1400AD - I get the message that our food reserves are running low - one more turn of Xinning left until we need to stock some more grain. Hope I get the Xinning right...
Moreover, perhaps as a protest to the uncertainty of having a new and unfamiliar ruler driving his constituents to the brink of starvation, the 'We Love the Consul Day' is cancelled. Either that or those were just the celebrations farewelling Zedd from his popular government.
1420AD - Celts abandon building Mike's Chapel.
Whew! I managed to pull off the Xinning OK - everyone is still here. Now to go back to food for a turn. Maybe I'll trickily try to end up with only the tiniest surplus necessary whilst still having some Scientists, and then can go to a ful turn of Xinning next. Hmm, I see that doesn't really work. Looks like the most prouctive thing to do is put them all back on the map working and up the lux to 20% to keep the peace.
1440AD - Celts reundertake Mike's Chapel. I get the feeling I will be typing this a lot...
Back to Xinning.
1460AD - Not much...
1480AD - Celts abandon... you get the picture
1500AD -
1510AD - Celts reundertake Mike's Chapel
1520AD - Harbour built. I change to a Caravan. Science meter turns red - looks like we only have a few more turns until Astronomy.
1530AD - Persians build Shakespeare's Theatre in Persepolis.
1540AD - Herodotus rates us as 7th in the list of largest Civilisations - Hopeless.
The Zulus start on Darwin's Voyage 
That's it. I've rejigged the workforce in Apolytonia to stock some food again, and it looks like after next turn we will get Mathematics, then hopefully we will have the choice of going for Astronomy and University. After Astronomy finally comes Navigation.

Moreover, perhaps as a protest to the uncertainty of having a new and unfamiliar ruler driving his constituents to the brink of starvation, the 'We Love the Consul Day' is cancelled. Either that or those were just the celebrations farewelling Zedd from his popular government.
1420AD - Celts abandon building Mike's Chapel.
Whew! I managed to pull off the Xinning OK - everyone is still here. Now to go back to food for a turn. Maybe I'll trickily try to end up with only the tiniest surplus necessary whilst still having some Scientists, and then can go to a ful turn of Xinning next. Hmm, I see that doesn't really work. Looks like the most prouctive thing to do is put them all back on the map working and up the lux to 20% to keep the peace.
1440AD - Celts reundertake Mike's Chapel. I get the feeling I will be typing this a lot...
Back to Xinning.
1460AD - Not much...
1480AD - Celts abandon... you get the picture
1500AD -
1510AD - Celts reundertake Mike's Chapel
1520AD - Harbour built. I change to a Caravan. Science meter turns red - looks like we only have a few more turns until Astronomy.
1530AD - Persians build Shakespeare's Theatre in Persepolis.
1540AD - Herodotus rates us as 7th in the list of largest Civilisations - Hopeless.

That's it. I've rejigged the workforce in Apolytonia to stock some food again, and it looks like after next turn we will get Mathematics, then hopefully we will have the choice of going for Astronomy and University. After Astronomy finally comes Navigation.