Inside the Great hall that he himself ordered constructed, Zedd looks upon the gathered crowd. The appointment of the representative of the new Republic was designed to be a great festival, there many gifts of worth were distributed to the people and games of entertainment were contrived so that all the people were happy. And to his great delight the people held true to their former king and requested that He lead them as the new consul. Also held forward as new leaders of the nation were:
Minister of Trade MrWhereItsAt,
Minister of the guard Bear,
Minister of Science, former advisor to the King, Duke o’ York
And so the years progressed, and here is their tale.
The Great city of Apolytonia reaches 200,000 (size 6, 1 red face)
Some worked adjustment and we get 3 happy and three content.
Now Size 7
we now have 1 peminent red face so Adjust taxes to 20,80,0 and switch 5 workers to scientists. The other two are sent to the Whaling ships and thus research becomes 5 turns with no deficit.
TRADE > MASONRY from banking, horses, medicine, pottery, and warrior code.
Tax adjustment required, new setting is 30,70,0 for 6 turns and a meager profit.
Start the Xin rotation as food stores are exauhsted.
Taxes to 20,50,30 = 1 red face and 10 turns to tech (0 G)
Celts complete Marco’s place
620 Xin once more at 30,70,0
640 20,50,30
of bank, horse, math, meds, pottery, and warrior code.
New tax adjustment is 50,50,0 during Xin = 7G and 7 turns, two workers remain on whales.
Back to 20,50,30 for non-Xin turns
Zuluz build KRC
Apolytonia builds first Caravan, beads is the only item that has any demand (Souix) so I choose it. Continue the camel breeding.
740 & 760
780 Persian city of Persepolis builds oracle
800 Zulus start Leo’s workshop
820 taxes at 50,50 and with the Xin we will have CONSTRUCTION next turn.
I stop here so that a new tech path can be voted on, I suggest pottery and then seafaring for a harbor.
Strange boats bearing white flags (celts) were spotted briefly to the west as they passed within sight of our island.
Ministers, take it away.
Minister of Trade MrWhereItsAt,
Minister of the guard Bear,
Minister of Science, former advisor to the King, Duke o’ York
And so the years progressed, and here is their tale.
The Great city of Apolytonia reaches 200,000 (size 6, 1 red face)
Some worked adjustment and we get 3 happy and three content.
Now Size 7


TRADE > MASONRY from banking, horses, medicine, pottery, and warrior code.
Tax adjustment required, new setting is 30,70,0 for 6 turns and a meager profit.

Start the Xin rotation as food stores are exauhsted.
Taxes to 20,50,30 = 1 red face and 10 turns to tech (0 G)
Celts complete Marco’s place
620 Xin once more at 30,70,0
640 20,50,30

New tax adjustment is 50,50,0 during Xin = 7G and 7 turns, two workers remain on whales.
Back to 20,50,30 for non-Xin turns
Zuluz build KRC
Apolytonia builds first Caravan, beads is the only item that has any demand (Souix) so I choose it. Continue the camel breeding.
740 & 760

780 Persian city of Persepolis builds oracle
800 Zulus start Leo’s workshop
820 taxes at 50,50 and with the Xin we will have CONSTRUCTION next turn.
I stop here so that a new tech path can be voted on, I suggest pottery and then seafaring for a harbor.
Strange boats bearing white flags (celts) were spotted briefly to the west as they passed within sight of our island.
Ministers, take it away.