and Marketplaces that can increase our gold and tech discovery.
I want us to be able to afford Elephants and Legions, not Warriors. Eliminating unhappiness with Mike's is step 1 on the path to that, so that is my priority. After that, I'll build you Dips and trading Caravans and Libraries where they produce the most benefits.
The better to overcome our enemies...
We can't even *start* the proposed tax rate change until we get Monotheism, because that would change our research rate from the current 12 (with 3 turns to completion) to 24 (with 15 turns to compeletion).
But all that aside, I support getting Mike's as quickly as possible by almost any means. We are so limited by having numerous workers stuck as entertainers, and many cities producing only 1 or 2 usable shields that I would disband some Warriors and even Triremes into Sodaq to speed Mike's up by a couple of turns.
We are living off of Martial Law. That causes us to have Warriors of little value eating up shield production and it prevents us from constructing valuable long-term benefits like Libraries and Marketplaces that can increase our gold and tech discovery.
I want us to be able to afford Elephants and Legions, not Warriors. Eliminating unhappiness with Mike's is step 1 on the path to that, so that is my priority. After that, I'll build you Dips and trading Caravans and Libraries where they produce the most benefits.
The better to overcome our enemies...